Part 44

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"I'm done with him!" I yelled jumping up making the group jump. "Who wants to go to the club?" I ran through my living room "Let's go!" I said standing at my stairs. "I'm down!" Colby said standing up. I laughed and ran upstairs to get dressed.
We got into my cars and drove to the nearest club. "Let's get to the dance floor!" I said grabbing Colby's hand and pulling him to the center of the room. We all danced for hours, "Bella we should go." Colby said smiling. "Colbs." I paused for a second, "I think I like you." I held him close to me. "We can talk about this in the morning." He answered with a frown. I wasn't drinking, I wasn't high, those were true emotions. He went to walk away but I grabbed him and kissed him. "Bella, I like you a lot but I don't want to rush things and I don't want things to get weird."
I woke up with a headache, and when I remembered what happened last night it got worse. I got ready for the day and walked downstairs to meet the stare of Colby, Jake, Corey, and Sam. "Morning." I said gruffly. "How did you sleep?" Sam asked sweetly. "Fine. I have a headache, that music was too loud." I said while grabbing Advil and water. "How much did you drink?" Jake asked, "cause I don't ever wanna drink again." He laughed a little. "I did not drink last night. I'm proud." I giggled to myself. "Really?" Colby asked shocked. "Really." I said coldly. "Can I talk to you for a moment? Bella?" Sam asked. "Of course Sammy." I smiled grabbing my coffee off the counter. We walked into the living room. "What happened between you and Colby?" He asked with one of his hands on my shoulder. "Well I told him I had feeling for him and he dismissed me. I'm fine, I should have known better." I tried to hide my disappointment but it didn't work too well. "Colby said he didn't want to say anything because he didn't know what you were drinking." Sam smiled slightly then continued, "He likes you a lot." "I have feelings for him and I was high on life at that moment so I told him. But to be honest I don't think it would work out being more than friends." I wanted to cry. But why? I don't do this normally.

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