Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

"Let's get some sleep... I'm tired..." He said in a hush tone. I nod my head. "Okay..." I said back. I feel him placing another soft kiss on the side of my head. Then a soft snore coming from him which means he has fallen asleep. I smile as I close my eyes. Slowly, I drift off into a deep and peaceful slumber.



When I woke up, I'm guessing it's still around 5 in the morning. Since I just woke up. I can't fall back asleep.

Arms are around my waist. Turning in the arm, I came face to face with Sasuke. He's still sound asleep. I smile as I lean forward to place a soft kiss on his forehead.

Then I try to move his arm away, only to feel them tightening. "Where are you going, baby?" He said in his morning voice. "Um... I woke up too early... I think I can't fall asleep anymore..." I said. He lean down to place a soft kiss on my forehead. "Sure you can..." He said, pulling me even closer. Then he move my head to lean on his chest. Then he caress my hair softly. He's right... My eyes starts to drift shut and I slowly fall back to sleep.

A Few Hours Later

The next time I woke up, I think it's around noon. I turn to my side, Sasuke isn't around. He must be on another training session with Kabuto. I hope he won't be seriously injured again. He really makes me worry.

I sigh as I move to get up and stretch a little. Then I make my way out of our bedroom. Then I make my way towards the training ground.

I enter the training ground. I was right... He is on another training session. I make my way to the closest wall and take a seat. I hug my knees close to my chest as I observe them.

Sasuke have gotten a lot stronger than he did before leaving Konoha. As much as I want him to stop trying to get revenge. I can't. It's his goal. All I can do is support him. I just hope he wouldn't regret. Itachi is the only family he have left.

I just stay silent. 'I wonder how he will be after getting his revenge...' I thought to myself as I watch them train.

"Okay... That's it for today... You may rest..." Kabuto said. Sasuke just nods his head and turns around, still breathing heavily. His eyes met mine and a smile makes his away upon his lips. Then he walks over to me.

He offers his hand for me to grab. I place my hand on top of his and he pulls me up. He pulls me a little too strong than he needed to, which makes me fly forward. Luckily he manage to catch me before I fall.

"Whoops... Sorry..." He said. I chuckle and shake my head. I wrap my arms around his neck. "It's okay... I know you wouldn't let me get hurt..." I said. "Yeah... You're right... It will be the last thing I'd do..." He said. Then he leans down and place a soft kiss on my lips. I smile into the kiss and close my eyes. He tilt his head and deepen the kiss.

A sudden boom cause us to pull away from each other. "What was that??" I said, looking towards the direction. Sasuke look down at me. "I don't know baby... But stay here, okay?" He said. "But..." I try to say, but he cuts me off. "No buts... I want you to stay here... It might be them... Those bandits that is after you... I want you to be safe... So stay here..." He said, with a stern look. The look in his eyes telling me that he is not up for an arguments. I don't want to have a fight with him, so I just let out sigh and nod my head. He smiles and place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he walks away.

I decide to head to our room. I lay there for a while. But curiosity got the best of me. I really want to know what cause the explosion. I sigh and get up. I start walking towards where the sound of explosion came from.

When I reach there, I hid behind the wall and stay silent. "Come back with us! Come back to Konoha with us!" I heard someone said. I know that voice all too well. It's Sakura.

"You're still annoying..." Sasuke said. I can see the hurt look in her eyes. I just observe them in silent.

Naruto P.O.V

We are on Mission to bring back Sasuke. We manage to find him in Orochimaru's base. He looks a lot different now.

"Come out now!" I heard Sai said. I turn to look at him, to see him looking towards a certain direction. So I follow his gaze to see a figure coming out from the shadow.

My eyes widened. "Y/N..." I said. "Hey... It's been a while, hasn't it... Naruto..." She said with a soft smile.


"Y/N! I thought I told you to stay" Sasuke said. I pout at him. "Sorry... I was curious on what's going on..." I said. He sigh "come over here..." He said. I jump and landed next to him.

He pulls me to his side, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You're so stubborn babe" he said. I giggle "well... What can you say? I have an adventurous soul..." I said. He shake his head and laugh with me. "What am I gonna do with you" he said. He place a soft kiss on my forehead.

Then he turns to look at Naruto, his arm still around my waist. "Let's get out of here... Let's not waste our time on these losers..." He said. I frown when he said loser. They are still our friends. But I didn't say a thing. I just nod my head. "Okay..." I said in a soft tone. Then we vanish from Naruto's and Sakura's sight.

*to be continued*

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