Chapter 17

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I stepped out of the shower the warm moist humidity sticking to my already damp skin. I threw the towel over my skin and quickly drying it. I pulled my long hair out of the bun I had created for the shower. I wrapped a red silky rope around myself as I walked into my room to gather myself clothes. But for the first time since I stepped out of my shower I heard a nail biting beat that was trying to be music but really wasn't. I screamed from my room knowing the vampire would hear me even over the loud music, "Damon! What the hell is going on!"

Within seconds my closed door was thrown open and in walked Damon, "Kitty, what is it?"

I raise my eyebrows, "What is wrong? What is going on down there?"

He shrugged, "I asked over a few of your friends and some of my friends to celebrate."

"Celebrate what?"

He throws his hands up in the air, "Your graduation!"

"Damon I didn't graduate I dropped out remember?"

"I know! I'm talking about something much more important than an education. You're done training. I can't help you any more. Keep in shape and you'll be ready for anything that's thrown your way."

My eyes widen, "Really I'm done?"

He smirks, "That's why we're celebrating!", he walks over and lightly pushes me towards my closet, "Now I'm not complaining that you're naked under those whatsoever, however if you wear that I'm afraid that Matt or some other human will look at you a little to closely."

I give him a dirty look, "Prick."

He chuckles lightly, "The same prick we both very well know you would tap without a second thought." He turns, as do I so I can look over my closet.

And the second I think I'm safe a hand lightly slaps my ass. And I'll be perfectly honest I didn't mind. I loved the feeling of his touch sexual or not. And I'm not going to lie if I had the opportunity I would probably have sex with him. No not probably I would. The real question is, do I have genuine feelings for him or am I simply attracted to him. I'd like to think the second one but lately, I really don't know.

I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top and walked out feet bare. I hoped down the stairs and was slightly surprised at the amount of people that were in my home. Damon had said some of my friends and some of friends; I assumed he met 20 or less people not over 100. And knowing Damon most of them were porn stars, college students, strippers, prostitutes, or even vampires themselves. I looked around the room and finally met a familiar face Caroline, I rushed over to her, "Caroline what the heck is this?"

She had a drink in hand and when she realized who I was her eyes widened, "It's you're party silly," she looked me over disgusted, "Sweetie. What are you wearing?"

I looked down at my clothes, compared to everyone else I did look a touch underdressed, "They're clothes. Why? What's wrong with them?"

She giggles and grabs my arm tugging me back up the stairs and back into my room, "Kitty I can tell you are totally into a certain vampire,"

I rise my hands, "Wait, is this about Damon? If so I am not interested in him."

She smirks while sifting through my closet, "You're in denial. Anyway you saw the girls downstairs. He could have any one of them if he really wanted. They're down there looking all sexy. And you wanna show up to your own party in jeans. No. We will make you the Belle of the ball." Finally she hands me a small piece of fabric on a hanger and a pair of 6 inch black stilettos with red heels. Next she shoves my in the bathroom.

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now