Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

"What's wrong? Who did this?" I asks. She glance at Naruto. "He did this?" I asks. She just nods her head slowly. I let out a sigh "why didn't you tell me you're hurt... I could've heal you..." I said. I grab my kunai and make a small slit. "Here..." I said, out stretching it to her lips. She take my blood and her arm slowly heals. I smile at her "that's better, right?" I asks. She nods her head "thank you, Y/N-Chan..." she said. I smile softly at her. After that we continue our way back to Konoha.

-Uchiha Itachi-


Lady Tsunade didn't give us any mission, so we have a free time for ourself. Naruto stayed at my place last night. After the fight with Orochimaru, he's still a bit worn out. So I have to look after him.

Naruto is still sleeping in my bedroom, while I'm in the kitchen cooking some meal for the both of us. I decided to cook a healthy food to help Naruto gets better. But the problem is... Naruto absolutely HATES vegetables. So I decide to make a vegan food.

When I was a kid, my mom taught me how to make meat from tofu and how to actually make it tastes like an actual meat.

I jump when someone suddenly wraps their arms around my waist. I turn my head slightly to see Naruto. He grins at me. "You scared me..." I said, placing my hand on my chest where my heart is.

He chuckles and place a soft kiss on my cheek. "I'm sorry, Baby... I didn't mean to..." he said. Then he turns to the food that I'm currently making. "That smells good! Now I'm getting hungrier..." He said. "Good for you it's almost done..." I said. He grins at me.

"Help me prepare the table..." I said. He nods his head and pulls away from me. Then he walks to prepare the table for us. I smile and finish my cooking. I place it into two plates. Then bring them to the table, where Naruto is sitting eagerly waiting for the meal. I giggle at his excitement and place a plate in front of him.

"Dig in, Naruto

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"Dig in, Naruto..." I said. He grins and starts eating. His eyes widened "wow!! This is SO good!" He said, happily. I smile and starts eating as well.

After we're done eating, I pick up the dirty dishes and walks towards the sink. I start washing them, when I feel a pair of arms around my waist. "Thanks, Baby... that's the best chicken Katsu I've ever had..." he said. "That's not chicken, Naruto..." I said, letting out a soft giggle.

"Fish?" He said. "Nope... it's tofu... that's a vegan food..." I said. His eyes widened in shock. "B-but... that tasted like a real meat!" He exclaim. "Yupp... I know... my mom used to teach me" I said, my smile fading at the thought of my mom. Naruto tightens his hug around me in attempt to comfort me.

I lean my back against his chest. "Thank you... you've always been there for me, Naruto..." I said. He turns me around so he can hug me better. I lean my head on his chest. "I'll always be here for you, Y/N-Chan" he said, running his hand on my hair. "I love you..." he whispers.

"I love you too, Naruto..." I said back, pulling away from his chest and stare into his eyes. He smiles at me and leans down to place a soft kiss on my lips. I smile into the kiss and close my eyes, tilting my head to the side to deepen the kiss.


Naruto left because he have something to do. I got bored to be home alone, so I decide to go for a walk to cure my boredom.

As I walk around the village, I see someone that I never seen around here. I notice that that person is looking at me. From the person's body posture, I can tell that he's a guy.

He notice that I'm looking at him and instantly turns around, walking away. 'That guy is being suspicious' I thought to myself. I frown and runs after him. I try to be as careful as possible to not get caught.

He turns around the corner. I run faster and follows him. But I don't see him anywhere. look around to try to find him.

"Where the heck is he?" I said to myself. I shrug my shoulder. "I'll just inform Izumo and Kotetsu..." I said. I turn around only to run into a firm chest. I stumble backwards, but manage to catch myself so I don't fall over. I look up to see the guy.

"Who are you? Why are you watching me?" I asks. He just stares at me. He's wearing a mask, which covers most of his face. "Follow me..." he said in a low tone. "As if... I'll report you... tress-passer..." I said, turning around to leave. But a firm hand grab my wrist. "Hey! You better let me go or I'm going to scream!" I said, trying to pull my hand away from his grip.

"Hey! Are you deaf? I said let me-" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw his eyes. Sharingan... who the heck is he? Then the it turns into a symbol, I know as the Mangekyo Sharingan. My eyes widened, then everything around me turns black. The only thing I remember is being thrown over this guy's shoulder.

Naruto... help me...

Naruto P.O.V

Naruto... help me... I heard Y/N's voice in my head. I snap out of it and stands up. "Naruto... where are you going? I still haven't got the jutsu yet!" Kiba said. "Sorry... something happens with Y/N-Chan... she's in danger... I have to go help her..." I said, turning around to run. "Wait! What do you mean in danger and how do you know?!" He screams behind me. But I ignore him and continue running.

I can see a vision of Y/N-Chan laying limp, while being carried on someone's shoulder. Then I can see a pair of eyes. My clench my hands into a tight when I know who's eyes it is.

Uchiha Itachi

*to be continued*

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