Chapter 9

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A/N: I'm so happy! I got myself a new phone. Hihihi~

Previously on Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 8

??? P.O.V

Y/N is mine... I won't let that loser steal her from me for too long... I WILL get here back.

-Leave Me Alone-


Right now... I'm cooking some dinner for Naruto and I. He just came about a minute ago. Now he is sitting in the dining table as he waits for me to finish my cooking.

Then out of no where, I feel a pair of arms around my waist. I jump a little out of fright because I didn't expect that.

I heard a sound of chuckling from behind me. I turn my head slightly to see Naruto. "You scared me... when did you even move from your seats??" I asks. "A while ago... you're too focus on cooking that you did not even realize me moving..." he said, nuzzling his chin on my shoulder. I roll my eyes at him and giggle. Then I just continue to cook. This time I have Naruto clinging onto me like a koala. A cute one too!

"Naruto... can you help me set the table up?" I asks. "Huh? Okay..." he said, pulling away. Then he grabs 2 plates from the drawer and set them on the table. I turn the stove off and bring the food to the table.

"Wow... this looks so good!" He said. I smile and scoop some up, pouring it to Naruto's plate. "Have a bite..." I said. He nods his head, then he take a bite. I wait for his reaction. His eyes widened "this is SO so good!" He said. "I'm glad..." I said. Then I scoop up some for myself and start eating.

After I'm done, I pick up the dirty dishes and bring them to the sink. Then I start washing them. Naruto walks over to me, rolling up his sleeve and help me. I smile at him and he smiles back. He place a soft kiss on the side of my head. I blush slightly, making him chuckle.

It's getting late, Naruto heads home. I'm still not so sleepy, so I decide to stay in the living room. I pick up a book and start reading.

In the middle of reading, my sense perks up. I can feel someone in the room with me. I reach in to my drawer, pulling out my hostler. I take out a kunai and hold it in a defense mode. The presence come from the room in the hall, the lights is off... but I know someone is there. I activate my Sharingan and I can see chakra flow.

'This chakra flow... seems familiar... do I know this person?' I thought to myself, holding my kunai a little higher. "Who's there??" I said, in a demanding tone. Then the person walks out of the dark room.

My eyes widened when I realize who it is. My hand starts to shake a little, I lower my hand slightly. "S-Sasuke..." I stutter out. He walks towards me, but I raise my hand again.

"Hi baby..." he said. "DON'T "hi baby" me! We're not a thing anymore..." I said. "We are still a thing! We never really say anything about breaking up, do we?" He said. "Well then... I'm breaking up with you!" I said. His face turns darker. "Don't you dare... you're mine, Y/N... remember that!" He said. "I ain't yours and you're no one to me... you betrayed me... I hate you!" I scream at him. "It was the only way! I can't risk having Kabuto make a move on you again... he almost rape you! I can't let him do that... I did that to protect you, Y/N. You should know that... I... I love you. I love you so much, Y/N... and I'm sorry for lying to you... please come back to me..." he pleads. Sasuke isn't the type to beg. So to have him pleading at me, is quite a shocking. But I can't give in... I'm with Naruto now.

"I can't... I don't feel that way towards you anymore. Naruto is the one I love now..." I said. Then the next thing I know, he pines me against the wall. His face really close to mine.

"I can make you feel that way towards me again... I just need you to give me another chance... please..." he pleads again. I try to push him off me, but I can't. He's too strong.

"Get off of me! Leave me alone!" I scream at him. He shakes his head and pulls me into a hug. "Let me go or I'm going to scream!" I threaten. He still didn't move an inch.

I open my mouth to scream, but couldn't. He kisses me. I clutch the shirt on his shoulder. "Sasuke... s-stop... you can't... you can't do this to me..." I cried out. He pulls away completely. "Yes I can... I'll show you that you're mine!" He exclaim. Then he pulls me with him. He drags me upstairs to my room. Then he push me to the bed, then he crawl on top of me. "Get of me!" I scream again. He pines my hand on top of my head.

I shut my head tightly, when Sasuke begin kissing me down my neck. 'Naruto... help me...' I thought to myself, hoping that Naruto is here with me.

Naruto P.O.V

'Naruto... help me...' I heard a voice inside my head. It sounds like Y/N. Suddenly I have a bad feeling. I
sprung to my feet and hurried over to her house.

Y/N must be in trouble. I know she have the ability to talk telepathically. So she must be sending me a message to let me know that she's in trouble. I have to hurry.

Hang in there, Y/N... I'm coming...


His hands is all over me. He starts to unbutton my shirt. "S-stop this..." I cried out. "No... I need to show you who you belong to.... and that's me! You are mine, Y/N..." he said, forcefully kissing me.

"Naruto!!!!" I scream. Then the door burst open. Naruto stood there. His face turns into rage when he saw what happened.

"Teme! Get off of my girl!" He screams, running over to us and punch Sasuke on the cheek, hard. Which sends him flying off me. Naruto pulls me up to my feet, putting his jacket on me. He hugs me close, as he glares at Sasuke.

"How dare you touch Y/N-Chan like that?? She's not yours anymore... she's mine now! Go away and leave her alone, Teme!" Naruto screams at him. Sasuke gets up, wiping the blood of his cheek. "It's not over yet, Naruto... Y/N is mine... I will have her back..." he said. Then he vanish. 

I begin to bawl my eyes out. Naruto hugs me tightly. I clutch his shirt tightly in my hands. "Shh... it's okay now... I hear your voice in my head and instantly run here..." he whispers. I just keep crying, until slowly falling asleep.

Naruto P.O.V

I heard a soft snore coming from Y/N-Chan. I pull away to see her asleep. I pick her up, bridal style. Then lay her on the bed gently. She didn't let me go, so I just tuck myself in next to her. She instantly cozied up to me. I caress her head softly.

That Teme... I didn't expect him to react on Y/N-Chan like that. I thought he loved her. No one would do that to the people they love. If that Teme attempts to do that to Y/N-Chan again. I WILL kill him. Don't worry, Y/N-Chan...

I'll always protect you...

*to be continued*

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