Chapter 12

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Previously on Chapter 11

I can see a vision of Y/N-Chan laying limp, while being carried on someone's shoulder. Then I can see a pair of eyes. My clench my hands into a tight when I know who's eyes it is.

Uchiha Itachi

-The Akatsuki-


I wake up and realize I'm in a room. I try to move my hand but I can't. I look down to see they're tied with a chain. If it's a rope, I can easily break it. But this is a chain. How the heck am I suppose to break free??

The door opens to reveal a guy. "I see you're finally awake..." he said. "Who are you? What the heck do you want from me?! And what place is this?" I said, yelling at him. The guy just chuckled in respond. I glare at him "what's so funny, huh?!" I scream. "You are one cute girl, you know? Now I get why my little brother is head over heals for you..." He said, staring at me in amusement. "Brother? Who the heck are you talking about?!" I said. "My brother... Uchiha Sasuke..." he said. My eyes widened "you're Itachi..." I said. "Bingo..." he said. "Release me!" I scream. "I can't do that... my leader wants to have a chat with you..." he said. Then he walks over to me. I stand up and attempt to kick him, but he grabs my foot with ease. Then he throw me over his shoulder.

I squirm trying to break free from his hold, but this guy is too strong. He enters a room and throw me to the ground. I glare at him. "Hey! Don't just carry me and throw me of like that! I'm not a rag doll! That's not how to treat a lady!" I said, screaming at him. He just ignore me and walks away, standing in line with a few other people.

"We meet... at last... Lady Y/N..." I heard someone said. I turn my head to see a guy behind the desk, he have black pierce all over his face. "Who are you? And why are you calling me lady?" I said. He raise an eyebrow at me.

"You didn't know?" He asks. "What? Know what?" I asks, looking at him in confusion. "Your mother... is from L/N clan... she's the last one... now we have you. Have you ever wonder why your blood can heal?" He asks. Well... now that he mentions it... I did wonder about that to.

"Hm... the confuse look on your face... tells me that you really don't know... I'll tell you then..." he said. I just stare at him, waiting for him to continue.

"You're not a normal person... you're a half blood... your blood is rare, due to the fact that you're the last member of L/N clan..." he said. "Half blood? What's my other half?!" I said, in shock. "Your mother is the offspring of a witch... and not just any witch, your mother side of family are royal members... you, lady Y/N... is a princess..." he said. "P-princess?? I don't believe you..." I said, shaking my head. "I know it's hard to believe at first... but trust me... that's the truth... another trait of L/N is they're fast learners. Which means you can learn ANY jutsu's with ease. Does something clicked in your mind?" He said. I thought back to my childhood. I've been able to master jutsu from a higher level, even though I haven't entered the academy.


"So... what jutsu are you going to teach me, Onee-San?" I asks my brother. "I'm going to teach you the shadow clone..." he said. "Yayy~" I said excitedly. He let out a chuckle and ruffles my hair. Then he shows me how it's done. The next thing I know, there's 10 of him around me.

"So cool!!!" I said, excitedly. "I know right! Now you try it... don't be sad if you fail on first try... it takes me the whole academy time to ma-" he stops mid-sentence and stare at me wide-eyed. Why? Because I manage to create 20 solid clones around me.

End of flashback

"Hey!" I jump when he suddenly screams. I snap out of my thought and look up at him. "W-What?" I asks. "You spaced out... did something clicked on your mind?" He asks. "Y-you're right... I've been a fast learner since I was a toddler... t-then that means..." I said, the last part under my breath. My eyes widened as I drop on my knees. "I'm a princess..." I said, still in disbelieve.

Suddenly he stands up and walks around the desk, until he stands in front of me. He offers his hand for me to grab. I place my hand on top of his and he pulls me up.

Then he bows at me. "Your highness..." he said. The others follows in suit. I step back in shock. "No... d-don't bow... get up! All of you..." I said. They stand up and looks at me.

"What's the reason you take me here?" I asks. "We need your help..." he asks. "H-help? W-with what?" I stutter out. He begin to tell me why Akatsuki is formed, along with all the member's back ground. I don't trust them at first, but they look sincere.

"S-so... you want me to r-resurrect this b-beast?" I stutter. "Yes... it's the only way for us to restore peace..." he said. "B-but that b-beast will destroy the world and kill a lot of life's! You're crazy if you think I'll help you with that!" I scream. "We're going to give you some time alone to think about it..." he said. Then he turns to Itachi. "Escort her back to her room" he instruct. Itachi nods his head and turns to me. "Follow me..." he said. I glance at Pein, to see him looking at me with a soft smile. I turn around and walk away, following Itachi.

I flop myself on the bed and stare up at the ceiling. 'I'm a princess... a witch? I really find that hard to believe' I thought to myself. I let out a heavy sigh and turn to my side. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep with only one thought inside my head.

What am I gonna do now?

*to be continued*

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