King's love.......

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Birds tweeted in the town of Shivalaya. The day was quite clement. A soft breeze rustled the trees and beautiful blossoms beautify the town even further. The women can be seen gathering the fragrant blooms in their baskets. A litter of stray puppies can be seen play fighting among themselves. People walked in the warm sunshine. The native townsfolk can be spotted engrossed in the carnival preparations. The rides were being set up in the carnival ground and the young girls and lads were too occupied in the decorations. Their was vaguely more bustle in the town than the other ordinary days, as an outcome of the carnival. The bakers and confectioners were engrossed in preparing sweets and cakes. Delicious aroma of freshly cooked porridge wafted out from the local diner. The youngsters played together in the carnival ground as their parents and elder siblings prepared for the carnival. The townsfolk seemed happy and contented, needless to say exuberant too. Nevertheless the biggest reason behind this utmost happiness and contentment was that, that the diabolical king has accepted the carnival invitation. That's another thing that Mr Suri and Mr Murli had to fall on his feet and beg for accepting the invitation. Howbeit both the gentleman had not apprised anyone in the town that how they compelled the diabolical king to accept the invitation.

Sharanya sat inside her room, gazing outside the window. The beautiful outlook of the mountains and the warm sunshine of the Sun, was ample for her eyes to feel pleased. She wrapped her arms around herself and sighed. It has been days since she had walked in the warm sunshine. Besides her everlasting love for the mountains and not being able to roam freely inside the town was escalating her agony and helplessness. She longed to amble along the riverbank, ramble in the meadows and gaze at the mountains from her home's garden. The town was doubtlessly enchanting but sadly she couldn't relish the greenery of the town. Needless to say that it was all because of the Dark King. The monster who claims to love her yet keeps her immured inside his castle. For her this wasn't a castle but a cage. A cage where she shall always remain trapped with zero hopes to escape.
"Good morning queen. " a familiar timid voice appeared from behind. She turned back to find the omega female standing behind her. She had an accustomed smile on her face yet her face yelled sadness. Sharanya could easily make out from her puckered face that she was outright sad and bothered regarding something.
"Morning. " she replied softly with a smile on her pretty lips. The omega female smiled back and began do the bed. A sigh escaped sharanya's lips as she looked outside the window, wanting to get immersed in the beauty of the town. This was perhaps the only way for her to forget her agony.
"Lord really loves you queen. " the omega female said in a barely audible voice. Sharanya turned to look at her.
"And how can you say that. " she asked looking at her. The female sighed.
"I saw in his eyes. He truly loves you. " she said softly. Sharanya looked away. Howbeit something in her told her that she is correct. Besides it wasn't wrong altogether. He did loved her madly, she won't repudiate that, yet he is keeping her immured inside his castle. He has snatched her freedom and virtue, she can't reciprocate his feelings nohow. Nevertheless her heart felt pity on him everytime she rejected his love.
"He has raped me. " she said looking down.
"To save your life queen. Besides tell me has he ever tried to touch you or copulate with you since the full moon night or before that. " the female asked. Sharanya opened her mouth to utter something yet the words seemed to defy her. Abruptly she realised that she doesn't had anything to say anyways. The female was correct, the Dark King neither his beast has ever tried to forcibly copulate with her, except for the full moon night. Besides the castle king had ne'er laid a finger on her in an immoral way.
"I know you have nothing to say Queen. And I also know that why you won't accept him. Because he isn't a human but a werewolf. But queen this is how he was born, he can't change himself nohow. What's his fault in that.??? You are chosen as his mate by the moon goddess, what's his fault in that.??? He is trying everything to win your love. Is this his fault.??? " the female said looking at her. Sharanya wasn't able to look into her honest eyes hence she looked away. Every single word she said was outright true. The Dark King loved her truly yet she rejected his love only because he was a werewolf, not a human. She ne'er even tried to understand his feelings. Nor she even bothered how her hateful words effected him. The only thing she cared about was herself. Her heart was yelling at her for being so selfish chiefly to a man who wanted nothing besides her love.
"I don't know how to complicate things. I will just simply say that your constant rejection breaks him. And we werewolves cannot bear the hatred of our mates. Because unlike humans we don't know how to pretend to be in love. He is an Alpha king, the strongest creature on this earth. But you know the monster dies not by the guns but with a heartbreak. Remember, it's not the bullets who kill the beast, it's the beauty who does. " the female said looking at her as she turned her heels and egress outside leaving a shocked and wretched sharanya alone. She sat on the settee with a thud. All the things which the omega female said was constantly going inside her head. Her words pierced through her heart like an arrow. She had always listened to her mind and abhor him howbeit today her mind was saying nothing. It felt her mind had gone blank. Only the voice of her heart was reaching her and it yelled for her to repent for being so selfish.

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