Chapter 3

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"Who is Rose?"

The boy with blue eyes looks awaya from me and locks eyes with, the ever so confused Jeremy, "What is she?"

 Really? Did he reallly just ask what I was? Just proof that this world is filled with annoying pricks that love to insult a woman's woman hood for fun. Or at least I think that's what he was talking about. "If you tell by the lumps of fat on my chest I'm a woman." 

He looks at Jeremy again. "She smells human."

"No dip Sherlock!" I yell at him, while I try to thrust away with no success. I turn to see Jeremy, his face is panicked and he is walking towards us. "Jeremy, what really happened when I left?"

At this precise moment I see another man walk through the door. He looks about the age of Jeremy, maybe a little older. When he sees my face he runs over to us in an unnatural speed. It was like a magic trick. One minute he is by the door. The next he is on top of me with his hands around my neck. I feel all my air leave and I cannot breathe. I kick and thrash away from him with no success. Everything begins to fade, that is until he is knocked off me by none other than Jeremy.

My hands instantly fly to my neck and I scurry away. I manage to squeeze out, "Did you join some messed up cult or something!!!!!"

He smiles, "Sure does look that way."

Then Damon speaks up, "Stefan what the heck were you thinking! She's human!"

Stefan just stares at my mouth open and squeezes out. "I'm so sorry I had no idea."

I stand up and straighten out my clothes, "What! No idea! I'm sorry! If someone doesn't tell me what is going on now, I m calling the cops!"

Jeremy stands up along with Stefan, "Look Kitty, I don't know why they are being jerks. Usually the don't have the sudden urge to suffocate people."

I roll my eyes and dig into my back pocket for the phone. I take it out and begin to dile 911. I get as far as 9 before someone yanks the phone out of my hand. I look up to see Damon holding it in his hand. He smirks when he sees the picture of me and my friends on the beach set as my background. I try to grab it but he simply moves his hand just out of the way.

I regane my balance and lean back while taping my foot, "Give me my phone back."

He smirks, "And if I don't?"

"I walk out that door and walk to the police station."

"What makes you think I will let you out this door?"

I roll my eyes, "Jeremy won't have the guts to stop me, your friend over their looks depressed or very constipated, and you are and arrogant jerk that needs to lay off."

He smirks and suddenly pushes me up against the wall with a strong force. However he doesn't make any attempt to cause me any serious damage. He leans in and whispers in my ear, "Kitty isn't it?" 

I shake my head yes. "I suggest you be careful when talking to me. You never knew why might happen."

I push him away from me as hard as possible but he doesn't budge. He smiles again, "now what do you say kitty?"

"I'm sorry" he steps away pleased with himself, "I'm sorry your a self conceited idiot." I smirk as I walk over to Jeremy.

Jeremy looks at me and says, "nice one" he holds his hand up and I give him a high five.

Damon walks back over to me and places the phone in my hand. I smirk and with that both me and Jeremy walk up the huge set of stairs. 

We enter into a room that looks like his old room. The only difference is the size and the fact hat he now has a really freaking huge bed. He leads me over and I sit on his bed . He sits down next to me and begins to talk, "Everything went in the opposite direction of normal when you left. Nobody is the same."

I look at him. I bring my hand to his chin and make it face towards me, "I haven't changed, Jeremy. Neither have you."

He looks at me even more stunned, "Look at all of this! Everything changed! Nothing is the same!"

"Jeremy. You are still the sweet, overlyconcerned, amazing guy that I dated for 3 years."

He looks away from me again, "When you left I became a addict. Elena started dating a freak. Bonnie became a witch. And Caroline turned! No one is the same!"

I tried to take it all in, "It's kind of harsh to say Bonnie's a witch. I mean she was always uptight, but she's not a witch."

Jeremy shakes his head and looks at me with grin on his face, "You don't get it! Bonnie is a witch! Abra Kadraba!"

I roll my eyes and play along, "Sure then how has Caroline changed."

"She's a vampire." 

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now