Beast's fury.....

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Pitter Patter sound of rain could be heard in the entire town. Generally it's the month of July when the whole country receives rainfall, howbeit the town was actually outright famed for receiving rainfall for the whole year. It was eminently rare when there was no rainfall in every two weeks in the town. Perhaps because the town was located in the heart of the Himalayas. The pleasant earthy smell was present all across the town. The smell of musk roses and blue Himalayan anemone were enveloping the whole town. Kids can be seen dancing in the rain. People can be seen with trugs in their hands that were filled with medicinal plants like Acontium ferox, Rhus semialata, Hemp agrimony and many others. Himalayas are renowned for the medicinal plants that grow in the dense forests of the mountains and fortunately the town was bordered by those dense forests and thus the people of the town venture into the dense forests to collect those medicinal plants. The town appeared normal though strangely hushed, perhaps because of the series of the murders that are taking place in the whole town. It appeared as if someone has casted an evil spell on the town as the once happy and carefree town people were now worried and sad.

Two days after the murders of Mr Sharma's kids, police discovered the dead bodies of four more boys. The boys were also from the town. No one knows who had murdered them. The last time the boys were seen near the Jaiswal house, probably trying to see the granddaughter of the Jaiswals. After that no body saw them, it was yesterday's night when the police found the dead bodies that were in the same condition as the previous one. Inspector Parag was bewildered as all the dead bodies are being found in the same place, that is in the middle of the forests. Besides the way of murder is also the same. Inspector Parag was helpless and it was utterly mortifying for him, but it wasn't his fault. The forensic reports were not helping in the investigation neither the town people. Everytime he would ask the town people about the victims nemesis they all will say the same thing 'The boys were jerks but not that bad'. Inspector Parag was now fed up with all this. And if this wasn't enough, the town people had started giving him another headache that is the town's monster. Since the day the new billionaire had arrived in the town, the people had started to see a fearsome creature. According to most of the town people, the monster would do nothing but stare at the whole town from the castle roof. At first Inspector Parag didn't believe them but when some over smart and self proclaimed scholars started to confess that they had seen the castle monster, inspector parag was forced to believe them. Now he had two duties, first to find out the psychopath killer and the second to find that monster. But inspector parag had one more important duty, that was to win the heart of the girl of his dreams. Since he had seen her, he couldn't help but think just about her. Inspector parag was a decent man, he would never think like a horny man. His thoughts were always pure and sweet, just like her. He no doubt wanted to make love to her but with her consent and if she rejects him than he will happily welcome her decision, he truly loved her and hence her consent and happiness was his top priority. But inspector parag knew that there was a certain someone who was also interested in her and that was that arrogant castle owner. Inspector parag hated to confess that he was scared of that beastly man. He never got the chance to talk to him privately but still he knew that he was an arrogant and self centred man. He never wanted to even face him but when he saw him following sharanya like a lost puppy, he knew he had to do something. Besides he was the prime suspect for the murders as the murders had started after he had came in the town.

Inside the jaiswal house, everyone was pretty normal except for a crying sharanya. Sharanya was crying on her father's chest and her family members chuckled at their innocent daughter. Her father patted her head softly as she kept on crying. Meantime Inspector Parag entered inside the jaiswal house, he saw his beloved sharanya crying on her father's chest. But he gazed around to see the smile on her family members faces, he realised that there was nothing to worry. He knew his love was innocent and maybe she is crying for some innocent reason.
" " she said sniffling, her beautiful face wet with tears. Her father chuckled and wiped her tears. Inspector Parag raised his eyebrow, wanting to know the reason as why his love is in tears. Her father raised his hand signaling everything is alright.
" " she couldn't complete as she clutched her father's shirt tightly and cried her eyes out. Her father enclosed her in his arms.
"Sharanya why are crying. What has happened. " inspector parag asked softly so as not to scare her. After years of his encounters with the criminals, his voice had started to become naturally harsher and thus it was required for him to keep his voice really soft whenever he talks with sharanya as he knew she gets scared easily whenever someone raises their voice.
"Sharanya says she saw a monster in the castle and is saying that she will never go again in the castle. " her grandfather said with a smile. Inspector parag looked at her with awe. This monster was seriously getting on his nerve. Whoever is playing this prank needs to be exposed soon. Inspector was about to respond when Ms Damini entered and that too unannounced. Everyone rolled their eyes. If their was a category of the most hated person in the Oscar's than Ms Damini would have definitely bagged an Oscar in it. She stood in front of them wearing her usual black coloured old fashioned gown and bangles in her right hand.
"Did someone say something about the castle monster. " Ms Damini asked folding her hands.
"Ms Damini actually sharanya had a nightmare about a monster in the castle that's it. " Mrs Jaiswal explained. Even though she believed in the legend of the castle beast but still she was quite sure that she had a nightmare as the castle is already been owned.
" wasn't a......nightmare.....i saw him....he....he....even....placed a crown on my....head. " she said hiccuping wiping her tears. These words were enough for Ms Damini to unravel the mystery behind those mysterious murders and rumours of that castle monster. She now realised why is this all happening. But she knew it was of no use to reveal the truth in front of these halfwits as they won't believe her.
"Yes yes we believe their was a monster. Right everyone there is a monster in the castle right. " her father said winking at the people present inside the room. They all nodded.
"You all believe me right. " she asked innocently. Everyone chuckled.
"Yes we believe you sharanya. " inspector parag said chuckling. Ms Damini stormed out of the room without saying anything.
"Now stop crying and eat something. " her father said wiping her tears.

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