Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

That bastard won't be alive when I saw him... no one can hurt Y/N-Chan and get away with it. Not only he hurt her physically... but mentally as well and I will get him for that!! Don't you worry, Y/N-Chan...

I will always be there for you...

-Naruto's Comfort-


A month have passed and I'm finally discharged from the hospital. But I still keep my distance from everyone. The only one I trust is Sakura, Ino and Hinata. Aside from them... I would always be scared.

I tried so hard to chase away this fear. But no matter what I do... I would be shaking in fear when someone tries to approach me.

Right now I'm sitting down on top of my roof. I just sit there, hugging my knees close to my chest. My thought is all over the place. So many have been going on inside my head... that I don't know which one I should be focusing on.

The 5th Hokage, Tsunade... didn't give me any mission, due to my condition. I feel grateful for that. I can't focus... I'll only slow my team down. I can't afford being a distraction on a mission. It will ruin my reputation as a Shinobi. But it left me feeling extremely bored, since there's nothing for me to do.

My thought eventually drifted to Sasuke. Why do you send me back, Sasuke? Why do you always decide things on your own. "Are you falling out of love with me?" I say out loud, looking at the sky that's slowly turning dark.

"Never... I will always love you..." I jump at the new sound. I turn around and my eyes widened at who's in front of me.

"Sasuke..." I said. He smiles and walks over to me. He reaches out, to place his hand on my cheek. But before he could, I pull away from him.

He looks at me in confusion. "What? B-baby... what's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head. "You sent me back... its clear that you don't want me around you... so why did you come here?" I asks, as my eyes starts to get blurry with tears.

"Baby... I-" I cut him off. "You should not be here... if anyone sees you... you will be send straight to the prison... you are a rogue ninja..." I said. "Y/N..." he tries to say, but I cut him off... again, by shaking my head. "No... just leave me here alone... Sasuke... you don't belong here... you betrayed me... you sent me back here against my will..." I said with emotionless face, despite the tears that are streaming down my cheeks like a water fall.

"Hey you!" I heard someone scream. I look at the person then back at Sasuke. "Leave... now!" I said. He looks at me with a sad gaze. "I will always love you, Y/N... you will always be my princess... remember that..." he said, then he fled off.

I fall on my knees and start crying. The person run towards me and kneel down next to me. "Are you okay?" He asks. I just shake my head. My heart hurts so much.

The person carefully and gently pulls me into a hug. "Shhh... it'll be alright, Y/N-Chan... he didn't hurt you, did he?" He asks again. I just clutch his shirt tightly, as I continue to cry. "It hurts, Naruto... it hurts..." I wailed. "I know... I know..." he said, in a hush tone.

Naruto P.O.V

I hold Y/N closer to me as she keeps on crying. I caress her head softly. Sasuke have hurt her pretty badly. He betrayed her trust.

After a while, I heard a soft snore from the girl. I look down and smile. I gently wipe the tears from her cheeks. Then I frown as I my thought drifted to Sasuke and how badly he have hurt her.

That teme... if I ever find him... I will make him regret for making Y/N-Chan this upset. No one can hurt her and get away with it easily.

The truth is... ever since Y/N-Chan returned to Konoha a month ago. I have started to develop a small crush on her... and just like any other crushes. My feelings slowly evolve into something more.

I fell in love with Y/N-chan...



I open my eyes and realize it's already morning. I move my hand, feeling the smooth surface of my bed. Naruto must have carried me in.

I look around and eventually, my eyes landed on a figure. 'Did he sleep here?' I thought to myself. I move the blanket away from my body and stand up.

I walk over to Naruto and kneel down next to him, who is currently sleeping in the couch.

I smile softly as I watch his peaceful expression. But he looks cold. I stand up and walk over to my bed... grabbing my blanket. Then I walk back to Naruto and drape the blanket around him. 'He must be tired... I should probably let him sleep...' I thought to myself. Then I walk out of my room and head towards the kitchen.

I decide to make some breakfast for Naruto and I. I look through my fridge to check what I have.

"Let's see... I have some eggs... do I have rice?" I walk over to the rice cooker and open it. "Yes... I have some... I think fried rice would be good..." I say to myself. I know that Naruto loves ramen... but it's still too early to have that. I want him to have a healthy breakfast.

After gathering all the ingredients I would need to make the fried rice, I start cooking.

Naruto P.O.V

I open my eyes in Y/N-chan's room. I look around the room and realize that Y/N-chan's isn't around. Then I smell something good. She must be cooking right now.

I was right, when I see her stirring the food she's cooking. My body acts on its own, before I could stop it. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.


I jump when I feel a pair of arms on my waist. On instinct I pull away and turn my body to see Naruto.

"What are you doing?" I asks, trying to keep the shaking at bay. His eyes widen "I-I'm sorry, Y/N-Chan... I didn't know what has gotten into me..." he said as he try to reach out for me.

"I-its o-okay... just don't do it again..." I stutter out. I turn around and continue to cook. "I won't, Y/N-Chan... I'll only hold you if you wanted me too..." he said. I just nod my head and didn't say anything.

*to be continued*

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