Chapter 11

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I walk up to the huge mansion which Klaus had taken me to. I trudge up the stepas and notice I am still in my pajamas and have noe shoes on. I sure am a math matician. 

I ring the doorbell to the huge home and it is answered by a blond girl from my dream. I try to remember a name and suddenly the name Rebeka comes to mind. However when she sees me her eyes widen and she mutters, "Juliet?"

 I shake my head, "No it's Kit, but you can call me Kitty."

Then I hear a British accent yell, "Rebeka! Who is it?"

I answer for her, "It's Kitty."

Instantly Klaus is in the doorway. With a grin across his face, "Nice to see you finally came."

He holds out his hand and I take it as I enter the house. He leads me through the maze of his home until we are in some sort of a living room. He pulls out a glass of what appears to be whiskey and places another beside it, "Drink?"

I shake my head, "I don't drink."

He just leaves the second glass there and gestures for me to take a seat. I do as he says and sit down with him beside me. I say, "I want answers."

"To what?"

"To why I had a dream about you a long time ago. You and your whole family was there. Two of your siblings were sword fighting. When you saw me you hugged me and kissed my hand. Everything was all to real."

He smiles, "It appears your ancestors are trying to tell you about your past."

"Who is Rose?"

He smiles, "Aww Rose. She was madly in love with both of the Salvatore brothers, and they both loved her. But when Katherine came along she compelled them both to love her over Rose. To pratically forget her. Then when Damon turned he went looking for Rose but when he got to her he lost control and killed her."

"And who was Juliet?"

"She was the first doppelganger of your kind. She was the sister of the Patrova doppelganger. She was actually more gorgeous on the inside and out. After we all turned I learned she was with child. My child. A vampire child. When my mother found out she was furious. She went after Juliet and cast a spell on her. The spell killed her and the child but started another line of doppelgangers. You."

"That doesn't explain why you want me."

"You look like my old love and I am interested in what you are capable off. With Elena gone I have nothing to work with but now I have you."


"Yes, the Julias doppelganger."

I then hear clapping behind us and I turn to see Stefan and Damon in the doorway. I roll my eys and look away from them as I hear them move over to us. "Kitty are you all right?"

"I'm fine Stefan."

"I'm fine Stefan." Damon mocks. I turn to give him a stern glare.

I stand up, "I'm going to go home." I turn to Klaus, "Will you try to not stalk me so I can go to school agian."

He smirks, "Yes love."

I stand up and walk out the door as I say, "Now I can actually get away from Damon for a few hours."


I was sitting in my room and listening to, "Only Exception" by Paramour. At that precise moment Stefan walks through the door. When I seehe's not Damon I send him a smile and look back down to my laptop. 

"Are you all right Kitty?"

I nod but then turn to face him. "When I was with Klaus he told me about Rose. He said that both of you were in love with her. That she loved both of you."

He nods, "We loved her before Kathrine came along. She convinced us that we didn't care about her. Honestly she made us treat her like hell. But I do know one thing."


"Every girl we both loved. Kathrine, Elena. They always chose me. But Rose she chose Damon."

"Why would she choose Damon?"

He shrugs, "I don't know but I do know that he loved her. He was actually going to marry her when he came back from the war. But then Kathrine took that choice away from him."

"Thanks for telling me."

No problem and as he left he placed a light kiss on my cheek and disappeared. I rubbed the spot where he had kissed me and I swear I felt a spark. I don't know of what yet . But a spark.

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now