Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

I flop myself on the bed and stare up at the ceiling. 'I'm a princess... a witch? I really find that hard to believe' I thought to myself. I let out a heavy sigh and turn to my side. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep with only one thought inside my head.

What am I gonna do now?

-You Can Kill Me If You Wish!-


I'm laying in my bed in the room they placed me. My mind drift off to what Pein told me. How I'm the last of my clan... well... I know fully well that I'm the last. But that's not what I'm thinking right now.

It is the fact that he told me I'm a descendant of a witch... as well as the fact that he told me that my mom is from a royal family, therefore it makes me a princess. I still find that hard to believe.

The door to my cell opens. I sit up in my bed to see Itachi standing in the doorway. He's holding a tray in his hands.

"It's time for dinner..." he said, with the same stoic face he have all the time. "It's night time already?" I said. "Yeah..." he said, walking towards the table. He place the tray on the table.

I stand up from the bed and walks towards the table. I look at the food to see what he brought for me. To be honest... it didn't look that bad.

"I'm sorry this is all we have to offer" he said

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"I'm sorry this is all we have to offer" he said. I turn to look at him. "It's okay. At least you don't leave me to starve... or that's because you need me for your mission? Then after you're done... you're going to get rid of me..." I said.

"No... we won't hurt you. At least, I'll make sure they won't..." he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because you mean the world to my brother..." he said. "You're wrong on that... Sasuke doesn't love me..." I said, looking away from him.

"No. you're the one who's wrong here, Y/N... I know Sasuke took you back to Konoha against your will. But think about it... Sasuke will go to missions a lot... and Kabuto had a thing for you. He even tried to take advantage of you..." he said. "Wait... how did you know about that?!" I said. He stayed silent after I asked that.

"I've been your group's target since the beginning... am I right?" I said. He didn't answer me, but the look in his eyes told me everything. "I can't believe it..." I said.

"I'm sorry... but aside from that. I mean what I said when I said it's killing Sasuke more than anything to leave you. But for your own safety he did... think what would happen if you're still with him" he said. That's the last thing he said. Then he leaves.

I look down after he left. I think about what he said. "Sasuke loves you" "it's killing Sasuke more than anything to leave you" "but for your own safety he did..." his voice starts echoing inside my head.

I just shake my head. "That still doesn't give him the rights to return me without my will! I have my own choice" I said.

I let out a sigh as I run my hand through my hair. I turn my head to the table where the food is left untouched. Might as well eat... who knows what they'll do if I'm in a weak state.

I stand up from the bed. I didn't even realize I've moved to the bed. Then I take a seat by the table and start to eat. It doesn't taste that bad... for a prisoner food. It's honestly pretty good.


Someone enters the room. I turn my head to see the only girl of the group. What was her name again? Oh right... Konan.

"What are you doing here? Usually it's always Itachi who checked up on me..." I said. "Pein wants to see you..." she said. "What for?" I asked. "To discuss the request he gave you..." she said. "Creating that ten-tailed beast?" I said, with a raised eyebrow. She just nods her head. I let out a sigh and stands up. "Let's just get this over with..." I said, in a quiet tone. I can see the slight smile appear on her face. But it's gone as fast as it appears. She walks out of the room, with me following close behind her.

She leads me to Pein's office. She gives the door to his office a soft knock. Then a soft 'come in' can be heard from the other side of the door. Konan opens the door and moves aside to let me in. I glance at her, then enters the room.

Pein is sitting in his couch. I hear the sound of click and turn my head, realizing Konan have closed the door. So it's just me and Pein in the room.

I turn my head to look at him. He wore the same cold expression he always have. But I notice how his eyes softened each time he looks at me.

"So... what do you want?" I asked. He stays silent for a bit. "Have you thought about it?" He asked. "About what?" I said. "Don't act clueless, Y/N... you know exactly what I'm talking about" he said. "Relax dude. I was just joking. You woke up in the wrong side of the bed or something?? I would freeze in your present because of how cold you are" I said, rolling my eyes. He just stare at me with an straight face, clearly not finding my joke funny.

If I think Itachi is a cold person... Pein definitely surpassed that. The only time I ever sees him smile is the first day we met... and it was only a small smile. Damn... this guy is a robot or what?

"Don't test my patience or..." he said, but I cut him off. "Or what? You want to kill me? Please... you can kill me if you wish! I am not scared. But you have to remember... if I'm dead... then no one can help you" I said. He stays silent, knowing what I said is true. I smirk at his reaction.

Heh... looks like the "God" can be ticked off

*to be continued*

A/N: I am stuck. I don't watch Shippuden, so I have no idea what to write. So I'm sorry for making you all wait for so long. Thank you for your patience... for your supports and all the love. I love you all!

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