Curse is broken....

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The weather was moderately gratifying the present day. The Sun rays beamed on the earth and the sky was unclouded. The chilly zephyr gusted across the town, relaxing the farmers and the other Labours toiling under the sun. The Alps peaks were crusted with snow, however they were not distinctly detectable as the clouds had already enshrouded the mountain peaks. The tweeting of the birds could be heard all across the town. Besides near the castle. No bird even glides near the castle. Some self proclaimed intellectuals and dialectician imply that the birds could not find the aliment there, hence they distance themselves from the castle. However their was a small group of wise old people inhabiting the town who knew the real reason behind this bizarre behavior of birds. They knew that even the birds have discerned that there is a monster living in the castle.

The castle was a consistent topic of tattle among the town people. The teenagers and young adults even the adults despised to talk about it. They thought of it as nothing but a imbecile fable which was created and publicized by an over paranoid old man. No one knew who was the one who created this tale but whoever it was, they couldn't bother less concerning that. For them it was just a story created for enthraling the visitors. Not many but some sensible and wise people believed that this was not just a trivial story. It was a curse, which was doomed upon this castle and the castle king so that the Mankind could be protected. The people who believed the narrative were mocked around the town. They were turned into a laughing stock for teenagers. The old people knew that the young generation doesn't trust what their forefathers had told them. Even after frequent warning and rebuking from the olders, they still rambled inside the castle. This scared the olders.

Howbeit unknown to all this an 18 year old girl was happily chatting with her newly made twin friends. Today in the forenoon her new pals came to her house. She was happy seeing them. She now know their names, the girl with a birthmark on her right wrist is Syra while the other one is Myra. They both were born to a Hindu Father and a Catholic Mother. But sadly they both are always busy working for late hours so that they can provide the best to their daughters. Though they both were twins but still their was a lot of difference between the two. Like Syra was quite skinny while Myra was slightly more healthy. Myra had chubby cheeks while Syra had comparatively high cheekbones.
"Sharanya I am getting bored. Why don't we just go and take a round of the town. " Myra proposed.
"Okay. " was her reply.

Three of them began to amble around the town. Sharanya was new here so she was intrigued with everything that she came across in the town. The cows grazing in the meadows, the deers sprinting across the grasses was seriously a sight to see. She mentally giggled. She was acquainted to high buildings, big shopping malls but she had never seen a place which was encircled by the forests. Besides this town was sparsely crowded, hence she was really comfy here. She touched the long grasses with her fingers as she kept ambling with her friends. She was so engrossed in admiring the beauty of the town that she clearly didn't realize that she was now just a few metres away from the castle. She came to her senses when her friends halted the walk. She glanced at them puzzled.
"Sharanya see this is the famous castle. " Syra said. These words were ample to scare her. She gazed in front of her to find the huge and spooky castle right in front of her. It seemed way more creepy than it was when she peered it from her granny's house. She gulped. There was a big iron gate which was almost disintegrated but was still in it's place. But it wasn't the gate of the castle, it was just the entry gate through which we actually reach the castle.
"Sharanya what are you thinking c'mon come inside. " Myra said with a grin. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Hadn't her parents told her about the monster residing inside the castle.

"No we can't, my granny says their is a monster living inside the castle. We should not go inside. " she said with fear. The twins rolled their eyes. They were aware that her granny would certainly spook her by narrating that stupid story. No doubt her granny was famed as 'spooky granny ' across the town. But they genuinely wanted their friend to not be freightened, they wanted her to come inside the castle and see that this fable is utterly fallacious. The old people are fooling us, not from now but from generations.
"Oh C'mon sharanya, we have went inside this castle for like 10 times. There is no monster. " Syra explained to her naive friend. But she shook her head. She was an obedient girl, she has always listened to what her granny says. The twins huffed.
"Sharanya please for us. Look if you feel scared inside you can tell us we can come outside with you. " Myra said endeavouring to assure her friend. Sharanya ruminated for a while. Maybe she can just go and take a look inside the castle. Besides her father also supported her the previous day when she asked about exploring the castle.
"OK. " she whispered. The twins clapped happily.

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