Chapter 5

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"A dopwaker?"

Damon looked at me with a glare, "No you idiot a doppelganger."

I cough and say, "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Sweetie you haven't seen me mad. And you don't want to."

I roll my eyes and turn to face Jeremy who's face is still in complete shock. I speak up, "Is anyone going to define a dopplnicker for me."

Stefan speaks up, "It's a doppelganger."

"Doppelganger, doppletaker same thing."

Damon just rolls his eyes and walks out of the room. I was actually getting kond of mad. What the HECK is a doppelganger.

Then Damon walks back out with a smirk on his face and a photo in his hand. He looks down at it and back at me before handing me the photo. It showed a girl with red hair up in an updo with and olden style dress on. But here's the kicker, she looked like me. I open my mouth to an 'O' shape and hand the photo to Jeremy. He shares the same expression as me. Then Damon finally speaks up, "A long time ago before I met Katherine, I was close with a girl named Rosaline. However I called her Rose, the nickname came from her long red hair and beauty. She was gorgeous and I honestly think I was in love with her. Then one day while she was on a stroll a man pushed her into a river and she couldn't swim. She eventually drowned."

I look at him in utter confusion, "Umm I have quite a few new questions."

"Ask away."

"Who is Katherine?"

"She was the other doppelganger." he said as he pulled a photo of Elena wearing an old styled dress like the girl in the other photo.

I grab in and say, "That's Elena."

He shakes his head, "No, that is Katherine. It's a long story but Elena was a doppelganger just like you." He looks to Stefan, "Do you think she has anything to deal with Klaus?"

He shrugs, "He may not even know she exists."

I interrupt, "And who is Klaus."

Jeremy smiles, "He is a vampire werewolf hybrid."

I look at him with my eyebrows up and shake my head, a few laughs escaping.

Damon covers his heart dramatically, "It's not funny. Being a vampire is hard!"

I stop laughing instantly, "You were serious about the whole vampire thing?"

"Yes, Caroline is a vampire; like Stefan and I. Klaus is an original hybrid. Klaus went through some big ritual to make Tyler a hybrid while using the doppelganger's blood, or Elena's to complete it. Bonnie is a serous witch. And somehow Matt and Jeremy have managed to stay human during this all." Damon says like it is no news.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Are you serious?"

Jeremy speaks up, "Completely."


Somehow I have managed to accept the fact that my best friends have lept into the syfy world but right about now I am at Caroline's house getting ready for the annual dance at our school. The theme this time was a masquerade theme. I had picked out a whit floor length dress with a sli on the side that went to my mid thigh. It had an average cut with silver designes around the top. It tied around my neck and criss crossed mid back and I tied it into a bow that was the length of the dress. I had a pair of silver high heels. I also had my long curly hair in a tight up do where a few of my curls fell out. I had silver detailed makeup on. To top it all of I had a sheer lip gloss and a simple white mask that matched my dress perfectly.

Bonnie was wearing a black dress with feathers on the bottom of it. She had a black mask and dark makeup on. To top it all off she had a red mask, red lips, with red heels to match. Her hair lied in gorgeous loose curls on her shoulder

Caroline was wearing a high low cut emerald green dress with a jewled top. She had on a pair of nude heels and a green mask. Her hair was all sweptr to one side and had on bright red lipstick.

We had all been spending a bunch of time together and were headed off to the dance. Bonnie was going solo, like me, while Caroline was of course going with Tyler.


I road with Bonnie to the school since Caroline was clearly going with Tyler. When we arrived at the school there was a large amount of people crowded around the entrance. When we finally entered the school there was strobe lights going off, while I took in the decorations. All the room was lit with purples and blacks. I was walking over to the dance floor when I saw a girl who looked about 21 pass us. While she walked by I noticed she had on a skin tight Burgundy dress with lace tights. I saw she had her black hair cut into a short pixie cut. When she walked by she stopped in front of me. "Hello, my name is Piper and I'm new here. I was wondering if you would make me look like less of a loner. Name?"

I found her attitude odd but I simply reached my had out, "Kit Dresdale."

She smiles as she takes my hand but for a split second she looks shocked, "Um... I have to go."

She practically runs off that was odd. All of a sudden I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist and pick me up and twirl around. I let out a small scream but am silenced when I see my attacker. Damon. I cross my arms and ask, "What do you want?"

" I wanted to ask you to dance with me during this slow dance."

I roll my eyes and laugh, "It's not a slow song Damon."

And of course the music to 'A Thousand Years' begins to play. He reaches his had out to me and I accept it with a smile. We start to dance as he wraps his arms around my waist and I place mine around his neck. After a few seconds of awkward silence he leans into my ear and whispers, "You clean up nice."

"I guess I'm that revolting when I'm not in a dress?"

"That was a complement."

"I know. You look handsome. Just throwing that out there."

"You are too sweet."

I pull my shoulders up proud, "I know."

"He whispers in my ears again, "I have a sweet tooth."

I laugh and smack the back of his head playfully.

Then all of a sudden I hear over the speakers, "Kit Dresdale to the office."

I roll my eyes and move out of his arms. I begin to walk out of the gym when Damon grabs my arm and says, "Can I have the next dance."

"Of course." I grin ear to ear.

I exit the room gym and make my way to the office. I walk in and when I enter I see Piper standing by an attractive guy with curly hair and when he sees me he gasps with an attractive British accent, "Juliet?"

Piper rolls her eyes and mutters, "No, this is Kit the doppelganger."

He smirks ear to ear, "Nice to meet you Kit." Just then I was thrown into blackness.

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now