Wolfie's mischief.....

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Author prefers summers over winters. What do you!!!!

A pleasant Wednesday morn in the valley. The Sun radiated it's soothing heat on the town. Although the heat was tad bit of scorching yet who bothers in the chilly days of the year. Besides the natives had been asking for it for so long and the God's have been in their favour after a good long month. Anyways, the flora and fauna were as always, pretty and hiding under their comfort zones, because winters aren't widely appreciated by every population. Curiously, a huge queue of women were gathered outside the town's biggest mall, " Indraprastha". Neither it was Sunday nor any festival approaching than this grand queue was a bit shocking. Howbeit the reason behind this bizzare gathering was pretty simple and common 'The Wednesday Sale'. Wednesday sales were a characteristic facet of the malls out there in the valley. Nonetheless nowadays different malls in the valley have resolved to fix the sales on different days to avoid the unwanted mob in the town. Now it was pretty obvious for the women to tumble over each other to enter inside the mall. Besides women love shopping more than their own consorts. A bitter truth but truth at last.

The affairs of the town were of no use for the castleians. Sales or not, their quotidian routine doesn't face no hindrance. The mundane business of the castle slaves were going on inside the castle. May it be the usual swabbing, mopping or brooming, the slaves were not at all free. Anyways slaves affairs is really not our affair. Our main protagonist or for some antagonist, was inside the royal Kitchen. No no, not for cooking, obviously wolfs don't cook. Besides the mighty Alpha King can do anything but cooking, dancing and shopping. The wolf hadn't left since last night, after he and his wife brought those tiny pups, he insisted on staying and his lovely wife was all more obliged to grant him the permission. But, any of these happenings doesn't had any nexus between the big beast and the grand Kitchen. Well, if he's in the Kitchen than there must be some obscured business of his inside the huge scullery. Now if you ask any cultivated pupil, his answer would be pretty justified and precise i.e. a person only enters the kitchen when his tummy asks him to. Although the King couldn't be counted as a person yet he was inside the Kitchen for food, obviously. Howbeit as quoted earlier " He didn't got no idea of cooking", than how will he fill his big tummy. He wagged his tail as he prowled inside the Kitchen to find any article of use. His turquoise orbs wandered across the Kitchen, only to catch sight of the huge cabinets, a big kitchen counter and a gas stove along with a basket of fresh vegetables. He was a wolf, a werewolf to be precise and therefore his tummy didn't appreciated the vegetables. Besides who prefers raw food unless it's the flesh of a newly preyed deer ( For a wolf). His stomach grumbled as he was ravenous. He hadn't eaten anything since last couple of hours and as a consequence he was undeniably hungry. He whined lowly as his eyes failed to trace any sustenance. A hungry man is a creature of uncertain temper and this sticks to the werewolves as well. His temper was giving it's way and in no moment he found himself transforming into more wilder and ferocious form of his. He howled as a warning of his mad mien. And than he leaped up onto the kitchen counter, squeezing the tender bell peppers under his paws. The seeds of the pepper were on the ground and the bell was no longer a bell but a flat pepper, if that even makes sense. But the beast's fury didn't terminated thereby. He growled under the effect of his empty stomach and pushed the stove on the linoleum, resulting in it's wrecking. Than he saw the cabinets and most probably he might've not liked the beautiful black outlay of the cabinets, perhaps that's why he began scratching the cabinets to leave marks of his sharp claws on the beautiful cabinets. Following that tiny havoc, he leaped onto the floor and searched for anything else to smash or simply 'play with'. Unfortunately he discovered a sac of fresh out of the farm potatoes, he gave a sly smirk and prowled towards the poor potatoes. In a moment he was standing by the sac and in another minute he had tossed the potatoes on the floor. But if only that was it for the beast. He began to smash the potatoes with his strong paws, slashing them alongside with his sharp knife like claws.

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