Chapter 6

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I awoke on the floor of a huge mansion. I instantly sit up and see the British guy run over to me in seconds. Great another vampire. He crouches down next to me and pushes the hair lying on my face behind my ear. Then he suddenly picks me up makes me lean into his chest. I try to squirm out of his grasp but he keeps his iron hold on me.

Eventually he speaks up, "you know love,when you struggle you are only making it harder for yourself."

"Ewwww" I groan. What this dude was a creep?!

His eyes flare with rage, "kit."

"That's my name don't overuse it." I snark.

All of a sudden dark veins appear in his eyes and fangs appear in his mouth. I let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Then Piper walks in and says, "Klaus leave the poor girl alone."

He rolls his eyes and sets me down on a couch gently he plops down beside me just as I remember who he is. He is the one that turned Mystical Falls to hell. He was the one that used Elena to make hybrids.

Then he begins to play with my hair and his hands creep up my face taking off my mask. He then stands me up and puts one of his arms around my waste and the other on my hand. I then place my hand on his shoulder. Piper quietly walks out if the room as music begins to play. After a few minutes of dancing he speaks up, "the dress you are wearing gorgeous,"

"Thanks," I mumble half heatedly

"You know white really says a lot about a person."

"Really?" I ask sarcastically.

"White shows you are innocent, pure, virgin, and perfect."

"You don't know me."

"I do. Probably better than you know yourself."

Then at that moment Stefan, Damon, Jeremy, Caroline, Tyler, Bonnie, and Matt run in. I gasp and try to get out of Klaus'a grasp. I push away form his grasp and he turns me to face the others with an arm wrapped around my neck. He states, "come any closer and I break her neck."

I speak up,"no he won't!"

He slaps me across the face and Jeremy speaks up angrily, "let her go you bastard!"

Then a Piper walks out and giggles. Damon gives her a look of confusion and tries to grab her but is pushed back by something. "That's not fair!" Pouts Caroline.

"Bonnie narrows her eyes and growls, "witch!"

Piper covers her mouth in fake shock, "OMG I never saw that coming." She turns to Klaus "ready?"

He smiles a toothy grin at me, "as I'll ever be"

"Okay it's pretty simple, just bite her."

He smiles at me and tries to make me move my neck to the side "no!" I yelp

"Yes!!!" And then he leans down slowly. His lips touch my skin in a kiss. And then all of a sudden the lips turn into sharp fangs and he bites me. I feel the pain as he slowly takes blood from my body. After about 5 seconds he releases me and I fall to the ground. I suddenly feel a tingly almost burning sensation go throughout my entire body. I fell my chest rise and I begin to rise above the ground to we're I am levitating. Then I blacked out.

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now