Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

"Everyone have a choice, Itachi-Nii..." I said. His eyes widened slightly. "You just called me brother..." he said, smiling slightly. I walk towards him and pull him into a hug. "Thank you for taking care of me... but won't you be in trouble?" I said. "Don't worry about me... I'll get you out of here... I promise... I'll find a way to alert Naruto about our location..." he said, hugging me back. I just lean my head against his chest.

Naruto... please hurry...

-What Should I Do?-

Itachi P.O.V

"Itachi... go and stop the Nine Tailed and his friends. They can't find us... we can't afford to lose her. She's needed in order for our mission to success..." Pein said, with his usual serious face. "Alright... I'm off then..." I said. Then I use teleportation jutsu.

I appear in a forest. I can feel their chakras coming closer. Soon enough they appear as they run towards me. I appear in front of him, making them stop in their tracks.

"Give Y/N back!" The Nine-tailed kid yelled. "You never change..." I said, looking at him with no emotion. He just growls at me. "Just tell me where Y/N is!" He yelled again.

I stay silent, causing them to attack me. I jump out of the way. I purposely let him land a few punches on me, so it will look like I've been defeated.

"It's hidden behind an illusion... you have to be slick to be able to see..." I said, then vanish from their sight.


I'm sitting in my bed, reading a book Itachi gave me. He knows how much I love to read. In the middle of reading, someone opens the door. I hurriedly hide the book, because I don't want Itachi to be in trouble for helping me.

Konan is standing there. When Itachi isn't around, she's the one in charge for me. Kinda like a second in command. But instead of leading a place... their job is guarding me.

"Why are you here? Where's Itachi?" I asked. "He's off for a mission. Now come with me... boss wants to see you..." she said. I gulped at what she said. Looks like their patience have run thin. Now they're just going to force me into it.

"We don't have all day..." she said raising her voice, making me flinch. I let out a nervous sigh and stand up from the bed. I walk towards her and out the room. Then she leads me towards Pein's office.

In Pein's Office

Now I'm standing in front of Pein. They can't seem to wait anymore. Looks like right now they're not going to give me any more choices. I'm in so much trouble.

"Y/N... remember I've told you that we need to get all the tailed beast in order to create the ten-tailed?" Pein said. I just nod my head. He did mentioned that before.

"But what is it have to do with me helping you?" I asked. "Figured you would ask that... if you help us... we no longer need the Nine-tailed. Meaning your boyfriend would be safe... he would still be alive... because your chakra would be more than enough" he said. My eyes widened at what he said.

"So think about it..." he said, in his monotone voice. While I just stand there in front of him with no reaction. Simply because I don't know how to react with the information he just gave me. Then he told Konan to bring me back to my cell.

I just sit on my bed, deep in thought. Thinking what Pein told me. What if he's lying about it? But... what if he's not? Kurama won't be taken from Naruto... and he'll be safe.

What should I do?


Naruto P.O.V

"Did he just told us where the base is?" I said in shock. "Looks like so..." Kakashi-Sensei said. Then he turns to Neji and Hinata.

"If its an illusion... then we need you two to search for the Akatsuki's base..." he said. Neji nods his head and turns around. He use his byakugan and scan the place. "I found it. Why can't I notice it before? I've scanned this place before..." Neji said. Hinata nods her head. "It seems like... the illusion that is set there has been weakened..." Hinata said. "Itachi is helping us... but why??" I said, in disbelieve. "It seems... he wants us to save Y/N..." Kakashi-Sensei said.

"Then what are we waiting for?? Let's go there!" I yelled. They all nod in agreement. Then we start running towards that direction, where the base is located.

Itachi P.O.V

Good... now they know where the base is located. All I can do now is hope she will be safe. My lil brother needs her. She's the only person he have left. She's the only person who can understand Sasuke. I don't want to take that away from him by not doing a thing to help her.

I hope they're not too late


I'm laying in the bed, staring at the ceiling... deep in thought. Mainly thinking about what Pein told me earlier in his office.

What should I do? On one side... I don't want Naruto to get hurt... but if I help the Akatsuki in creating the Ten-tailed beast... it's the same thing as betraying Konoha... I can't do that... because Konoha have given me a second chance by welcoming me back after I betrayed them once to be with Sasuke.

I highly doubt that they'll give me another chance. But if I don't help the Akatsuki... they will have to catch Naruto and extract Kurama from him... and Naruto will... he will die... I can't lose him. So what should I do?

I turn to my side, and curl up into a ball. I close my eyes tightly as tears streams down my cheeks. I really don't know what to do. I don't wanna betray Konoha... but I don't want Naruto to get hurt... or worse... he could die. Why is it so hard for me? Why do I have to be stuck... why do I have to be trapped in between??

What should I do?

*to be continued*

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