Chapter 12

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I was now walking into school.  Ready and excited. I really loved school. mainly because it made me not have to spend the entire day with Damon. He can get VERY annoying sometimes. The sucky thing about school though is that Jeremy is like my only friend all my other friends have graduated. Poo them. 

I was wearing a blue, long sleeve over sized sweater with a mustache on it. Paired with lightly washed skinny jeans and black converse. I walked over to my locker but before I open it I notice something. On my locker there are a bunch of notes taped to it saying 'Happy Birthday!' or 'Happy 18th birthday. I had actually completely forgotten and there was only one person who really knew my birthday. Jeremy. I swear someday I will murder that kid. 

I yank my phone out and call Jeremy. It rings for a little while and of course goes to voice mail. How hard is it for him to pick up a phone. Not very hard. 

However I do get a text. I look at it and it reads, "Want to cut?"

I look around and notice I don't have the number saved on my phone. All of a sudden I am picked up and twirled around. I look to see who it is and see. Of course. A smiling Stefan. I slap him on the shoulder. For the past few weeks since Klaus allowed me to go to school, I had been hanging out with Stefan a lot. He had become my best buddy. And it helped that he always gave me the answers to all of my assignments. I mean who can't resist the Kitty puppy dog face. Not Stefan.

He sits me sown and asks, "So what do you think?"

I smile, "I think..... heck yeah!"

He smiles and walks with me down the hall, I noticed that since I started hanging out with him Stefan had looked a little less constipated and a little more happy. I mean I can't see him frolicking in a meadow and picking daises anytime soon but, Hey it's better than a constipated Stefan. 

We walk out of the school being careful not to be seen by any school authorities. When we get to his car I ask, "What are we doing today, Mr.Salvatore?"

He laughs, "Well, Miss Dresdale what would you like to do on your birthday?"

I smirk, "I want to avoid Damon, knowing him he is probably planning some very embarassing prank."

He laughs, "You really do know him well don't you?"

"Pretty much. I still have no idea what to do."

"I hear that there is a huge monster movie marathon going on at the local theatre."

My eyes widen, "YES!"


We were settled in and watching our 3rd monster movie which I bet you all guessed. 'Dracula'. 

We were actually like the only ones in the theatre excluding the older couple that was near the front row. We had chosen a spot near the back of the theatre in the corner. I looked at Stefan and asked, "Do you really want to stay and watch all of this?"

He smiles down at me, "I kind of have to keep you here all day."

I shoot him a quizzical look, "What do you mean all day?"

"I just know you can't go to the boarding house till 7:00 and that you have to dress up."

"Ugh, I don't wanna."

"To bad."







"Ugh, fine you win."


I had just changed into a a black collared white dress with black details. I had part of one of my side bangs pulled back with a small black bow and had on a pair of black vintage heels. I put on a little makeup and lip gloss and walked downstairs to meet Stefan. He smiled when he saw me. I asked, "Too much?"

"Perfect." He says as he takes my hand and walks me to the car.

When we get there I see that all the lights are lit. I was about to open the door when Stefan opened it for me and helped me out. we both walk up to the door and when we get to it instead of knocking like Jeremy. He opened the door. When I walk in I am hardly shocked when I hear, "SURPRISE!"

This ought to be interesting.

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now