Chapter 8

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I was wearing a pair of tight, black, workout shorts with a white tank top with a rainbow across the front of it. Today Damon was training me on how to fight 'correctly'. According to him me kicking a guy over and over again with all my might wasn't good enough. We had moved the couch in my living room to the side and had spread a mat out on the floor. It turns out everyone had plans outside of keeping me safe from impending danger.  

So Damon and I were the only ones at the house today. Fun. He had just waked in on me stretching. He smirks, "what are you doing?"

"Eating a potato. No duh. I'm stretching."

"I can see that."

"Good. I wouldn't want you to be blind. Then your life would have no meaning, not being able to see this gorgeous face." I say as I point to my face.

"I never said you were gorgeous."

"Actually you kind of did when you said Rose was gorgeous and I look exactly like her soooo."

He smirks, "it wasn't just her face that attracted me."

I cover my eyes, "shhh. I do NOT want to know."

He points to me now in the splits, "No vampire is going to wait on you to strech, regardless of your 'gorgeous' face'."

I point to him as I stand up, "You did."

He shrugs and heads over to the mat. I follow him and stand across from him. He says, "first things first throw a punch at me with all your might I won't move."

I nod and clench my fist I throw it at his jaw. I feel all the force run through my veins but am suddenly stopped by him grabbing my fist before it can make contact.he then begins to squeeze and I yelp out in pain. I instantly throw my knee and it collides with his groin. His eyes widen and he hunches over as I laugh. It really is fun to beat up a vampire. He stands back up, "okay, form what I can tell your strength trumps mine which means you will probably be a tad more than an original and about the same as Klaus. Now run."


"I want to see how fast you can run"

I roll my eyes and begin to jog around the living room. He steps in front of me and I clumsily collide with his chest and fall on the floor, landing on my ankle the wrong way. I look at him and yell, "Ow. I am still capable of pain!"

He rolls his eyes and picks me up and then sets me down in the couch, "I wanted to see how fast you healed,"

He sits down beside me and drapes my legs across his lap. He then takes off my shoe and examines my ankle. When he touches it with pressure I scream, "Damon!"

Just then I notice that the pain slowly begins to fade away until I feel fine. I look at him die eyed, "what just happened?!"

"You healed, not as fast as a vampire but close."

"Okay. That doesn't make it hurt any less!"

He rolls his eyes "try running again but as fast as possible."








"Just for my own amusement."

"Ugh, fine!" I roll my eyes and begin to run as fast as possible. However suddenly everything starts to blur as I pick up speed. I stop in a few seconds and look at Damon in shock. "Told ya."

I laugh, "what was that?"

"It was you running with twice the speed of a vampire."

I shrug, "cool"

"Next we are going to fight."

I walk over to the mat, "okay"

I clench my fists and get in a fighting stance. He throws a punch, I threw a punch and it kinda went on for a while until I got him behind the knee, causing him to fall to the floor. I hit him in the chest as of it were a stake. He smiles at me and I start doing a happy dance.

However out of nowhere he yanks me to the floor beside him and says, "never trust a vampire,"

"You were supposed to be a dead vampire." I pout. As I poke were my imaginary stake was.

He pulls me to face him and asks "could a dead vampire do this?" 

At that very instant fangs pop out of his teeth and he jumps at me. I crawl away in fear and let out a scream. He stops and bursts out laughing and I slap him across the chest. He groans in pain and I giggle in response. 



um.... so this is my first note for this story. i would love all of you guys sooooo much if you would please comment. If you like you can even say which couple is your favorite in my story. I really hope you guys are liking it and feel free to make up team name's and all!

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now