Chapter 23

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Previously on Chapter 22

I notice Sakura and Kakashi-Sensei standing by the door as they stare at me. Sakura is smiling softly, as she stares at us. Kakashi-Sensei is closing his visible eye, letting me know that he's also smiling. I don't know what's going on right now. But it doesn't matter. All that matter is that he is here. Sasuke is here... at last.

-How Did You Get Out?-


Sasuke stays silent as he held me close. He gently runs his hand through my hair. He keeps whispering comforting words to calm me down. I bury my face in the crook of his neck as I cry softly.

After a while, I finally calmed down. But I just keep on holding onto him. Sasuke moves a little and pulls me to sit on his lap. He places a soft kiss on the side of my head as he held me tightly.

"How did you get out?" I finally asked, without pulling away. "Kakashi-Sensei bailed me out. And right on time too... I was... about to get executed" he said. I pull away from his neck and stare at him in shock.

"What...?" I said. He nods his head, giving me a pained expression. He starts to explain what happened when he was about to get executed. Kakashi-Sensei came on time and told the judges about my condition. They didn't care at first, which makes Kakashi-Sensei furious.

He said he will personally be the one to end Sasuke if he ever made the same mistake. He claimed that he's only requesting them to release Sasuke so I don't go down the same path. So in the end, they finally agree to release Sasuke from prison.

"Sasuke..." I said, my eyes softening a little. He smiles softly and cups my cheek. "I'm finally free from prison and all the punishments. Which means, I'm officially back in Konoha... with you" he said. I lean my head against his touch as he caress my skin softly. I close my eyes, feeling happy and glad that Sasuke is back with me.

"Sakura told me your health were getting worse. Why?" He asked. I open my eyes and stare at him. "I was taking it hard... not having you with me. It was painful. I feel like I was suffocating. No matter how hard I tried to get myself better... I couldn't. I need you, Sasuke" I said. He leans his forehead against mine.

"I'm here now... and I'll always be here with you. I won't leave ever again..." he said. I just wrap my arms around his neck. He tighten his arms around me in return. "I love you, Y/N..." he said.

"I love you too, Sasuke" I said. He gently pulls me back a little. He leans in and gently places a soft kiss on my lips. I tilt my head slightly, kissing him back. He slowly turns his body and lay me down on the bed. He hovers above me as he keeps on kissing me. He slip his hand inside my shirt, which makes me shiver slightly.

"Sasuke... w-wait. Not now" I said. He let out a chuckle and pulls away from me. "Yeah, I know. You're still sick" he said. He moves to lay next to me and pulls me closer. I lay my head against his chest, as he plays with my hair. I snuggle closer to his side, feeling happy and calm.

"Get some rest now, Y/N... I heard from Sakura that you barely get any sleep which makes your health gets worse. But you don't have to worry. I'm here now" he said. I just nod my head and close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.


Sasuke is currently feeding me some soup. I tried to tell him that I can feed myself. But he insisted that he wants to be the one to feed me. He said he wants to look after me until I recover.

Sasuke gently wipe my lips. I just stare at him as he clean my lips. "You're so beautiful... have I ever told you that, babe?" He said. I blush at his comment, making him let out a chuckle. He shakes his head as he ruffles my hair softly. "Why are you acting so shy? It's just me... your boyfriend" he said. I reach over and gently flick his nose, making him flinch.

"It's not that I'm shy. You just caught me off guard by your sudden comment" I said. He rub his nose and laugh softly. "Oh well... expect more of that, because I will keep giving you compliments from now on. And that... is a promise" he said, leaning his face close to me. I roll my eyes and nudge my nose against his.

"Whatever you say, Romeo..." I said. He frowns at what I said. "Romeo? Who's that? Are you seeing other guy??" He said. I let let a laugh at what he said.

"Silly..." I said. He just laugh and kisses my cheek. "I know Romeo. I'm just messing with you" he said. I roll my eyes and hum softly at what he said. I pinch his nose, which makes him whine at my action.

"That one kinda hurt..." he said, rubbing his nose while pouting at me. I cup his cheeks and place a soft peck on his nose. He smiles at my action. "My lips hurts too" he said, puckering his lips.

"Just say you wanted a kiss, you dork..." I said. He just chuckles and steals a kiss from me. I gasp at his action, which makes him laugh even more. He cups my cheeks softly and places a kiss on my lips. I smile into the kiss and kisses him back. He gently lay me down, without breaking the kiss.

"I can't hold back anymore, Y/N..." he said. He leans down and start kissing my neck. I tilt my head a little to give him more access.

"Then don't hold back..." I said, in a soft voice. He pulls away to look at me. "Are you sure? You just got better, Y/N..." he asked, sounding concern. I just nod my head and help him take his shirt off.

He just smile at me and goes back to kissing me again. He starts making his way down my neck. I hold onto his shoulders as I close my eyes, savoring the feeling. He found a certain spot and start nibbling on it, making me let out a small moan.

A While Later

Sasuke lay down next to me, exhausted. "That... was amazing..." he said. He pulls me closer to his side. I lean my head against his bare chest, still breathing heavily. He runs his hand through my hair, as he draws circle on my bare back with his free hand.

I feel a soft kiss on the side of my head. "Thank you for waiting for me, Y/N... I love you" he said. I pull away slightly to look at him. "I love you too. I'll always wait for you... however long it'll take. But now that you're here. Promise me you'll never leave me again?" I said. He nods his head, leaning his forehead against mine.

"Yeah... I promise" he said. He places a kiss on my lips. I close my eyes and respond to his kiss. I gently wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. I love him so much, and being able to be in his arms again truly makes me the happiest. I don't want to be separated from him, ever again.

*to be continued*

A/N: sorry!! I am NOT writing smut. That small part kinda make me feel uncomfortable. Sooo forgive me! Anyway, hope you're enjoying yourself! Stay tune for more. Byee~

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