Part 55

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We got back to the hotel and I called the group to our room. "Party tonight! Let's go!" I said pulling a crop top out of my bag and a pair of skinny jeans. The girls ran out to get ready, the boys soon followed. Me and colby walked to our room. After I got dressed colby came behind me while I was staring at myself in the mirror fixing the little things. He started kissing down my neck as I leaned into him. I turned around so that I could look at him. "You look gorgeous." He said his voice a little gruff. "Thanks Colbs." I laughed a bit and kissed him. I turned back around, and he started kissing my neck more. When Devyn knocked on the door he stopped and opened the door. I looked in the mirror and I had two very dark hickies on my neck. "How do i look?" She asked. "You look amazing." I said playing with my hair to hid the two purple blotches in my neck. She nodded and walked away. "Colby!" I threw a pillow at him. "What?" He asked confused. "Look!" I pointed to my neck. "Really?" I asked. "Oh. I didn't realize." He said shyly. "I don't even have makeup to cover it." I groaned but keeping it light hearted. "I'm sure one of the girls has some." He looked sorry. "Eh. It's okay. I just have to cover them for the rodeo." I kinda brushed it off. I finished getting ready and we went to meet the group. "Geez what happened to you?" Jackson asked. "Funny story actually. There was a vampire in my room and it sucked on my neck." I laughed a bit. "it's name was Colby ironically " I said poking him. "Are y'all dating?" John asked. "Yeah." Colby said lifting our hands up. "Yay!" Kat said jumping up and down. "Calm down. Let's get to this party. Hunter said he sent a car." I said smiling a bit. "For all of us?" Griffin asked. "A limo." I said walking to the lobby.
We got to the party and I saw Hunter talking to a tall man. "Hey. Hunter!" I said waving to him. "Mar- I mean Bella I'd like you to meet Luke." He said pulling me over to him. "Oh my good lord! You are Luke Combs. I'm sorry I'm fangirling!" I said shaking his hand. "I'm fangirling myself, you are a Rodeo champ, Marigold Isabella Wallen and sister of Morgan Wallen!" He said smiling. Me and him talked for a while until he walked away.

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