The Wolfie's outburst.....

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A bright sunny day in the valley. The freezing cold winds evaded the valley not downright though as still a mild chilly breeze gusted across the town. Nevertheless now the weather was clement with the visibility of a couple of grey clouds though not ample for downpour, thank heavens!! Thick snow abandoned the hill summit with the showing up of thaw, melting and draining into the Himalayan rivulets. Thin film of snow though was still intact to the canopy of the houses forming a white crest which will ultimately melt down in a couple of days. Thickets of the iris' boasted a few exotic sparrows flitting over the pthalo greens tweeting monotonously attracting the small bunnies and fawns. In the nucleus of the town, a small committee meeting was set up in the town's committee office. Comprising of Mr Suri and Mr Murli companioned with lesser important aristocrats, the discussion was on it's culmination; the debate being over the town's ladies raging fury. The ladies demanded a solatium for being wronged and hoodwinked by the towns officials and the town's fund was in a financial crisis chiefly after the wrapping up of the carnival. Thus, Mr Suri and Mr Murli sadly had to restitute with their own pockets which was pretty losing bargain for them but better enough to calm the raging witches.

Warm sunshine penetrated through the glass and landed on the odd couple dozing on the bed. The warmth of the rays tickled the face of the beautiful girl while the big beast was pretty fine with the audacious beams perhaps because his thick furry head was pressed between her soft breasts, therefore he was way too overjoyed in taking in her floral scent whilst enjoying the soft feeling of her breasts on his face. Nonetheless the unbidden rays succeeded in waking the queen up from her beauty sleep much to her dislike and annoyance. Her eyes shot open receiving a look of her surroundings which included the big bay window, the King's burgundy chesterfield chair and the front door of course, that's what her eyes caught from the bed. Yawning loudly she felt a thick furry head nuzzling into her breasts. Looking at her chest she found her big bad wolf snoring like an old man, nuzzling into her breasts. A soft giggle escaped her throat when her eyes caught the adorable sight of him napping like a cute puppy. She might've not observed or felt while snoozing that his furr tickled him to the extent that it makes her giggle like crazy.
"Awww cute baby...." she chuckled poking his head lightly, messing with the big beast. He growled lowly shaking his head endeavouring to get rid off the annoying stuff. She chortled at his adorable throw. Nevertheless being a coddled vixen, thanks to the Dark King, she wasn't ready to let go off her sticky messes so early predominantly not after seeing the adorable throws of her big beast.
"Wake up sleepy head......" she gently tweaked his snout irking him more to which he snarled savagely, his turquoise orbs still shut, warning not to try that stunt again. Howbeit if the big wolf had even the slightest bit of idea that it was his beloved queen messing with him than instead of snarling, he would've wholeheartedly yeped in joy wagging his tail of course. She though felt that she should not trouble him more and let him sleep after all he hardly gets any rest. Lifting up his head in her tiny hands she gently placed him aside before climbing out of the bed. Straightening up the creases of her dress, she ran her fingers through her hairs before tossing them in a bun. Looking back at the wolf she found him sleeping like a baby which only resulted in widening the grin on her lips. Diverting her gaze upon the closet she strode towards the closet before sliding it open and clasping her floral print maxi dress, the only class of clothing appreciated by her captor as apart from the ankle length dresses he seems to despise every other piece of clothing complaining it to be too short or too explicit. Hence she too has got used to of his grumbles and outbursts linked to her short dresses and resolved to wear only maxi dresses. He doesn't fails to admire and compliment her beauty though after she dresses up to his liking. She smiled as she strode towards the bathroom, opening and closing it very gently avoiding much commotion in every case. The shower routine consumed good 30 minutes before she stepped out of the bathroom, wiping the droplets of water from her soaked body. Her gaze landed upon the wolf who was still fast asleep oblivious to anything around him. Her smile grew wider as she strolled towards the dressing mirror prepping up her flawless skin. Applying her moisturiser and a wine coloured lipstick, she turned her head to find him still sleeping like a baby. She giggled while she rose up from the chair proceeding towards the sleeping beast.
"I think I should ask the cooks to prepare something for him!!! Must be hungry!!! " she whispered as her eyes refused to dart away from the sleeping puppy.
"Would a bowl of soup go!!! " she questioned herself even though the question seemed pretty idiotic after all which canine or any carnivorous in particular drinks soup?? It took seconds for her though to realise that her assumption was pretty bizarre and stupid.
"Silly me!!! He is a wolf!!! Needs meat!! Will go and check if we've some in the kitchen!! " she whispered as she turned her heels to whisk out but stopped for a second to peck his furry head while he grinned in sleep breaking her into giggles before she finally whisked out to prepare something for him.

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