Chapter 22

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Previously on Chapter 21

Soon, I start to feel exhausted from crying so much. I close my eyes. I let out a slow breathing, trying to calm myself down. Eventually I start to drift off to deep sleep, with tears still streams down my cheeks every now and then. The only thing on my mind is Sasuke, and how much I miss him.

-At Last-


I wake up the next day, feeling exhausted from crying so much last night. My head also feels dizzy. I try to sit up on the bed, but my body feels too weak. I clutch my head, as it starts to feel like a hammer is pounding on it. I let out a pained groan.

I hear a knock on the door which makes me let out a sigh. Who could that be? I'm not feeling well, I don't feel like having any guests over. But it'll be rude if I won't open the door. For all I know, it could be important. So I force myself to stand up and make my way towards the front door.

I open the door, leaning my body against the door frame. I can't keep my head up because of the dizziness. My sight are also blurry.

"Finally! Took you lo- Y/N, are you okay??" The person said. The voice sounded a little muffled, so I can't make out who it is. I lift my head a little, only to fall forward. The last thing I remember is the person calling out for me and everything turns black.


I open my eyes the second time and realize I'm back in my bed. I turn my head to the side as I hear the door opens. It turns out to be Sakura.

"Are you feeling better? I tried to heal your fever. But it seems like the problem isn't your body. It's your mind..." she said. I let out a sigh and turn my body, so my back is facing her. I hear a soft sigh from her. I feel the bed dip a little, letting me know that she have seated down on the bed.

"It was because you miss him, right?" She said. I bit my lips as I clutch onto the bed sheets. Tears starts to build in my eyes. My chest feels tight and painful. She's right... I miss Sasuke. So... so much. 

"I brought you some food. Make sure to eat it, okay? I have some errands to do" she said, gently rubbing my back. I just stay silent. I hear Sakura sighing. I feel the bed moves and the sound of door closing.

Sakura P.O.V

I have to do something about Y/N's condition. If I let it be, she might break. But what can I do? The only thing she need is Sasuke. I never seen anyone in love with someone as much as she's in love with him.

Even I can't compare the amount of love I had with him. That's why I decided to let go. I can't stand in between the two of them. Not when they love each other so much.

"Kakashi-Sensei!" I called out, spotting the white haired jounin. He stops walking and turns to look at me. "Oh, Sakura... what is it?" He asked. I lift my hand to let him know I need to breathe for a moment.

After regaining my breathing, I stand straight and stare at him with a desperate expression. "Sensei... it's Y/N. She is slowly getting worse!" I said. I start going on and on about how Y/N is depressed and how she needs Sasuke back.

I can see a glint of sadness in Sensei's visible eye. "I'll see what I can do to help her, okay? In the meantime, take care of her" he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head. He gently pat my head and turn around, walking away. I let out a sigh and lean my back against the wall.

I don't want Y/N to turn out to the worst. We might had a lot of fights and misunderstandings. But Y/N's the one who's always been there for me. I bit my lips as I turn to look at the ground. If only there's something I can do for Y/N.



A few weeks have passed since I got sick, and my health is slowly deteriorating. The only thing I can do is lay on the bed all day, doing nothing. Sakura keeps coming to visit to look after me. But whatever she tried didn't seem to work out.

I'm closing my eyes, trying to rest for at least a bit. But I can't seem to fall asleep anymore. The only thing I always dreamt of is Sasuke. Only to wake up and realize he's not here. So in the end, I just refuse sleeping all together so I can get my mind off of him.

Suddenly, I feel a hand running through my hair. I slowly open my eyes, thinking it's Sakura again. But instead of a pair of green eyes, I'm staring into a pair of onyx black eyes. My eyes widened as soon as I realize who it is.

"S-Sasuke..." I stuttered out. He smiles softly at me, still caressing my hair softly. "Yeah. I'm here, Y/N..." he said. I force myself to sit up, still staring at him in disbelief. I start to feel like I'm losing my head. That Sasuke isn't really here and that it was all an illusion.

"This isn't real, isn't it? Wake up, Y/N..." I said, patting my cheeks with both of my hands. Sasuke shakes his head as gently grabs my hands, stopping my action. "No. You are not dreaming, Y/N... I'm really here..." he said. I feel the warmth of his skin as he held my hand. I start to tear up as I throw my arms around his neck.

I notice Sakura and Kakashi-Sensei standing by the door as they stare at me. Sakura is smiling softly, as she stares at us. Kakashi-Sensei is closing his visible eye, letting me know that he's also smiling. I don't know what's going on right now. But it doesn't matter. All that matter is that he is here. Sasuke is here... at last.

*to be continued*

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