Chapter 16

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Two months later

Well the summary of what has happened in the last few months is pretty simple. Jeremy died. I moved in with the Salvatore’s. I dropped out of high school and moved on. I’ve latterly spent the last months training, learning my craft. Damon has stayed my trainer and lately haven’t had the desire to rip his head off every time he speaks it’s probably since I’ve gotten used to it. Tyler ditched Caroline for like the fiftieth time so she’s all depressed. Stefan is his usual mopey self. Klaus went off on like a vacation or something so lately it’s been just Damon and me.  I’m in the easiest thing to train in pair of yoga pants and a workout bra. The first day I wore this was awful, Damon kept trying to attack my stomach with tickles but I learned if he does that you can kick him in the balls and he stops pretty quickly. In the last few months I’ve toned up and have small abs on my torso and muscular arms. In the last two months I also haven’t left the boarding house, which was now under my name. They signed it over to me saying it was for my safety in order to make sure that only the creatures we wanted in her would be able to get in.

I trudge down the stairs as I pull my hair into a ponytail and walk into the kitchen where Damon is waiting, “You know Kitty in the last few months you’ve gotten really hot.”

I roll my eyes and walk to the fridge and pull out a bottle of water and start heading for the training room, which is pretty, much a big room with a big training mat, punching bags, and vampire slaying objects, which I know, knew how to use.

Damon follows close behind me and sits down his bottle of blood on the floor. Blood used to creep out but ever since I moved in with a set of vampires it doesn’t even faze me any more. “So what are we doing today?”

He walks over to a table that had a wrap for our knuckles so we, or me more specifically, wouldn’t scuff them up. “Well you’ve gotten really good in the last 2 months, but we need to work less on skill because you’re about as good as you can get in this subject. Now we need to work more on your reflexes and battle strategy.”

I nod my head, “Okay that sounds good.”

He smirks down at me and wiggles his finger, “But there’s a catch. You know I won’t hurt you in a real fight your life is at stake. So now there’s something at stake. If you loose you have to kiss me.”

My eyes widen, “Damon I am not kissing you.”

He smiles, “That’s what’s at stake now you have something to fight for.”

I shake my head, “Fine. But you have to do something.”

“Fine what is it.”

I smile, “You have to watch every sing episode that exists to this day of Supernatural.”

His eyes widen, “I’m not watching that dog shit.”

I shrug, “It’s that or I’m not fighting.”

I see him pout for a few seconds until he gives in, “Fine.”

He tosses me a stake, not that I’m going to kill him but so I can get used to using one. He gets his hands ready and we get into a fighting stance. We both nod and the fight begins. He vamps out and launches at me. I hop easily out of the way and kick him mid air.

He hits the ground but lands in an animal like crouch. He jumps at me again, this time I stay in place but push him to the ground with a rough for. He lands on his back and before he can move I crouch over him and place the stake right over his chest. His eyes change back to a cold blue and I smile. I win. I stand up, toss the stake away from me  and begin to dance singing, “I won…. I won..”

I get ready to look down and brag to Damon but when I look in the place where he laid, it was empty. I look around and see no trace of the vampire, “Damon…. The show isn’t that bad. I mean I really li-“

I’m cut off with a force pushing me to the floor. I find myself sprawled across the floor. And when I try to get up I see Damon. Lying right on top of me. “Never let an enemy go. I thought that was common knowledge."

I send him a death glare, “I wasn’t aware you wanted me kill you. I’d be happy to oblige now.”

He smirks, “That won’t be necessary, but now I’ve won, so I guess I should collect my prize.”

He slowly leans his head down and I begin to feel his cool breath against my face. . For a second I want him I want to pounce on him and to-I try to clear my head. I can’t let him have this affect on me. His forehead touches mine and his lips brush mine I quietly whisper, “Cheater.”

I feel him tense up slightly, but I don’t give him the time to act.

 I flip him over and launch on top of him. My legs on either side of him. He smiles up at me, “That’s the Kitty I know.”

I lean my head down place my mouth against his, I feel him stiffen clearly shocked but soon. He moves his mouth against mine, his sweet lips where I’ve wanted for quite while. His hands snake around my hips and grasps me. He runs his tongue against my mouth clearly wanting where he would never get. Instead he moves away from my mouth and presses sweet kisses against my shoulder slowly making their way to my neck. I gasp and try to muffle a groan. I have never felt like this before and to be ferectley honest I think I like it. No I really like it. I feel his hands move from my hips and run along my body till they land on my butt. I lean my head down to his ear and nip on it softy, just as he slowly begins to suck lightly on my neck. I whisper, “We both got we want you got your kiss, now you get to watch 8 seasons of Supernatural.”

I push off him and begin to walk away as I say, “I’m not that easy. You’ll have to try harder.” I walk into the living room, as I turn on the TV ready for a Supernatural marathon. I may not be what I was two months ago. Jeremy’s death changed me. But one things for sure, my life is MUCH more fun now. And that’s the way I like it.

AN: Hey this is TheDitzyKItty. Big Kamon moment!!!!!! I wanna know what you guys thought comment, message, vote! It will make my day if you guys do that! I just wanna let you guys know how much I appreciate you guys! I know you guys have me to almost 10,00 0reads on The Other Doppelganger! I wanted to thank you all for all the support you give me and I'm writing this for you. This is going to be the last book. But I hope yall are gonna love it! I'm sorry for all you Keremy shippers. I didn't want to kill Jeremy off but, the series is gonna be over soon and more deaths are on the way. So i'm giving you all a fair warning. And I just wanna say I don't own any of the Vampire Diaries characters or story arches. This is simply written for fun. But I do own Kitty and her family so ha! And last but not least I'm looking for some better covers for some of my stories! If any of you guys are would like to make some and message me I can give you my email but it's all up to what you wanna do! I do also have  anew Marvel fanfiction up along with, a Supernatural one and a One Direction/zombie fanfic up if any of yall want to check them out I wold love you forever!!!!!! I did just upload the first writing project I ever had with ejbookworm9336 check her out!!!!! Message or comment it you have any ?'s I wanna hear from you guys !!!!!!!

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