The outing.....

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Author fact :-

Author's favourite novel is The Invisible man. She keeps on reading it like everyday, glancing over one or two chapters promiscuously.

For more such facts, stay tuned. :)

The monsoon was here. Although it ostentatiously made it's presence known in the late July, nonetheless the showers of rain were sporadic not regular like it's expected from the monsoon rains. Howbeit my dear readers we are pretty acquainted with the absurd weather conditions prevailing in the town. For the town ne'er had a stationary weather for more than a couple of days, if presently balmy than the next day freezing or perhaps the alternating day humid with plentiful rain that last for the whole day. Therefore the town's weather needn't not be a debate for brood, neither for us nor for the natives. Nevertheless our beloved natives bothered themselves on some more important thing and that being our antagonistic protagonist The Dark King. He'd been silent and tranquiled these days which was gravely out of common from his blood thirsty persona. But that's what is to be narrated to the fellow townsmen as in reality they weren't bewildered with him not homiciding but his confining in his castle with his queen. This is what you can quote as jealousy. And as a mortal nature, jealousy is to be blazed inside and all out should be spurious merriness. Howbeit covetous or happy, the immortal beast couldn't care less bout them. After all the King doesn't needs to brood over the subservients.

Inside the royal chamber of the humongous castle, was the beautiful prisoner of the beast, humming a tranquiled tune while folding the clothes of her lovesick captor. Although it was the duty of the omegas but knowing that her captor abhors anybody else touching his clothes or hers, she resoluted to do it herself. They do laundry and ironing but in turn her beast just grumbles like an old man on them, she dislikes this habit of his though. Hence she folds his clothes deftly and places them inside the closet so his wolfie nose picks up her scent and he ultimately stops grumbling. She one by one placed the folded clothes inside which comprised primarily of his shirts, vests, pyjama pants and few boxer shorts which he ne'er wears. Or at least she had ne'er seen him wearing it. Abruptly the front door clicked open and she knew who it must be, hence didn't felt it necessary to glance at the door. She heard familiar footsteps inside the room which ultimately developed a perfect curve on her lips. Seconds later two muscular arms snaked around her waist and she ultimately found herself caged in those strong arms which belonged to her captor indeed. After that a manly head buried itself in the crook of her neck, taking in her scent and leaving butterfly kisses alongside on her bare skin. She giggled at the tickling sensation which wasn't much unfamiliar to her.
"Hm!!!! What happened!!!! " she asked softly while he was pretty engrossed in his important business which predominantly involved her fragrance and his nose, conjoined with his lips and the bare skin of her neck. For a few seconds he must've stayed mum, just smelling her and doing nothing else, his preferred kill time though. After that he replied.
"I love you!!!!! " he whispered craning his neck up and making his lips rendezvous with the skin of her face. She smiled as he continued trailing kisses all over her face, on her chin, jaws, cheeks, lips and everywhere his lips got room.
"Tell me something I don't know!!!! " she giggled at her much set of confidence which was chiefly because of the man currently harassing her neck. She knew he's crazy for her, to the extent that he can butcher the humans of the whole earth just to prove his love for her. His love was dangerous, just like him, nonetheless she has got used to it and no more fears his obsession but cherish it.
"I can do anything for you!!!! " he whispered leaning his face against hers gently. Closing his eyes and relishing the beautiful moment between them. She giggled as she twirled around, facing him; his grip on her waist didn't loosened a bit in the course of action. She wrapped her arms around his muscular neck while he beamed in triumph. This affection from her was everything for him and although he has received plenty in the span of few weeks yet turns a little boy when she shows her affection like that.
"I know that too!!!! " she said endeavouring to suppress her chuckles. He glued his eyebrows together, staring at her disappointed. He was trying so hard to tell something new but she already knows what he's trying to say, and he was mad like a toddler for that.
"So what's that you don't know!!! " he asked leaning his forehead against hers. She pinched his nose lightly.
"That you are here to tell me something!!! What exactly, I don't know!!!! " she said removing his hands from her waist gently and resuming back to her work.
"How do you know that I came here to say something!!! " he asked shocked like a five year old. She chuckled as she turned back.
"Magic!!!! " she whispered playfully, striding to the bed to finish her work. He beamed.
"Wow!!!! Baby you are so intelligent!!! You always know what runs in my mind!!!! " he grinned hugging her from behind. She chuckled as she slowly slapped his hand.
"I've work to do!!!! Don't disturb me!!! And tell me what did you wanted to say!!!! " said she folding his clothes. He kissed her cheeks first and than replied.
"So baby!!!! Today I'll do what you say!!!! It's a promise!!! " he grinned making her turn back and stare at him suspiciously. She knew something was wrong but also knew that if she asks him he will wail for acting like a CBI, hence kept her interrogation for a better occasion. Nonetheless when he promised, that means she can make him do anything she fancies.
"Ok, so I wanna go out for a movie!!! " she demanded with a smile. His face dropped once she mentioned bout going out. He parted his mouth to rebuff the idea.
"You promised!!! " she got the better of him silencing the powerful creature instantly. He stamped his foot like an agitated kid, clenching his fist while she inwardly chuckled at his adorableness.
"Ok!!!!! " he muttered defeated and miffed of course. She on the other hand chirped happily and kissed him on his cheek.
"Thank you!!!!!" she yelled hugging the mighty man tightly. He smiled but still he was miffed for he didn't fancy the idea of taking her out, in front of the other males.
"What's a movie by the way!!! " asked he with his brow arched up. She looked at him for a second but than remembered he was asleep for 10,000 years hence is oblivious to the entertainment cinema.
"I'll tell you!!! " she stated sprinting to the bathroom to change while he sighed in defeat.
"Am I sure, I'm The Dark King coz right now I look like a puppy in love!!! " he mumbled to himself staring at the bathroom door in perplexity.

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