Chapter 18

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Previously on Chapter 17

"I loved you, Naruto. How could you do this to me?! You're nothing but a jerk! Stay away from me. Don't you EVER show your face... in front of me again!" I yelled. "Y/N..." he said. I shake my head. I choke out a sob and turn to run away again.

-Fed Up-


I stayed in my room ever since what happened. I'm surprise Lady Tsunade didn't ask for me. Did she know or something? But nonetheless, I haven't left my room after finding out Naruto's betrayal.

I don't know what to feel right now. Hurt? Sadness? Anger? All of them. My feelings are all jumbled up. I don't know what to do with them. So I just stay silent and let it be.

I'm currently sitting by the window. I stare out at the sky, deep in thought. First Sasuke... and now Naruto. Both of them broke my heart. Am I not allowed to be in love? Am I allowed to feel anything at all?

Tears streams down my cheeks because of the pain I feel. Why... why does this always happens to me. I just want to feel love. I just want to feel accepted. I just want to have someone who understands me. Is that too much for me to ask?


It's now night time, I can't sleep at all. I decided to take a walk around the town. I have my hoodie on, covering most of my face.

I ended up by the lake. I take a seat next to it. The sky that is filled with stars is beautiful, and the light reflecting in the water makes it even more prettier. I lean my back against the tree near the place. My mind starts to get fill with thought of my childhood.

The times I shared with team 7. All those hard time, all those precious memories. Especially the first time we left Konoha for a mission, to the Land of Waves. I miss those times, when everything was okay. Sasuke and the others, when we were still complete.

I feel tears streaming down my cheeks as I recall all those memories. I close my eyes, letting all of my emotions out. I miss everyone... I miss Sasuke.

"Sasuke... I miss you. If only you were here. My life would be okay" I said, with my eyes still close. I feel a hand on my cheek. I flinch and open my eyes. My eyes widened as I stare into a pair of onyx eyes.

"S-Sasuke..." I said. He smiles at me. "You still miss me?" He said. I pull myself away from the tree and looks away from him.

"How did you get in here?" I asked. "It wasn't hard. Konoha's security are the worst" he said. I roll my eyes at what he just said. "What are you doing here anyway?" I said without looking at him.

"I've always came here. You just didn't notice me" he said. "What?" I said, turning to look at him in shock. "I always came... watching you" he said. I just stare at him, not knowing what to say.

"You said you misses me. Do you still love me?" He said, after a while of silence. I just stare forward, not knowing how to answer him. Sure... I miss him. But I don't know if I still love him.

"I guess you don't... I guess I should just leave" he said. He stands up. But I grab his hands before he can walk away. He turns to look at me. "Don't go..." I said. He just stares at me for a couple of seconds. In the end, he sits back down next to me.

I hesitate for a bit. But I scoot closer to his side and place my head on his shoulder. He tense up a little. But soon relaxes. I feel an arm snake around my waist, pulling me closer to his side.

"I miss you, Sasuke..." I said. I feel a soft kiss on the side of my head. "I miss you too, Y/N..." he said. I pull away to look at him. He looks at me as well. We stare at each other, without saying anything. Then he slowly close the gap and place a soft kiss on my lips. I froze at his sudden action. But eventually relaxes and closes my eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

After a while, we have to pull away for air. He leans his forehead against mine as we try to catch our breath. He cups my cheeks softly in his hands. He leans back a little to place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he just holds me close.

I lean my head against his chest, letting myself relax in his embrace and warmth. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry for all the pain I've caused you. If only I didn't send you back to Konoha, you won't face so much pain" he said. I just tighten my arms around him in return.

"Don't leave me again, Sasuke..." I said. "I won't, Y/N. But you know I can't stay here..." he said. I let out a sigh. "Yeah... I know" I said, nodding my head. He buries his face in my hair. I can hear him inhaling a sharp breath. 

"Are you... sniffing me?" I said, pulling away from him. He smiles at me. "I miss you, Y/N... I miss your scent" he said. He pulls me closer once again, this time with his face buried in the crook of my neck. I shiver as he nuzzle his nose in my neck.

"Sasuke... that tickles" I said, trying not to laugh. I can feel his shoulders shaking lightly, letting me know that he's laughing. He pulls away and chuckles softly. "I didn't know you're ticklish" he said, leaning his face close to mine. I blush at his closeness.

"Y/N... what are you doing at this hour? Shouldn't you be asleep?" He said. "I couldn't sleep" I said. "It's because of what happened with Naruto, isn't it?" He said. "How did you... nevermind, you're always watching me. So that's why I've always felt like someone's watching me" I said. "Yeah... sorry about that. You didn't get creeped out, right?" He said. I shake my head, smiling at him.

He smiles at me and pulls me closer. I close my eyes, snuggling closer to his chest. I start to feel sleepy. So I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

A/N: here you go! I feel SO bad for not giving you guys an update for such a long time! I'm so sorry about that. See you next time!

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