Part 31

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Today is the day! "Boys wake up!" I walked into each of their rooms waking them all up. "Bella, go away!" Colby yelled at me I laughed a pulled his blanket off of him. "What would you have done if I was naked." He had a sassy tone of voice, "you live in a house with a bunch of YouTubers and a girl you wouldn't do that to yourself." I laughed a little and he groaned. "I'll be down in a few minutes." He sat up and then rubbed his eyes. "Be downstairs in 30 minutes, take a shower you smell." I joked and he sniffed the air. "No I don- okay maybe. Go away!" He threw a pillow at me and I laughed. I got into the kitchen and Jake, Corey and Sam were all sitting at the island. "What's for breakfast?" Sam asked with hopeful eyes. "cereal, oatmeal, postmates, I don't know." I smiled at them, they looked at each other sad. "Oh. Okay." Jake got up from the stool and dragged himself to the cabinet with the cereal. "I'm just kidding guys. What do y'all want, cause I want a breakfast burrito." I laughed and the boys' spirits lifted as they nodded. "5 breakfast burritos it is." I made the food and by the time I was done Colby was not ready yet. I stomped up the stairs and walked up to Colby's bathroom and knocked. "What?" He said cranky, I opened the door a little and yell out to him, "if you don't hurry your ass up me and the boys will eat your breakfast." He gasped a little, "you wouldn't!" He said surprised "you know we will." I said smiling. "Okay! Okay. I'm hurrying." I walked back downstairs and the boys looked at me confused. "What did you do?" Corey asked. "I yelled at Colby for taking so long." I laughed a little. 5 minutes later colby is running down the stairs rushing to get his food. "What did you say to him?" Sam laughed out. "I told him that if he didn't hurry we would eat his food." I said giggling. "I wish! She wouldn't let us touch it." Jake said with his arms crossed. "I left it on the stove to keep it warm. Here's a plate." He took the plate out of my hand without saying a word then took a big bite out of his food then smiled. "Thank you." I laughed a little and nodded. I walked into my room and double checked to see if I had everything. I put my suitcases in my Jeep and the boys followed after me. "We should film a video before leaving." Colby said with a devilish smile. "Okay what?" I asked "roommate tag!" Jake said and colby winked at me, I looked at him confused then went back to getting ready for the trip. "We will film in like 20 minutes is that okay?" Jake asked. "Yeah that's fine I just want to put everything away."

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