Part 5

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I am Katrina's sister, but asked to stay out of her friends' lives because we used to share everything, and I needed to make it on my own. I wanted to prove to myself that I was capable of doing things without my sister. She stopped talking to me after we had a fight about how she wanted to introduce me to her manager. I miss her a lot, and I only hope she isn't too mad at me. "Can I get your number so we can set up the date?" I asked handing Colby my phone, he smiled and nodded. "Wait. Hold on, that whole snapping thing was acting?" Sam looked at me confused everything was catching up to him, I laughed a little and nodded. "Sorry if I scared you. It's just she was so rude and I don't like people like her." Sam laughed a little, "I kept her in because I heard the way she spoke to you, I wanted to mess with her." I laughed loudly and then Colby handed me my phone back. "When are y'all free?" Colby looks to Sam, "I'm free tomorrow, you?" "I will ask Kat and then get back to you," Sam said pulling his phone out so that I could put my number in. I nod and put my number in, we part our ways. "Why did you not beat her ass?" I look up and see Blake with his arms crossed. "What do you mean?" "You have never let someone talk to you like that." "I didn't let her do anything. I don't start fights I think you forget that. I haven't started a fight in a very long time. AND you of all people should know why." I crossed my arms at him, when we dated I had gotten into a bar fight with this girl and sent her to the hospital, I felt so guilty that I spent her entire hospital visit with her. She's now my roommate and my best friend. I guess the boys had a few more meetings because when I was leaving for the day I saw them signing out of the building. I waved then put my helmet on and jumped on my motorcycle. On my way home I was jamming to Luke Combs, when I get home I automatically get into the shower and put on a baggy shirt and spandex shorts. "Hailey?!" I ask knocking on her door. "Hold on a sec." I hear her scrambling around her room. She cracks the door a little and I smile, "I just wanted to let you know I'm home and that I'm going out to the store in a little. Text me a list if you want anything." "Umm. Yeah okay." She says trying not to let me see in her room. "Okay, well. Have fun. But not too much." "Okayyyy. Byeeee" and with that she slammed her door shut. I quickly walked down the stairs it wanting to hear whatever was happening upstairs. Just then I got a text from who I'm guessing is Sam. I wonder if Kat knows it's me.

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