Chapter 14

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Oh. My. Frackin. God.

Damon Salvatore likes me. DAMON SALVATORE LOVES ME.

I look at him awe struck, "you lo...." I try to say. "You love....."

He stares at me as if he is surprised with himself. "Kitty I love you? Oh my god Kitty I'm in love with you!"

I give him another dirty look, "Damon you are not in love with me. Your just really wasted and need to get home."

I try to convince myself. Then he speaks up, "No Kitty, I love you and you love me too right?"

I try to think, I knew I had feelings for Damon but I wouldn't call it love. When I say nothing he cups my face in his hands. "Kitty don't you love me?"

I shrug honestly. I don't even really know what love feels like.

Damon then roars and brings his hands to his hair and runs it through his hair. "Kitty, what do you mean. I have tried everything to get you to notice how I feel and you don't even care!"

"Damon I do care I just don't like you like that."

He growls, "fine, but one day when you realize how you really feel, it may just be to late."

And with that he grabbed his alcohol and jumped out of my window.


It had been a few days since Damon had dropped everything. That is if you know what I mean. Right now I was walking home from school. I had a decent day the usual, hung out  with Jeremy, managed to finished all of my homework. I mean just because I am a supernatural teen doessn't excuse the fact that I still have to do all my homework. Honestly I am seriously trying be to vala dictorian which wouldn't be that hard considering there isn't many bright kids that reside in Mystic Falls.

It was actually fairly dark today considering that we had been having some serious thunder storms lately, and (lucky me) it was pouring. 

I was walking down the side walk when I heard a noise behind me. I turned to see what it was, and when I did there was nobody there. I continued to walk but then I heard the noise again. 

So I turned again nothing.

So I broke into a run and headed for my house I was standing right in front of my house when I feel two strong arms wrap around me. I kick and even scream but there was no give then the voice says, "Stay away!!!!"

Then I fall to the ground and run up to my home, not feeling safe.


It had been a few hours since the attack I called Stefan and took me to his house. Right now Stefan with Damon and Jeremy at his side was questioning me. 

"Kitty, I need you to describe to me what they looked like."

"I already told you I never saw her face."

"How do you know it was a girl?"

"Because she said to me, 'Stay Away' and I can usually tell if someone is a girl by their voice if you get my drift. Oh and she was a vampire."

"How do you know that?"

"Because she was stronger than me."

Damon then looked at me alarmed, "Kitty you are much stronger than any vampire."

"Than  what the hell was it that grabbed me?"

Damon looks at me angrily, "If we knew that 'thing' would already be dead."

I then have an idea, "Why don't we ask Klaus?"

Stefan nods, "I don't like him but it seems to be our only option."


We had arrived at Klaus's mansion and explained everything to him.

I ask, "So Klaus do you have any idea what attacked me?"

He shrugs, "No love I honestly have no idea what attacked you."

I groan, But then Klaus speaks up, "I may know someone who will know."

I jump out of my chair, "Please get them."

He pulls out his phone and texts someone and when I here his text tone he looks at me and smiles. "Consider this your birthday gift love, my friend will be here in a few minutes.


The doorbell rings and Klaus walks to the door and answers and a man in a black coat with brown hair comes in. When he enters the room I look at him and catch a glimpse of his face. I feel my mouth go into the shape of an O. The man speaks up, "My name's Nathan. Nathan Dre-"

He is cut of by my hug and I yelp, "Daddy!?"

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now