Part 21

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"Welcome to our home," Kevin said opening the door. "Let me show you to the guest room," Mike said putting his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and smiled as he guided me throughout the house. "Here is your room, mine is the next one over Kevin's is down the hall on the right and Aryia's is downstairs. The bathroom is on the other side of your room." I smiled at him, then laid on the bed, and sighed. "Y'all are honestly so great." I stayed staring at the ceiling when Mike sat on my bed with me. "We aren't usually like this. We are pretty picky about our friends, I'm pretty sure it's you who's great." He was speaking quietly, and I felt his eyes on me. I turned my head to look at him, he had a big smile on his face, I couldn't help but smile back. With the feeling I had in my stomach and his amazing smile, my heart was filled with happiness and love. We sat there just staring at each other for a while until I giggled a little. "It's late. We should go to sleep." "We should, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow." He stood up and patted my leg, I stood up and hugged him. "Thank you," I whispered in his ear. "It's not a problem. You are one of us now." He whispered back, I let go and took a step back in surprise, "How? I haven't met everyone." "I have no doubt." I smiled and he left the room. I got dressed in spandex shorts and an old shirt then laid in the bed. Almost as soon as I put my head down I was sleep.
"Bella?" I was woken up by Kevin knocking on my door that was open slightly. I groaned a little, "come in." I'm not much of a morning person. "Sorry to wake you but the trap house is here." I sat up slowly taking in my surroundings, "The Who?" I looked at him confused. "The trap- oh Sam, Colby, Jake and Corey." "Okay. I'll be down in a minute. "Okay, I'll make you some coffee." I smiled and nodded, Kevin left the room and I got dressed. I walked downstairs and pushed my way past everyone and chugged the coffee Kevin had held out to me. "Slow down the coffee isn't going anywhere." I shushed them and sat down on the couch as I sipped my second cup. After about 20 minutes I spoke, "Sorry. I'm not much of a morning person." I smiled shyly and they all laughed. "It's okay Colby's the same way," Sam said sitting next to me. "Don't talk to me right now Sam. You woke me up early." Colby said obviously not paying attention to anyone in the room. He was laying on his back on the couch with his feet on the ground. I giggled and Sam playfully pushed me. "See what I mean." He laughed a little. "Are we ready?" Aryia said with a clap.

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