The chamber......

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Author is a cookie person. Who are you??? Cookies or biscuits!!!!

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A bright sunny Monday in the heart of Himalayas. Sun dazzled in the clear blue sky after hours of downpour in the twilight and fairly early morn. A faint rainbow was also traced in the sky by the natives, an extremely faint one. It disappeared altogether pretty quickly, in a minute or even less, nonetheless who cares!!! Downpours, followed by rainbows and than dazzling Sun, not a new phenomenon for the Shivalayans. Hence nobody paid heed to the nature's art present day and were traced occupied in their quotidian chores which felt mundane to them as well as to anyone who observes the everyday habits of these simple Himalayans. Although the townsfolk were engrossed in their mundane and stultifying chores still some feeble tittle tattles were inevitable. Needless to mention that this time too the scuttlebutt or debate was on the Dark Lord. For any cultivated pupil it would be extremely exasperating to keep on debating about this singular person all day long, nevertheless the natives weren't so cultivated after all and therefore this ever brisking topic ne'er stultified them in any way. Poor Dark King was ne'er left alone by these clinging natives, perhaps that's why since previous day these imbecile natives were exuberantly talking about his day out with his father-in-law. The King had just came out for some grocery shopping but our Shivalayans can ne'er ponder so simply, thus variety of theories were formulated regarding his innocent visit, some asserted that he visited the town so he could just demolish the emporiums and construct something he fancies, while the others surmise that it was a Kingly visit only. Hilariously none opined that it was nothing but a simple grocery shopping, nothing else.

The queen was inside the royal chamber, replacing the wilted flowers with the new fresh ones. They had came back to the castle last night from her parents house. It was a pleasant visit for both of them as the King too started to grow fond of her family, cheifly since her mother accepted him as her son-in-law. Her mother told her about that, last evening. And she was all smiles after hearing that. It felt like heaven to her. It was only her who knew the real King, who was far from Dark. She knew the reason behind an innocent werewolf transforming into the Dark King. He was wronged and misunderstood all his life, nobody even tried to understand the real Yuvraj Singhala, but she was happy that she did. And she was certain that one day her entire family and this whole world will see that the King was ne'er Dark but a sad, lonely and misunderstood Prince of Hell.
"You are the best man on this planet, I promise!!!! " she whispered as she swabed the grime from the King's portrait. The same portrait which hung downstairs, she asked the omegas to hang the portrait inside the room. She felt it was pretty unfair since only her photographs were inside the room and not a single one of his, so she kindly hung his 10,000 years prior portrait. He looked handsome in the portrait, with his shoulder length hairs and turquoise green eyes, he looked attractive as always. No doubt that the town females are crazy for him but he doesn't cares, as all he cares about is her. Just her. She giggled.
"Hmm Silly!!!! " she giggled as she tossed the swab on the chesterfield chair. Abruptly she heard the door's clicking. She turned back to find the Dark King entering inside the room, a little short of breath. She furrowed her brows.
"Sharanya!!! " he gasped as he came running towards her. She smiled.
"See what I did to your portrait. Isn't it looking brand new!!! " she said beaming. He looked at his portrait and grinned like a toddler.
"Wow!!! It looks so good!!! I look so handsome in this although I look like shit!!! " he said grinning. She slapped his arm.
"Huh!!!! Anything!!!! You're the most handsome man on this earth!!!! " she said. He sighed as he grabbed her in his arms. She giggled.
"Really!!! " he asked pressing his forehead against hers. She nodded. He looked at her endearingly for a moment and than pressed his lips on hers. She kissed him back, moaning in the middle. Her moaning made him hard and his grip on her tightened, he kissed her more passionately, biting her lower lip in the process. Howbeit before any real sexual activity could happen, she pulled away and he whined as usual. She giggled.
"Mr Dark King, you can't make love all day!!!! " she teased him, pinching his nose. He picked her up and she giggled beautifully.
"Oh I can!!!! If only you allow me!!!! " he said leaving butterfly kisses all over her face. She laughed and he looked at her in awe.
"Well you were in the throne room, what are you doing here than!!!! " she asked abruptly as the question struck her all of a sudden. He gasped.
"Oh Shit!!!!! I forgot, I am seriously turning old!!!! I wanna show you something!!!! Come with me!! " he said like an excited kid as he gently put her down. She furrowed her brows as he softly grabbed her wrist and began taking her outside.

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