Beast's mad love......

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The balmy days of summer in the mountains. The soothing sunbeams radiated on the earth are never too scorching in the hills. Predominantly in the Himalayas. Perhaps because of the chilly zephyr that on all occasions gusts across the mountains. Besides the bountiful conifers and evergreens aids in dropping the temperature even in the summer season. Hence the mountains invariably have a gratifying weather. The people of shivalaya hence don't know zilch about the scorching heat. Yet they know something which nobody else does i.e. the Dark King. The people of shivalaya were distressed. The Dark King was to be held accountable for that. He had snatched away the peace and serenity of the native townsmen. Everyday they wake up in a fear that this might be the day they will be slayed by the diabolical king. Even though he hadn't butchered a multitude of people yet. He had murdered inspector parag, Mr Sharma's sons and 10-12 others. It was quite contradictory to his accustomed decimating norms. He was quite famed for annihilating the innocents, chiefly the humans. Howbeit now he doesn't seem to relish the smell of blood on his hands as much as he used to relish years back. Perhaps because he was madly in love and craved nothing forbye his beauteous mate. He craved to hold her, caress her, kiss her and do all the wrong things to her seductive body. No doubt he was a lovesick wolf yet he was an unhinged and atrocious king. He still doesn't scruple to slay.

Sharanya sat in the huge courtyard of the castle, lost in her musing. She thought about her family, what they must be doing right now. She missed them a lot. She missed her doting grandparents, her overprotective father and her solicitous mother. It had been days since she has been staying inside the castle. She was truly aggravated and wretched as well. She was irked for the reason that she was immured inside the castle and it had been days since she breathed in the fresh air. And she was wretched because she longed to go out. She craved to step out of the castle and amble in the town. Yet she knew her wish can never come true owing to the fact that her captor was obsessed with her and would do anything to keep her fettered to him. He was deranged and unhinged. She was well acquainted with the fact that her beauty was to be held accountable for driving him crazy. She was positive that it's was the culpability of her beauty that a savage and a ruthless beast has became obsessed with her. Once a heartless beast he now craves for bupkis forbye her. Only her. She was the one who stole the heart of the beast even though she didn't wanted to. She ne'er wanted to be in his heart. Yet she was helpless now as the beast had already claimed her. He had forcibly snatched his virtue, marring her. She had always wanted someone she loves to take her. But who knew that she will forcibly be claimed by a ruthless monster. Howbeit she knew that the beast didn't wanted to do it. As the omega female apprised her regarding the mating ritual that if the beast hadn't claimed her than she would have died. Yet still she abhor the beast. She would have happily accepted death rather than letting him claim her. Besides it was all rather painful for her as in the beast form his manhood becomes twice it's original size and it hurted her alot.
"Queen. " a timid voice interrupted her musing. She turned back to find the omega female standing with an accustomed beam on her face. Sharanya gave her a short smile.
"I see that you are already dressed. Howbeit your hairs don't look so good. Let me do your hairs queen. " she said as she gently held her little hand and proceeded towards the looking glass. She asked sharanya to sit in front of the huge looking glass as she started to do her hairs. Sharanya gazed at herself in the mirror. She was outright astonished and flabbergasted as well after seeing herself. She was turning more and more beautiful with each passing day and she didn't know why. Since the day she has arrived in the castle she was able to see quite a lot of changes in herself. Her skin was glowing, a few barely visible spots on her face were now outright invisible, her hairs had grown till her hips and were extra soft, her breasts were wider and broader than they originally were and her face resembled to an angel. She knew she was beautiful as she has been proposed by a ton of males but now she was twice more beauteous than she already was.
"I know what you are thinking queen. " the omega female said. She looked at her shocked. The omega female chuckled.
"You must be thinking as how you are turning more and more pretty with each passing day. " she asked. Sharanya nodded.
"Their is a fascinating anecdote behind that. So one fine day, 10,000 years ago, Lord was returning back from his peregrination on his chariot when he encountered a small cottage in the jungle. He was absolutely knackered and ravenous so he resolved to rest inside the cottage. He yelled for the owner of the cottage and within a few minutes a sage came out. Lord ordered him to provide him sustenance and shelter. The sage agreed but asked to hold back for sometime as his wife was suffering from a headache and he had to bring some medicinal herbs to treat her. But Lord being Lord, he scorned at him and mocked him for being slave of his wife. This enraged the sage, he cursed Lord that one day he shall also fall for a beauty of a woman and thereupon will be wrapped around her dainty little fingers. The world's most powerful and valorous creature will bow down to a powerless, weak and timid woman, as an outcome of her godly beauty. " she narrated the whole anecdote to her. She looked at her agape.
"OK but why I am turning more and more beautiful everyday. " she asked curiously. The female brushed her hairs.
"It's because when the god's were cursing him to a deep sleep, the wind god whose biggest devotee was the sage, cursed him that the woman whose beauty will drive him crazy will turn more and more beautiful every single day so that Lord will notice nothing besides her and shall give up his barbarous and deranged habit of massacre. The beauty of the woman will compel him to fall in her feet and beg for her love. " she said.
"Ohh.!!!! " sharanya whispered.

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