Chapter 15

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I cut him off with a hug and a yelp, “Daddy?”

I see Klaus shake his head, “Darling he doesn’t remember you.”

I look up at him confused, “What?”

My dad tilts his head to the side, “I’ve never had a child,”

Klaus  smiles, “Your dad as you well know taught the local history of Mystic Falls. One day he managed to get a hold of our secret and he paid for his curiosity with his human life. I wasn’t even aware that you were his child.”

I feel a river of tears begin to stream down my cheek as I take a few steps away from him, “Why doesn’t he remember me?”

Klaus shrugs, “How should I know, some people that turn forget everything it’s like a blank slate. Only things he actually remembered were his name Nathan Dresdale and his knowledge of this town along with his knowledge of the supernatural.”

I feel my weight collapse under me. I thought he was dead for several years but this is worse. Instead of my father there is a monster with the same face.

My dad or what I’m just going to call Nathan simply because it hurts less turned to Klaus, “Any way I looked through everything that you described to me about this thing but I can’t seem to find anything. I mean whatever the girl is, is stronger than you. So it can’t be an original or even a hybrid. But this does has the quality of vampirism and lycanthropy but I have no idea.”

Klaus looks down and mutters, “leave.”

Without a second glance Nathan turns on his heels and leaves. I feel two strong arms wrap around me and simply by touch I know who it is. I feel his cold fingers run over the bare skin on my shoulders, I strangely love way it feels when his skin brushes mine the cool prickling sensation usually leaves me aghast but now I find it strangely comforting. And for just a second I forgot about everything. Nathan, Damon, everything.

Jeremy POV: 

God, I hope she's okay. I'm sitting waiting on her porch I have to know. I want to be the first person she tells stuff like this. Well I want to be the first person she tells everything. But of couse the first person she goes to for help is Damon. I don't even know what really happened, I got a text from her that read, "I just got attacked. I'm fine text you later."

I feel a just of wind and look up. Standing before me is Kitty. She looks to  be completely fine, no scratches. She runs up to me, "Jeremy."

I engulf her in a hug and inhale. But somethings off she smells like lilac. Kitty smells like strawberry. May be she just changed her perfume. 

She looks up at me, "Hey Jeremy I have a question."

I smile, "Ask away,"

She looks up at me, "Would you say we're close?"

I reply without even thinking, "Closer than  close."

She cocks her head to the side like a curious cat, "Are we friends, or are we more?"

I push her face close to mine and place a light kiss on her lips, "To me you were never just a friend."

A mishgevious look fills her eyes, "Good to know. Now I know how to send her a message."

"What are you talking about ?"

She throws her hand around my neck and pushes me off the ground, "Kit needs to get her head out of her ass, she needs a wake up call, and I know just how to do it."

"Kitty what's going on, "I gasp for air.

She smiles a toothy grin and reveals a fang filled grin, as her eyes change, "I'm not Kitty, I'm stronger.  I'm Rose."

And with that she throws me to the ground hops ontop of me and digs her fangs into my neck.

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now