A possessive beast.....

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Brightly yellow warblers flitted about in the branches of the huge cedar trees. The tiny snowy white bunnys played in the thickets of the Himalayan junipers. A herd of spotted deers sprinted in the wildflowers meadow. Today the weather wasn't so pleasing in the opinion of the townsfolk. With the teeth-chattering chilly breeze gusting across the town and the heavy grey clouds enshrouding the junior metropolis, the weather was in no account upto the liking of the natives. The heavy grey clouds were an indication of heavy downpour and let's just believe that the natives weren't a huge fanatic of rains. Perhaps because the showers of rain will outcome in dropping the temperature and it would be rather unpalatable for the natives. Besides today was the last day of the carnival and the folks didn't wanted the downpour to create a hindrance in there merrymaking. The carnival howbeit didn't ended up to the interests of the town ladies as the castle king didn't walked into the carnival even for once. They waited, waited and waited but in vain as the heartthrob of the town wasn't in the mood to leave the beauty he had immured inside his castle, for only him to behold. The ladies were blazing in immense anger because they were given pseudo hopes by Mr Suri and Mr Murli that the diabolical king will arrive for sure which didn't betide. The ladies will pay the gents a little visit though after the wrapping up of the carnival.

Sharanya laid on the soft mattress of the bed. A novel clasped in her tiny hands and her eyes glued to the printed words of the thick novel. She chuckled as she read the light hearted comedy with heed. Howbeit a sudden clicking sound of the door caught her attention making her turn her head towards the door. She turned her head towards the door only to find the castle king walking inside. She furrowed her brows as contrary to the usual days, today he wasn't wearing a smile but a frown. Besides at this time of the day, he is usually in the throne room not here. She softly pressed the book close before looking at him with questioning eyes. Nevertheless this time when her eyes came in contact with his, she caught him narrowing his lids at her which was pretty out of common for her as majority of the times it's her who narrows her lids at him while he just obeys her like a love sick wolf. She raised her brow warning him to spill the beans already. Fortunately he was smart enough to make out what she wanted.
"You said you like the wolf more than me. You were joking right. " he blurted out with eyes still narrowed. She inwardly chuckled. He was still not out of last night's conversation.
"What makes you think I was joking. " she said endeavouring not to guffaw at his adorableness. He grabbed the cushion with force before roughly flinging it on the floor like a frustrated kid. This time she couldn't control her chuckles. Not her fault though, the castle king looked pretty adorable while behaving like a 5 year old.
"Sharanya please say you are kidding. " he pleaded like a kid before marching towards the bed and jumping up on it making the bed creek. She folded her arms while looking into his possessive eyes which held so much obsession and honesty in them making her feel like she was the most luckiest girl on this earth.
"No I am not. I like Wolfie the most. " she smirked while teasing him more. He punched the pillows harshly letting out all his frustration and anger on the poor pillows. She giggled as she watched how possessive and love sick his man was.
"I am not talking." he yelled like a kid as he stood up from the bed balling his fists. She chuckled.
"Go ahead. " she said with a smile. He stomped his foot before storming outside the door. She burst out into laughter as she witnessed his silly threats. She knew he cannot stay away from her even for a minute than not talking with her was next to impossible for him. She knew he would come back seconds later.
"1,2....." her counting couldn't complete as he came back inside the room receiving a chuckle from her. He looked at her with puppy dog eyes as he walked towards her.
"Baby please. " he pleaded before perching on the bed in front of her. She giggled placing her hand on her cheek.
"What please.!! " she asked pretending to be oblivious of what he wanted.
"Please say you like me more. " he whispered playing with the strands of her hairs.
"But why do you have issues with my liking towards the wolf. " she asked with a smile. He sat up on the bed before narrowing his lids again.
"Because I can't stand the fact that you like someone else more than me. It should be me who gets all your love and attention, not anyone else. " he muttered like a kid. She went awe at his confession. He loves her so much and she just don't want to stop teasing him. She really felt that she shouldn't poke fun at him more. Besides for her three of them secured an equal and a very special place in her heart. And with the trios persistent confession of their undying and mad love for her, she couldn't help but slowly fall for them. She was slowly starting to fall in love with the castle king, the beast and the wolf. Not that she was complaining though as she knew she was bound to him forever and one day or the other, she will fall in love with him anyways.
"OK I am sorry. I like you more, now happy. " she said with a smile making him shriek in happiness, mimicking a fan girl. She giggled at her overgrown beast.
"Wohooooo!!!!! I love you so much, sharanya. " he yelled happily before grabbing her waist and leaving butterfly kisses all over her face and neck. She giggled as his sweet tender kissed tickled her. He continued to kiss and peck his prized possession before stopping abruptly making her furrow her brows as it was pretty rare for him to stop kissing her because he can ne'er get enough of her.
"Gimme a kisssshhhh....." he said like a baby making her laugh like crazy. She laughed before softly pressing her lips on his. He was quick enough to transform this sweet little kiss into a steamy passionate one as he moulded his lips perfectly against hers and sucked on her lower lip. She slowly laid back on the bed giving him the opportunity to hover on her and kiss her more passionately than already. She closed her eyes as she knew her captor wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

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