Chapter 17

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Previously on Chapter 16

"Easy... you just wake up..." a voice said. I turn my head to see Sakura. "Sakura?" I said. "Yeah... it's me..." she said, smiling at me. "Does that means I'm back at Konoha?" I said. She smiles at me and nods her head. I smile back softly.

Itachi-Nii... thank you...

-I Can't Believe It-


Even though there isn't any injury on my body. I still need to stay at the Hospital, because Sakura told me to. She said she wanted to make sure I'll be alright. I can't tell her that Itachi helped me... because he told me not to.

I'm laying on my bed. The door to my room opens to reveal Naruto. He smiles as he walks over to me. I sit up and smile softly at him. He place a basket full of fruits on the table and take a seat on the chair. He scoots closer and holds my hand softly.

"How are you feeling, Y/N?" He asked. "I'm okay..." I said. "That's good to hear. Do you want some fruit?" He said, gesturing to the basket. I nod my head. "Yes please..." I said, smiling at him. "Okay... which fruit do you want?" He said. "Hmmm... f/f please" I said. He nods his head and walk over to the basket to grab a f/f.

"Let me peel it for you..." he said. I nod my head and watch him as he peels the fruit. He cuts them up and place them on a plate. He turns to me and smile. He places the plate on my lap.

"Here you go~ or do you want me to feed it to you?" He said. "It's okay... I can manage..." I said. I grab a piece and eat it. I hum at the sweetness. It tastes so good.

"Is it good?" Naruto asked. "Yeah... it's really sweet. Do you want a bite?" I asked. "No it's okay. They are yours. You need to eat lots of fruits to get better" he said. "Come on... just a bite! It's really delicious!" I said. "Maybe just a bite..." he said. I hold out to him. He's about to take a bite. But I pull it away, teasing him.

"Oops~ too slow!" I said. He pouts at me, making me burst out laughing. "I'm just kidding... here" I said. I hold it out once again. This time I let him take a bite out of the piece.

"You're right... it is good..." he said. "Want another bite?" I offered him. He grab it from my hand and holds it out to my lips. "My turn to feed you..." he said. I can feel my cheeks turning warm. But I eat it anyway.

After I finished the fruit. Naruto take the plate from my lap. He places it on the table and turns to look at me. He take a seat once again.

"You should get some rest..." he said. "But I'm not tired" I said. "Y/N. You need to rest. So you can get better a lot faster" he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head.

He smiles at me. He helps me lay down and gently caress my hair. His hand feels soothing as he runs his hand gently through my hair. My eyes flutters slowly. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

Naruto P.O.V

Y/N have fallen asleep. She looks so tired. I wonder what they did to her. But they didn't seem to hurt her in any way. So what did they want from her?

I stare at Y/N. Watching has her chest rise and fall in a regular pattern. She looks so peaceful despite what has been happening to her. All the hard time she has been through. So to see her this calm and relax make me feel happy.

I frown as I thought about something. I don't know... the spark in my chest didn't feel the same anymore. I love Y/N... but it's just not the same. It's not the love between lover. It's like... now I see her as only sister.

How should I tell her that? I can't keep it a secret. Y/N have the right to know. That'll mean I'm leading her on. I don't want that. So... I have to tell her.

I'm so sorry, Y/N...



Another week have passed and Naruto never visited me since that day. He's probably busy with missions or some other things... is what I tell myself each time I feel doubts about Naruto.

The sound of door opening, snaps me out of my thought. I turn my head to see Sakura. She smiles as she walks over to me. "Let's check on your health. If you are stable. You can leave..." she said. I grin happily and nod my head.

She starts to check up on me. From my temperature, blood pressure and such. She note them down and compares it to my previous check up. She smiles and turns to look at me.

"You're good to go, Y/N. I've never met anyone who has been held hostage. But returned safely without any harm... what did they do to you at their base?" She said.

"They interrogated me... that's it" I said, shrugging my shoulders. She furrows her eyebrow in confusion. I didn't tell her anything about me being a Princess nor the fact that Itachi-Nii have been taking care of me.

"Alright... here's your clothes. They're clean. I have washed them for you" she said. She place a bag next to me. "Thanks, Sakura..." I said, smiling at him. "I'll leave you to get ready now, 'Kay?" She said. I smile and nod my head. She turns around and walks away to let me change my clothes.

I stand up and change my clothes into my normal ninja clothes. I look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look good. I've been in the hospital for weeks. I look like a mess right now.

After I'm done, I make my way out of the room. A smile makes it way to my face. I should surprise Naruto. Yes... I should. I make my way to his house.

When I get there the front door is slightly ajar. This makes me confused. 'Looks like Naruto is having a guess...' I thought to myself. I was about to enter, but a hand grab my wrist. I turn my head to see Neji.

"Oh, Neji... hi..." I said. "Don't go in there..." he said. "Why?" I said. "Just trust me on this, Y/N..." he said. I look at him in confusion. I yank my wrist form his hand. I turn around and runs inside.

I enter the living room and the sight makes tears pool up in my eyes. Naruto and Hinata... they're kissing each other. I drop the bag that I carried with me. Which is filled with Naruto's favorite Ramens. The sound makes the two of them pulls away and turn to look at me.

"Y/N..." he said. "I... I can't believe it. You cheater!!" I yelled at him. I turn around and run away from his house. "No, Y/N! Wait!!" He yelled behind me. I just keep running, when a hand grab mine.

I turn around and use all my strength to punch him, sending him flying 10 feet away. I clench my hands into a tight fists as he crash into a wall. I glare at him with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I loved you, Naruto. How could you do this to me?! You're nothing but a jerk! Stay away from me. Don't you EVER show your face... in front of me again!" I yelled. "Y/N..." he said. I shake my head. I choke out a sob and turn to run away again.

*to be continued*

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