Chapter 21

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Previously on Chapter 22

"Is that Sasuke?!" Someone said. I turn my head to see Sakura. "Yeah..." I said, nodding my head while wiping away my tears. "When did he came back?" She said, turning to look at me. "Last night..." I said. "Why? How... w-what?" She said. "It's a long story..." I said, in a hushed voice. But loud enough for her to hear. I turn around and walks away without saying anything else. No matter how long it'll take...

I'll wait for you Sasuke

-I Miss You-


It's been a month since Sasuke returns and taken by the Anbu Corps. I want to see him. But I don't know where they place him. It could be the most guarded prison, because Sasuke is a rogue ninja.

I can only hope that Sasuke will be forgiven for the mistake he made. I don't want him to get hurt... or worse. They could put him in a death sentence. I don't want to lose him, not when I just got him back.

I decided to distract myself for a bit by training. It's been a while I didn't get a proper training. I feel like I'm getting a bit rusty. So, with that decided, I make my way to the training ground.

I breathe heavily as I close my eyes. I open them as they turn into sharingan. I jump and start throwing some kunais here and there. I land on the ground and looks around. Looks like I still got it. Every single Kunai hits the center of the target.

An Hour Later

I drop on the ground, breathing heavily. I still got the hang of it. Only a little more tired than usual. I lay on the ground, staring at the sky above. I wonder how Sasuke is doing in the prison.

I hear footsteps coming closer. I turn my head and rolls my eyes. I move to stand up and walks away. I feel a hand grabbing mine. I quickly yank my hand out of the person's grasp.

"Y/N... just listen to me!" He said. I scoff and turn to glare at him. "What else is there to talk about, huh? You've broke my heart, Naruto. I don't want to hear to anything you have to say!" I spat, angrily. I turn around and walks away, before he have a chance to say anything else.


I decided to walk around the village, to calm myself down. I really wish Sasuke is here. I miss him... so much. If only I can at least go to the prison to visit him.

I look forward and notice Kakashi-Sensei a couple of feet away from me. I pick up my pace and runs after him. "Sensei!" I said. He stops walking and turn to look at me.

"Y/N..." he said. I stop in front of him and let out a tired breath. "What is it? Do you need something?"He said. I shrug my shoulders. "I just wanna know how much longer will it take for Sasuke to be in the prison? When will he be free?" I asked. He let out a sigh at my questions.

"You know how much crime he had committed. It won't be easy for him to be set free. It's going to take a while..." he said. I let out a sigh. I look down sadly. "Can I at least visit him?" I asked.

"It won't be possible. He's placed in a tightly guarded prison. They won't allow any visitors. Unless it's the Hokage... or the Anbu corp" he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head.

"Thank you, Sensei... I'll take my leave now" I said. "Take care, Y/N..." he said, ruffling my head softly. I just smile at him. I turn around and walks away. I think I should just head home. I'm tired from my training session.


I open the door to my house. I close it behind me. I lean my back against the door, leaning my head. I stare at the ceiling for a moment. I close my eyes, as I let myself slide down and sit on the floor.

I hug my knees close to my chest as I think about Sasuke. What can I do? How can I go and see him? I miss him so much. I wanna make sure that he's okay in there. Who knows what they'll do to him.

I feel something wet streaming down my cheeks. I lift my hand and wipe it away, realizing it's my own tears. I haven't even realize that I was crying. I let out a choke sob as I bury my face into my arms. I start to cry softly. I close my eyes tightly as I keep on crying.

Don't cry, Y/N... I heard someone said. I can feel a pair of arms around me. "Sasuke?" I said. I keep my eyes close, afraid that if I open them... Sasuke will disappear.

It hurts me to see you cry... please stop crying he said. I keep on sobbing softly. "I miss you so much, Sasuke..." I said. I miss you too, babe... I promise I will come back he said.

I open my eyes. I can see a faint silhouette of Sasuke kneeling down in front of me. He smiles softly. He lift his hand, gently placing it on my cheek. I lean to his touch, as he gently wipe away the tears.

Smile for me, Y/N... he said. I just give him a weak smile. He leans closer and place a gentle kiss on my forehead, letting his lips linger there. I close my eyes, trying to savor the feeling.

I love you... he said. I open my eyes and see no one is around. I choke out a sob as I cover my face with my hands. It felt so real. It feels like Sasuke was actually here with me.

Have I gone mad? Or am I just missing him. Either way... I just want to see Sasuke again. I move to lay on the ground, on a fetal position. I hug my knees close to my chest as I keep on crying.

Soon, I start to feel exhausted from crying so much. I close my eyes. I let out a slow breathing, trying to calm myself down. Eventually I start to drift off to deep sleep, with tears still streams down my cheeks every now and then. The only thing on my mind is Sasuke, and how much I miss him.

*to be continued*

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