Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

We pull away for air. Sasuke leans his forehead against mine and keeps his hands on my cheeks. "I'm sorry... but I need you to be safe... trust me, baby...

It's for the best...

-Returning to Konoha-


I can't believe what I just heard. He wants to return me back to Konoha?? Did he not want me here anymore... why would he wish to. I can take care of myself. I stopped Kabuto from trying to take advantage of me.

I choke a sob as I pull him into a tight hug. Tears streams down my cheeks as I cried into his chest. "But Sasuke... I don't wanna leave you here..." I cry out. He hugs me back just as tight. "I don't want you to return to Konoha as well... I don't wanna be separated from you... but you must know... this is for your safety... I don't want anyone to hurt you..." he whispers as he pulls away from me. He cups my cheeks and wipe away the tears.

I just keep on crying. He sighs and pulls me into another hug. "Alright... alright... you don't have to go back... just stay by me at all cause, okay?" He said, finally giving in.

Sasuke P.O.V

I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Y/N. I have to do this. After what happened today. I don't trust you around anyone. Things like that could happened again and I won't be able to be there for you.

I raise my hand, while the other one is still on her hair. "I'm sorry, Y/N..." I whispers. She pulls away from me and furrow her eye-brow. "Sorry of wh-" I didn't let her a chance to finish her sentence, when I hit her hard on the neck. "S-Sasuke..." she said as her eyes roll back and she fell unconscious in my arms.

I hug her tightly as I start sobbing into her hair. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...." I said repeatedly. I pick her up bridal style and leave the base. I need to hurry before she wakes up.


Naruto P.O.V

I walk around the village. But then out of no where, people starts running towards a certain direction. The hospital.

I stop one of them. He turns to me with an annoyed expression. But I ignore that. "what's wrong? Why are you all in hurry?" I said. "There's a girl at the gate unconscious... it seems like someone has drop her off here and fled last night" he said, then he starts to run again.

I start running, following them. Who is this girl... could it be? My eyes widened and I start to pick up my pace.

There's a crowd gathering in front of a certain room. Kakashi sensei and Iruka sensei is guarding the door, to prevent anyone from barging in.

I push through the crowd of people. They let out a protest, but I don't care and keep on going.

I stand in front of Kakashi-sensei. "Is.. is that?" I said. He nods his head. "Yes. It's Y/N..." he said. My eyes widened in shock. "Let me see her!" I said, trying to push through. But he held me back. "No! Sakura is treating her. She have bad wounds all over her body" he said. "W-what happened?" I stutter out. "I don't know... she was found-" I cut him off. "Last night at the gate... I know..." I said. He just nods his head.

After a while, Sakura finally walks out. She looks a little worried. "How's she?" I asks. "There are no serious wounds... but it seems that... she's..." she stops mid-sentence.

"What? She's what??" I urge. She leans in closer to my ear. My eyes widened as I hear what Sakura told me. "What?! She got r-" but before I could finish my sentence. She clamps my mouth shut.

"Don't. Say. It. So. Loud!" She spat. "S-Somphy..." I try to say. But it came out a bit muffled, since her hands covers my mouth.

She sighs and pulls her hand away. "From the bruises on her body, it's clear that the person didn't get the chance to go any further. So I think that she's going to be okay. She just needs to recover from her temporary shock. Then she'll be fine..." she said.

I nod my head to show her that I get it. "C-can I see her?" I said. "Yeah... but don't be too loud. She needs to rest..." she said sternly. I nod my head "yeah, okay..." I said. She moves aside and let me in.

I walk in and saw her still laying in bed, unconscious. I cautiously walks toward her and sit down on the available chair.

I reach out and hold her hand gently. I scan her, until eventually my eyes land on her neck. I grit my teeth when I see all the purple mark covering her neck.

I grit my teeth as I try to hold my anger at bay. "Who dare to do this to you, Y/N-Chan?" I said.  First think that comes in my mind is Sasuke. Is he? No... there is no way he's the one doing this. I can see how much he loves her.

Y/N's like a sister to me... so to see her like this, pains me more than anything. I want to always be able to protect her. But she went missing along with that teme. Now that she's back with me.... I swear on my life to always protect her. Even if it'll cause my life.

I place my head on the bed, as my hand still holding her's. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, with one thought on my mind.

I'm so glad you're back, Y/N-Chan...


I open my eyes to see all white. I look around before my eyes landed on a blonde hair.

"N-Naruto..." I said. He stirs a little then opens his eyes. He looks at me and they lit up. He jumps up and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Oh my God, Y/N-Chan! You're okay! You're back! I'm so glad..." he said. I just smile weakly and hugs him back. But I can't stop the tears from falling, as I thought of one thing.

How could you Sasuke... you lied to me

*to be continued*

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