Part 62

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                *about a year later*
Colby and the group have been planning something lately but I'm not sure what it is yet. The whole group is hanging out when the girls pull me up stairs, "we are having a sleep over tonight!" Tara says excited. "Okay? What's the occasion?" I asked confused. "No occasion we just wanna do it." Devyn laughed a little. "Tomorrow as you all know is colby and I's anniversary, and he is planning a fancy dinner, I don't know where it is though." I said nervously "I'm sure he will do fine... I am just a picky eater and I would feel bad if I didn't like it. Ya know?" I smiled lightly hoping they knew what I was feeling. "I get it completely but I'm sure he took all of that into consideration." Kat said, she looked like she was trying not to laugh. "You good Kat?" "Huh? Yeah!" She said laughing. "Anyways what do we wanna do tonight?" I asked changing the subject. "Let's build a fort!" Tara said jumping up. "Okay let's do it!" I laughed out. "Let's kick the boys out of the movie room!" Xepher joked "No seriously let's do it!" I said and everyone agreed. We ran down stairs and kicked the boys out making jokes. "How did we get kicked out?" I heard Sam question and when he tried to walk back in tara pushed him back out. "What's the password?" "Uh... open says me?" Sam said looking at us weird. "Nope" she said popping the P sound. "Let me try!" Jake said smiling. "Poopoo peepee" he said in a weird voice. "Sorry baby. Wrong" she said laughing. "Wha-" "Bella? What's the meaning of this?" "You stole all of our girlfriends!" "They are mine now sorry." I smirked at them. "Wait can i be one of the girls?" Cory said giving us puppy dog eyes. "Girls meeting!" I yelled and we huddled together as the boys watched. After we all said sure we pretended to whisper for a bit longer confusing the boys more. "You not even saying anything you are whispering gibberish!" Colby laughed. "Yeah, Corey you can cause you are the nice one!" I said in a toddler voice. "Wha- how?" Colby said I could tell his mind was in the gutter but he held it back. We took all of the couch cushions out and started building out fort. "We need more blankets!" I yelled to no one in particular. "I'll go get them" I kinda answered myself. When I walked out I was kidnapped but the boys "HELP! GIRLS! I'VE BEEN CAPTURED!" I yelled out as the girls started attacking the boys with pillows. The girls retreated after the boys pulled out nerf guns. "We will get you back I promise!" Kat yelled to me dodging the bullets. I was brought into the living room and it looked like what the average person would imagine a mafia meeting would look like.  Kevin and Mike were Colby's body guards, Colby was facing away from me and Jake had my feet as Sam had my shoulders. "Boss we captured one of them!" Sam said "Let me go!" I played along. Colby turned around slowly and looked at me then at the two boys holding me in the air. "Put her down." He said coldly. "You will never get away with this!" I said pushing the boys off of me. "Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" He said fake laughing. "You will see my team will come help me." I said nasty and Colby smiled, while I held in a laugh. Colby and the boys planned an attack on my fort, but they didn't bother to take my phone so I texted the girls and Corey.
Bella: Boys planning attack on fort. Be ready, I'll escape while they are gone.
Kat: kk letting everyone know, chief.
I put my phone back into my pocket and play with the knot that Jake tied me to the chair with.

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