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A new morning in the lives of the residents of the town. Mesmerizing outlook of the mountains could seen from all across the town. Deers and elephants can be seen drinking water from the river. Tweeting of the Aves could be heard all across the town. Monkeys can be seen swinging on the trees. Howbeit the ambience of the town was outright tense. Their was a huge crowd gathered in front of Mr Sharma's house. Everything was so obstreperous that it felt as if it is a fish market. Inspector Parag and the sub inspectors including the constables were present inside Mr Sharma's house. Mr Sharma's neighbors were endeavouring to console him and his wife as they both were crying as if it was the end of the world. Yesterday Mr Sharma's three sons went missing. Till previous night he wasn't worried at all as he knew his sons were jerks and must be roaming around the town like jokers which they were. But the problem arised when they didn't came even in the twilight which was their accustomed groove. He searched for them in the whole town but couldn't find them. So in the forenoon he resoluted to report a missing case of his sons.

Town people were equally worried and happy. Worried because it was the first case of missing in so many years and they were worried for their own kids. Happy because the whole town knew that the sons of Mr Sharma were the biggest problem of the town. The kids were jerks and ill mannered. The only thing those 20 year olds use to do was roam here and there like a jock in the whole town. Three of them were beaten countless times by the mob for eve teasing the girls. Not only the mob, three of them had a record that they had been slapped by each and every girl of the town. Not only slapped, sometimes girls used to throw their sandals on their faces. But even after all this the boys didn't changed rather they now began to vexe the old people. Yet the town people were worried for the boys, no matter how they were, they were kids after all. With time people get mature and the boys would have too. However their were two people in the town who knew where the boys were but they knew no one would believe them. The two man were Mr Kashyap and the priest and right now they both were standing in the last.
"When did you see them last time." inspector parag said. Inspector parag was a handsome young man in his late 20s. He was single and was the talk of the town before the arrival of the mysterious and devilishly handsome billionaire, obviously. Girls dreamt of him and did I mention the dreams were kind of naughty. But now the ladies and the young girls could only dream of that imperious billionaire. Every girl dreamt to be in his arms, they wanted him to dominate them, which unfortunately for them will never happen as the arrogant man was obsessively in love with the naive girl. And his dreams were way very sinister and scary than the girls.
"I saw them yesterday in the morning when they were having their breakfast. " Mr Sharma said. Inspector parag nodded.
"Do you suspect anyone. " he asked Mr Sharma.
"Inspector my kids had never done a single good thing in their life. I don't know how many people hated them. " Mr Sharma said sobbing. Inspector parag felt pity on him. He was a nice man but his kids were totally opposite. Numerous times they had been locked up inside the lock-up for their ill behavior towards the girls.
"Don't worry Mr Sharma we will find the boys. " inspector parag said patting his shoulder.

Inside the Jaiswal house their was nothing normal. Mrs Jaiswal and her daughter in law were crying. Mr Jaiswal and his son sat on the sofa, they both looked anxious. Previous night their town's billionaire came inside their house carrying their beloved sharanya in his arms. He told them that he found her unconscious in the forest. She was the heart of her family and seeing her like this was extremely painful for her family. They instantly laid her on her bed and called the doctor. Doctor told them that their was nothing to worry as she had got a panic attack and she will wake up in the morning by herself. Her family thanked their neighbor for saving her life. Their neighbor howbeit requested to stay their till she wakes up. They agreed as he had saved their precious sharanya's life. So today they all are sitting inside her room and are waiting for her to wake up. Her father held her little hand in his and caressed her forehead. He loved her so much that it hurted him to see her like this. Mrs Jaiswal and her daughter in law were crying since night. Suddenly they saw her eyebrows furrowed. She was waking up. Her family wiped their tears. The castle owner was just beyond happy to see her gaining conscious. She was his life, he couldn't see her like this. She slowly opened her eyes to find her whole family sitting near her. She slowly sat up.
"Sharanya my princess. I am so happy that you wake up. " her father said as he enclosed her in his arms and kissed her forehead. The man standing in the corner clenched his fist. He cannot see her in any other man's arms, even if it's her father. She should be in his arms.
"Dad. " she said as she rubbed her eyes with her little hands. The man gazed at her with adoration. She was so adorable and innocent. It was so hard for him to not pounce on her and claim her his.
"Oh my baby. I was so scared. Promise me you won't go to the forest ever." her granny said kissing her cheeks. The mention of the forests brought all the last nights events back in her mind. She remembered meeting that monster. She clutched her father's shirt tightly as she was just so scared. Her father immediately sensed that she is scared.
"What happened my princess. " he asked cupping her face. Tears formed in her eyes making her family more worried. The man standing in the corner desperately wanted to cage her in his arms and wipe her tears.
"Dad......I.....saw...a monster. He was so big and so....." she couldn't complete as she started crying. Her father wiped her tears.
"Princess their is no monster. You must have had a nightmare." her father said as he enclosed her beloved daughter in his arms once again.
"No Dad I saw a monster. He scared me. He was very big. He was so bad. " she said crying shattering the heart of the man standing in the corner into million pieces. He never wanted to frighten her, he just wanted to spend some time with her. He wanted to show her his love.

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