Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15

I turn to my side, and curl up into a ball. I close my eyes tightly as tears streams down my cheeks. I really don't know what to do. I don't wanna betray Konoha... but I don't want Naruto to get hurt... or worse... he could die. Why is it so hard for me? Why do I have to be stuck... why do I have to be trapped in between??

What should I do?

-They're Finally Here-


I keep thinking about what Pein said. If I help him... that means Naruto will be safe. But that would mean I'm betraying Konoha and everyone else. My home... my family... my friends.

A loud boom snaps me out of my thought. I stand up from my spot and stand on a battle stand. The door opens to reveal Itachi.

"They're here..." he said. A smile makes it way to my face. But remembering what Pein told me. I frown and look down, sitting back down on the bed. I hear Itachi's footsteps as he kneel down in front of me.

"What is it, hm?" He said. "Pein told me... that if I help him... it means... Naruto will be safe... and you guys won't have to extract the nine-tailed from him. But if I do help you... that would mean betraying the village and everyone I care for..." I said. He frowns at my words.

"Y/N... you don't have to think about that. Naruto is a strong Shinobi... and I doubt the village would let us get him. So don't think about betraying Konoha. Don't fall onto the same path as I am..." he said. "How do you cope with it? Having to betray your own clan... and make your brother hates you..." I said.

He looks down. I can see him blinking rapidly as he fights the tears. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that..." I said, feeling bad for making him upset. He shakes his head and smile at me, as if saying it's okay for me to ask about it.

He lets out a sigh and looks at me with a smile. But I can tell it's a pained smile. "To be honest with you... I almost give up... it hurts. Seeing the brother I love in such a state. I don't want you to go through the same thing, Y/N. So don't... don't help Akatsuki to create the ten-tailed..." he said. "Itachi..." I said. He wipes the tears in my eyes. "Promise me?" He said. I just nod my head. He push my forehead with two of his finger. "Good girl..." he said, giving me a closed eye-smile.

Someone barge into the room. "Itachi! Get her to our other base! Those filthy shinobi manages to find this hideout" Hidan said. Itachi turns to look at me with a "trust me" look. I give him a "I trust you" look. He use his sharingan and put me out. I feel myself lose conscious and he holds me in his arms.


Naruto P.O.V

2 of the Akatsuki stands in our way. "Well... well... well... if it isn't the nine-tailed Jinchuuriki... did you come over to surrender?" One of them said, mocking me. I just glare at him. "Give Y/N back!" I screamed in anger. "No need to be so hustle, Naruto-Kun... we mean no harm..." one of them said, in a mocking tone then he starts laughing. I just growl in anger.

I run after him, and he just jumps out of the way. "Oops! That's a close one..." he said, still laughing. This makes me growl even more.

"Naruto!" I heard Sakura calling out for me. I turn my head to see Itachi, holding an unconscious Y/N-Chan over his shoulder. I glare at him as he stares down at me with an unchanged expression.

"Give me back my Y/N!!" I screamed. He just ignore me and turns around. Then he starts jumping away. "Y/N-Chan!!!" I scream. "Naruto, go after him. We'll handle these two..." Neji said. I just nod my head and chase after Itachi, who's currently jumping away.

"Give Y/N back!!" I scream. He leads me far away to from their hideout. Then he stops and lay Y/N down gently on the ground. "You want her back? You're gonna have to go through me..." he said. I just growl and starts lunging at him.

But after a while into the fight. I'm starting to notice that he never make move to strike back. I stop and glare at him. "Why aren't you fighting back?" I said. "I don't need to fight back to win against you... you are still so weak.." he said. His words made my blood boil in pure anger.

"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME!!!!" I screamed. I start attacking him at full speed.

Itachi P.O.V

Yes... fight as strong as you can. Fight as if your life is depending on it. Then I'll let you strike me and you can get Y/N back. There's nothing more that I want than seeing Y/N returns to Konoha safely.

His anger starts to get really strong. He performs his jutsu and starts attacking me relentlessly. I pretend to get distracted and let them attack me. It's painful enough. Then one more strike. I feel myself losing my consciousness. I let the darkness consume me.

Naruto... bring Y/N back safely...

Back to Konoha


I open my eyes and squint at the light. I blink a few times, trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. The first thing I notice is the color of the room. It's all in white.

I turn my head slightly to see an IV back. Where am I? I thought to myself. I try to move a little. I wince when my head starts aching.

"Easy... you just wake up..." a voice said. I turn my head to see Sakura. "Sakura?" I said. "Yeah... it's me..." she said, smiling at me. "Does that means I'm back at Konoha?" I said. She smiles at me and nods her head. I smile back softly.

Itachi-Nii... thank you...

*to be continued*

A/N : I am so sorry for the lack of update in on this book. I just can't think of what to write since I don't really watch Shippuden. It hurts to see how much you guys are asking for an update but I can't think of what to write. I am SO so so sorry! 😭😭😭😭

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