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"Oh God!!!!! Your story is just like a fairytale." I said to the castle queen. She chuckled beautifully as she extended the cookie plate towards me.
"I am glad that you like it.......So will you pen it down......" she faltered knotting her fingers together. I sighed and looked at her.
"There is no way on this earth that I will fail to write such a marvellous story. This tale of love shall reach to everyone. And I promise, I will pen it down for sure" I stated with a smile and she grinned. I sipped the coffee and shut my notebook.
"So, why didn't you came to my home, I mean why did you felt the need to invite me over instead..." I asked rapping the coffee mug on the table. She smiled.
"I can't leave this castle...." she said softly and I eyed her in perplexity.
"Why not??? " was my question. She chuckled softly before responding.
"Because I am bound to a beast. A beast who will never set me free..." she said with a smile. I gaped at her dumbfounded.
"So he is still keeping you captive here " I was speechless myself. She shook her head.
"Well he is fettered in my love and I am his queen. The reason for me never leaving the castle lies in the fact that I can't remain out of his sight for long. He gets restless and crazy, if I am away from him for more than a minute. And I do not want him to wreck havoc on my beautiful castle." she told me and an 'oh' rushed out of my mouth.
"Is he still obsessive..." I faltered. She laughed slowly and nodded.
"Indeed he is. But I have got used to of it, it isn't his fault after all. He is born like this, there's nothing much can be done in this matter. Nevertheless I sporadically rebuke him for behaving so obsessively but you know he can't change himself." she said and I nodded.
"So he still forbids you from going out of the castle and talking to other men...." I asked.
"Yes he does. Although I don't step out of the castle at all as now I am a mommy of two and you know how much work is hurled upon you after you become a mother!!!" she chuckled and I looked at her astonishingly.
"What......Oh that's so adorable......You and King are now parents to two. Well, I saw him playing with two small boys when I came. I believe they were your kids....." I asked excitedly. She nodded with a smile.
"Yes they are our kids. The day after our marriage, I found I was pregnant. Mr Singhala was so happy and excited, I can't even tell you how much happy he was. Yash is 5 years old and Yuvan is 3. And both of them are troublemakers, they leave no opportunity to vex their father. " she told me and I was turning into a fan girl. They actually had kids and it was so damn adorable. Meanwhile I saw three figures, drenched in sweat, entering inside the guest room. It was the King himself along with his two boys, both had wrapped their little hand around their father's big finger. It was an awe moment for me as I could see that both the boys shared adorable resemblance to their parents. And they were so cute.
"Pardon my intrusion....." said the King with a grin. Sharanya looked at them with a smile.
"Mommy........wanna......say........thin...." the 3 year old could only manage to come up with this and I was unsure for how long I could resist my tears. It was all so adorable.
"What do you wanna say" asked the mum. The three boys looked at each other with a mischievous glint in their eyes and then turned to us.
"Mommy we are hungry......" the three said in unison and I burst into laughter. Can this be any more adorable. Sharanya sighed.
"I didn't tell you earlier but I handle three babies, Author..." she whispered to me and I hardly suppressed my laughter.
"I can see that....." I whispered as I looked at the three innocent hungry boys.
"I will prepare something for you but before that, you three are getting a bath....." she stated and the boys whined. They never liked bathing anyways. The kids ran to their mum and clung to her tightly.
"Mumma, I don't want to bath. Even dad says that...." Yash said innocently and I could see the King gaping at his son. He felt it was a bad idea to disclose the secret in front of him, he isn't a good secret keeper. Sharanya raised her brow at her husband who chuckled nervously while I was enjoying the scene.
"Is that so???? " she dared her husband to defy her.
"Of course not baby, I..........love bathing...........You prepare the lunch and we three will take a bath......." he said chuckling nervously while I laughed like crazy. Sharanya chuckled.
"Um, I think I should leave. It's already late....." I said as I stood up. The royals furrowed their brows.
"Why not stay for lunch??? " said the King. I politely shook my head.
"It's a long journey, King. Besides I have to visit someone for my other story.........I wish I could stay but no!!!" I said.
"It would have been wonderful if you had stayed but work comes first." sharanya said as she stood by her husband. The King placed his arm round her waist and looked at me.
"Thank you and I promise to write your story......" I promised.
"Story, I thought you were sharanya's friend..........And you are going to write our story.........Please do mention about my elder brother, my best friend and not my younger sister, she irritates me......" he grinned and sharanya slapped his arm.
"Shut up..........Author, please don't take him seriously, you please mention about everyone. I humbly request you......." she said and I nodded.

I came towards my car to see my regular team waiting impatiently for me.
"That beastly man was playing soccer with those two kids.........And I believe he is the protagonist of your new novel......" said my elder sister. I nodded as I sat in the car.
"Antagonistic Protagonist........" I corrected her and they gaped at me.
"Don't tell me he is also like Viraj, Samrat and Ranvijay......." she said and I smiled without replying. She rolled her eyes.
"You and your love for monsters........it all goes over my head......." she muttered leaning back on her seat.
"When your fruitful debate is culminated.......will you be kind enough to apprise me as to where we are heading next....." my cousin brother was impatient. I grinned at him.
"Our next stop is Delhi...." I told him twirling my locks. He gaped at me.
"No way, I am not going there.......I hate Delhi traffic and Delhi People too....." he said disgruntled and I glared at him briefly.
"Although you hate Delhi people, but trust me there is a special someone you might admire......" I told him and he rolled his eyes.
"Whatever..........." he muttered as he started the engine.
"I am coming soon Dear........." I whispered staring out the window as the car drove off.
Follow me if you enjoyed my novel coz it would just make me feel that my efforts just didn't go futile. But if you don't wanna appreciate my efforts than, it's fine.....😊

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