Chapter 7

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A/N: alright, before we start our story. I'd like to show you guys something. I found this tutorial on YouTube (well... almost everything I know comes from YouTube... hahahaha). The person in the video uses dried flower. Then I thought what if I use a photo instead? So I do just so.

What do you think? Pretty right? It turned out wayyy better than I expected

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What do you think? Pretty right? It turned out wayyy better than I expected.

Oh... that's Kim Taehyung from BTS by the way. But if you're a kpop fans... I'm sure you'd know. Hahaha...

Now... let's get to the story!

Previously on Chapter 6

"I-its o-okay... just don't do it again..." I stutter out. I turn around and continue to cook. "I won't, Y/N-Chan... I'll only hold you if you wanted me too..." he said. I just nod my head and didn't say anything.

-I Will Wait-


Ever since the night Naruto comforts me. We have slowly grown closer with each other. He's always there for me, each time I feel down... or just simply needed some company.

I kind of know about Naruto's crush on me. He made it kind of obvious. He'd try to find an excuse to wrap his arms around my shoulder. But I kind of have a feeling that he's holding himself. As if he's trying not to scared me. Probably because of what had happened to me, before I came back here.

So what's holding me back? I could just be with him, right? No... it is kind of very complicated. Each time I try to convince myself that I should try and give him a chance... my mind would always drift off to Sasuke. I know he have betrayed my trust and send me back here... but I KNOW he did that because he wanted me to be safe. He's worried that Kabuto would try to make his move on me again. But that didn't mean he could send me back here!! I want to stay there with him... I don't care what the consequences are... he should understand! But no... he's way too stubborn for that.

I let out a sigh as a another thought of Sasuke coming back to my mind. 'I should stop thinking about him...' I thought to myself.

A sound of knocking snaps me out of my thought. 'Who could that be...' I wondered to myself. Then I get up and head downstairs.

I open the door. I smile when I realize who it is. "Oh! Hey there, Naruto" I said. "Hello!" He said. I invite him in and lead him to the living room. He take a seat on the couch and I seat across from him.

"What brings you here?" I said. "Oh... nothing... I just wanna come by and hang around with you..." He said. "I see... oh right... have you had your breakfast?" I asks. He shook his head. I smile as I get up. "come on... I'll cook something for you..." I said. His eyes lit up. "Thanks Y/N-Chan!!" He said in a very cheerful tone.

"What do you want to have?" I asks. He thought about it, then shrug. "Anything is fine... I mean... anything you cook is amazing!" He said. Another sign that gave away his crush for me. I smile at him. "Alright... I'll cook some ramen for you..." I said. This makes his eyes sparkle in excitement. Which makes me giggle.

Naruto P.O.V

Y/N-Chan... she's just so amazing. Her hair... her eyes... her lips. Everything about her just screams perfection to me.

Man... I've fallen hard for this girl... but I know I don't have a chance, because I know she still have feelings for Sasuke. Even though that guy have betrayed her. She still loves him.

Do I have a chance at all?


As I cook, I can feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn my head to see Naruto looking at me intently. "Um... why are you staring at me like that, Naruto?" I said. But he didn't say anything. What is going on inside his mind... why did he look so sad... is something bothering him? Does it have something to do with his feelings for me...

After a while I'm finally done cooking. I turn the stove off and walk towards Naruto with a bowl of Ramen in my hands.

"Here... dig in..." I said. But Naruto still didn't move. I wave my hand in front of him. Still nothing. Hmm... what should I do...

I pinch his cheeks. Which makes him snap out of it and start wailing in pain. "Oooouuuchhhh!!! Y/N-Chan!! What are you doing! It hurts!! Let go! Let go! YYYY/NNN-Chaaaaannn" he scream out. I let his cheeks go and he rubs them. I place a hand on the table as I stare at him with a smile. "What's going on in that mind of yours, hm?" I asks. He gulps and looks away with me. "I-I-It's... uh.. nothing..." he said. Liar...

I just shrug my shoulder. "Well... your breakfast is done... enjoy..." I said. He smiles at me and he frowns. "You're not eating?" He asks. I just shake my head. "No... I don't usually have breakfast" I said.

I was about to walk away when a hand grabs mine. I was turn and land on his lap, with our face really close with one another.

"You have to eat... breakfast is the most important meal of the day... you used to say that when I refuse to eat..." he said, hand still on my wrist. "I'm just simply not hungry..." I said. "Then I won't eat either..." he said. In the end, I just let out a sigh and we start eating together.

After eating, I take away all the dirty dishes to the sink and start washing them.

As I wash the dishes. I can feel Naruto's eyes on me. I just ignore them. But that was until I feel a pair of arms snaking around my waist and a chin resting on my shoulder.

"Naruto..." I said. "Y/N-Chan... I have known you for a while to know that you are very observant... I'm pretty sure that you know how I feel about you..." he said. His hand reaching up as he gently cup my cheeks. "I'm in love with you... I have... for a while now... far before you start going out with Sasuke. But I step back, knowing how much you two liked each other... " he said. He turns me around and gently hold my hand... placing it on his chest, where his heart is. "You feel that don't you?" He said. I just nod my head, too shock about this whole event.

"I know you don't feel anything about me... you still love Sasuke... don't you?" He asks. I just avoid his gaze by turning my head away. But he held my head in place, forcing me to keep looking at him.

"Hey... I understand, okay? I'm willing to wait... no matter how long it'll takes. I WILL wait for you..." he said again. I stare into his eyes. "Naruto..." I said. He smiles at me and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "I love you, Y/N-Chan..." he said. Then he just hugs me.

I will wait for you...

*to be continued*

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