Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

He smiles at me and pulls me closer. I close my eyes, snuggling closer to his chest. I start to feel sleepy. So I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

-A Second Chance-


I wake up the next morning in my room. I furrow my eyebrow. 'Was it just a dream?' I thought to myself. I turn my head to my bedside table, to see a single f/c f/f flower.

I sit up and take it from the desk. I lift it close to my nose and take a sniff. I guess it's not a dream. Sasuke was here. He must have left after he drop me off in my house.

My mind went back to the kiss we shared. I thought I have lost my feelings for him. But turns out I didn't. I still love Sasuke. My feelings for him remains the same. I guess I was only trying to convince myself that I don't feel anything for him anymore ever since he broke my heart.

I take a small vase and place the flower inside it. I place it next to my bed, to remind myself that Sasuke is here... that he still loves me. I miss him... I wish he would just stay and return to Konoha. I miss the old times when everything was okay.

A knock on the door snaps me out of my thought. I furrow my eyebrow and walks towards the door. I open it to reveal the least person I would see right now.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, coldly. "Y/N... I wanna apologize. I didn't mean to hurt you like that" he said. "Save it, Naruto! I don't wanna hear a single thing that's coming from your mouth! You cheated on me. So just go back to Hinata! You love her, don't you?" I said, glaring at him. "Yes... I love her. But I love you too" he said. "Oh please..." I said, scoffing at his pettiness.

"If you truly love me... you wouldn't fall for someone else! Just leave, Naruto" I said. He looks down and nods his head. He turns around and walks away, not saying anything else.

I close the door and leans my back against it. I don't get it... my heart didn't hurt as much. Maybe because I finally come with term with myself. That I don't love Naruto.

I was only trying to convince myself that I don't love Sasuke. I guess that's why I don't feel as much pain as I thought I would. Will Sasuke come for a visit again?


The rest of the day went by like a breeze. There's not a lot of things happened today. Lady Tsunade only give me a few solo tasks. She knew what happened between Naruto and I. So she tried not to get the two of us to work together for now, she knows it'll only ended up causing trouble.

I kinda feel bad though. Just because of a mistake like what Naruto did, Lady Tsunade have to hold herself back from giving us a team mission. It makes me feel unworthy as a Shinobi.

I'm sitting in my dining room, eating my dinner as it is now night time. I just have a simple dinner, which is f/f. I don't know why I like this type of food. I just did, ever since I was a kid.

After dinner, I place the dirty dishes on the sink. I decided to wash them now, so I don't have to worry about them tomorrow. Most people would be lazy after having a full belly. I am kinda lazy, but I try to be productive nonetheless.

Once I'm done with the dishes, I walk upstairs to my room. I open the door and jumps when I see a figure sitting on my bed. I can't make out who it is, because of the darkness in the room.

I take out my kunai, preparing for a fight. I hear a light chuckle coming from the person. "Are you going to attack me now?" He said. My eyes widen once I realize who it is.

I place my kunai on the desk and rush towards him. I throw my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. He lets out a chuckle and wraps his arms around me just as tight.

"I miss you, Y/N..." he said, burying his face into my hair. "I miss you too, Sasuke. But don't you think it's too dangerous for you to come here? What if you get caught?" I said, pulling away slightly to look at him. Even though it's dark in my room, I can still make out his face once I'm close to him.

"I don't care... I wanted to see you" he said, cupping my cheeks softly. I just lean close to his touch. He leans his forehead against mine, while holding me close. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have hurt you the way I did" he said. I just stay silent after he said that.

"Will you give me a chance?" He said. "I don't know, Sasuke... what if you ended up hurting me again?" I said, in a hushed voice. But loud enough for him to hear.

"I won't. I swear with everything I have... I won't hurt you again. I love you, Y/N. Please... give me a second chance! I'll do anything... anything if it means I can have you back as mine. Please..." He pleaded. "Come back to Konoha?" I said. He stays silent after what I said.

I frown at his silence. "I take that as a no... I thought you said everything. Bu-" I started. "I will..." he said, cutting me off. I froze at what he just said. "Y-You... you will?" I said, looking at him wide-eyed. He nods his head, cupping my cheeks.

"I will... I'll come back to Konoha. I'll do it just for you. Screw revenge... I need you more than anything in this world..." he said. My eyes glisten with tears as I stare at him with a happy smile. I throw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"So... you'll give me a chance, right?" He said. I nod my head. "Of course. Don't leave me again, Sasuke" I said. "Won't even imagine it..." he said, smiling at me. He leans down and place a soft kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

He pulls away the kiss and scoops me up in his arms. He make his way to my bed and lay down. He pulls me closer to him. I lean my head against his chest, holding him tightly.

"I love you, Y/N..." he said. "I love you too, Sasuke" I said. He pulls me even closer. I feel him placing a soft kiss on the side of my head. I tighten my arms around his torso, leaning my head against his chest. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

A/N: as you may already notice. I won't be writing anything from the Shinobi war. One, because I don't watch Naruto Shippuden until the last episodes (maybe I will. But I don't have time). Second, I'm writing this based on my own storyline. So pardon me. Anyway, thanks for reading! Love ya~

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