A Crazy Beast.....

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Sunrays beamed on the earth. Clouds enshrouded the Mountain peaks. Himalayan musk Deers can be seen running across the meadows. Tiny droplets of water were visible on the tip of the leaves as it had drizzled in the morning. Tiny flower buds can be spotted on the plants. Farmers can be seen humping up the ploughs in their hands as they walked towards the meadows. Ducks and ducklings swam in the lagoon in a disciplined queue. The town was awkwardly hushed the present day. It appeared as if no one resides in the town. The reason for this mystifying silence was the murders that took place in the morning. It was 5 am in the morning when the town people heard the sound of sirens. They immediately dashed outside their houses to see an ambulance and 5 jeeps of police standing near Mr Sharma's house. After few minutes, the town people saw the dead bodies which were in such a dreadful condition that it can even led a healthy person admitted in the hospital if they saw the dead bodies. Mrs Sharma fainted when she saw the dead bodies of her own kids. She was a mother after all and no mother can see her kids dead in front of her. Mr Sharma sat on the ground with a thud, he just couldn't believe his eyes. The town people felt pity on the couple, they were really unfortunate. Their kids no doubt were ill mannered but still they were kids. They were immature and with time they would have been mature.

A huge crowd gathered in front of Mr Sharma's house. Inspector Parag and the sub inspectors were present inside his house. Inspector Parag felt bad for the boys. Besides the way the boys were murdered was something really heinous and horrific. Inspector Parag was outright bewildered after he received the forensic reports. He no doubt presumed that some wild animal must have slayed the boys after seeing the dead bodies but after reading the forensic reports he just couldn't help but feel perplexed and anxious. After so many years of his service he had never came across a case like this.
"Inspector Parag what does the Forensic report says. " Mr Sharma's brother asked inspector parag.
"Mr Deep the forensic reports have just given me a headache. According to the reports that an animal which has attacked on the boys and killed them brutally is not an animal at all. No animal on this earth has claws and teeth as big as the marks on the dead bodies. Moreover the saliva found on the dead bodies were tested for at least 10 times and there is no trust me no animal whose Saliva matches with this one. And just look at the dead bodies it looks like as if a cruel monster has killed them. " Inspector parag said looking at the dead bodies.
"I knew it would happen. I told everyone to seal the door of the castle forever. But you didn't listen to me, now see someone has set him free. Now wait till he kills each and every one of us. " Ms Damini said as she came inside looking as horrendous as ever. Ms Damini was a paranormal investigator by profession. She was a 52 year old single woman and she was actually a frequent name used in the town chiefly to terrify the small kids because Ms Damini looked analogous to a witch the mere contradiction was that she had her feet in the right place contrary to the witches who are believed to have feet turned opposite to their front body. But that wasn't true Ms Damini was not a witch as witches are famed to lure people with their beauty but Ms Damini was not at all beautiful. She was actually a woman who had her hairs short till her neck and the hairs were grey and her eyes looked like that of raccoon because she had dark circles around her under eyes. Not to mention her height, she actually towered over half of the male population of the town and her voice, goodness!!!!! Even a crow appears melodious in front of her. She was dark and her nose was really small.
"Ms Damini please I hope you will understand that this is not the right place to scare people. " Inspector Parag said. He loathed her. Contrary to him she was quite interested in the handsome young inspector. She wasn't in love with him, she just wanted him to fulfil her desires, that's it. No doubt she was a regular patron of The beach hill hotel. The beach hill hotel was actually a home to all the manwhores of the town who were paid to satisfy rich old ladies like her. And the manwhores were right now present outside Mr Sharma's house because they were friends with the boys.

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