Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

That Teme... I didn't expect him to react on Y/N-Chan like that. I thought he loved her. No one would do that to the people they love. If that Teme attempts to do that to Y/N-Chan again. I WILL kill him. Don't worry, Y/N-Chan...

I'll always protect you...

-Naruto's Rage-


We'll be going on a mission now. Captain Yamato is going to disguise himself as one of Akatsuki and meet with Kabuto and Orochimaru.

I feel kind of scared to go along. But I have to go with Naruto. I know he'll go berserk if he meets Kabuto. Especially after what he had done to me. Naruto, me and Sakura hid behind a bush as we watch.

Then from a far, we can see 2 figure approaching. I can feel myself trembling in fear, when I saw Kabuto and Orochimaru. The day he attempts to rape me flash back inside my mind.

Naruto notices this and wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Shh... it's okay, Y/N-Chan... I'm right here... I won't let anything happen to you..." he whispers in a soft tone. Then he turns and glare at Kabuto. "I'll make him pay for what he had done to you..." he said. I can feel anger emitting from him. I hold his hand gently and rub the back of his hand softly. He relaxes under my touch.

Captain Yamato gives his signal and we jumps out of our hideout. I stand next to Naruto, as I try my best not to start shaking in fear.

Kabuto notices me. I send him a glare, which makes him smirk. "Hey babe... you manage to escape me... but the next time... I won't let you escape..." he said. Naruto push me behind him, as he stands in front of me in a protective manner.

Naruto glares at them. "Give Sasuke back! And you..." he said, pointing at Kabuto. "I'll make you pay for what you've done to Y/N..." he growls. I just stare at his back, worried. I can sense his Nine-tailed chakra is flowing out. "Naruto..." I said. He turns to me and his facial features changing.

He honestly scares me a little

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He honestly scares me a little. But I trust him. He won't hurt me... in whatever condition he's in. I try to reach out.

"Y/N-Chan... step away... I don't wanna hurt you..." he said. I shake my head as I try to approach him. I place my hands on either side of his cheeks. I flinch a little at the heat of his chakra, but I endure it. "Calm down Naruto... if you fight in this condition... you'll get yourself hurt..." I said. He ignores me and turns to Captain Yamato. "Hold her back, Captain... don't let her anywhere near me..." he said.

Captain grabs me by my arm and pulls me away from Naruto. "No, Captain! I have to stop him... he's going to get himself hurt!" I exclaim as I try to break free from his grip.

"Y/N! YOU will get yourself hurt... Naruto won't be able to control who's he attacking if he turns..." he said. "I don't care! I have to stop him!" I said as I continue to struggle. "I'm sorry for doing this..." he whispers. I was about to ask him what he meant, but a sharp pain on my neck cuts me off. Slowly I start to lose consciousness.


Slowly I start to regain consciousness. The first thing I feel is the stinging pain on my neck. Then comes anger when I remember how I lose my conscious. I turn my head and found him. Then I quickly stand up, then makes my way towards Captain Yamato.

"Why would you do that!" I scream at him. He turns to me looking surprise. "You're awake... I'm sorry for that..." he said. "Sorry doesn't cut it, Captain! Why'd you do that?! And where's Naruto?" I asks. He turns around and points towards a certain direction. My eyes follows where he's pointing at and saw Sakura who's tending on Naruto.

I run towards him. "Naruto..." I said. He opens his eyes and looks at me. He smiles "Y/N-Chan..." he said. "I would hit you right now... for asking Captain Yamato to pull me away from you... but you're hurt enough as it is..." I said. His whole body is covered in burn marks.

"I'll help you..." I said, taking out my kunai. I make a small cut on my hand. Then I outstretch my hand. "Take it..." I said, hovering my bleeding hand above his lips. He parted his lips slightly. I let a drop of my blood drip into his mouth.

Then his burn wounds starts to heal faster. Sakura helps him heal as well. In no time, Naruto heals completely. He moves to sit, with my help. Then I hug him tightly. "You really all scared me, Naruto..." I said. He wraps his arms around my waist. "Sorry..." he said.

I pull away slightly and smack his head. "Ouch!! W-what's t-that for?" He asks, holding onto his head. "I told you I'd smack you, didn't I?" I said. He just pout at me. I shake my head and hugs him again. "You're such a dork sometimes, Naruto..." I said. He chuckle and hugs me. "But I'm your dork, right?" He said. I roll my eyes and giggle. "Yes... yes you are..." I said. I can feel him smiling as he hid his face on the crook of my neck.

We are now going back to Konoha. I heard a loud thump, so I turn my head towards the source to see Sakura on the ground.

I jump down and lands in front of him. I kneel in front of her. "Sakura-Chan... what's wrong?" I asks, as I notice her holding onto her upper arm. I place my hand on top of her's and move it away from her arm. I can see a wound there.

"What's wrong? Who did this?" I asks. She glance at Naruto. "He did this?" I asks. She just nods her head slowly. I let out a sigh "why didn't you tell me you're hurt... I could've heal you..." I said. I grab my kunai and make a small slit. "Here..." I said, out stretching it to her lips. She take my blood and her arm slowly heals. I smile at her "that's better, right?" I asks. She nods her head "thank you, Y/N-Chan..." she said. I smile softly at her. After that we continue our way back to Konoha.

*to be continued*

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