The Past II

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The King waited patiently for a couple more days before the day of the puja arrived. Needless to mention that he was literally agitated and furious after not seeing his beauty already. He was tired of watching her paintings and longed to see her in person. Today his desires would come true as she along with other moon children will come to the temple. He woke unusually early today and had spent hours in grooming himself to look his best, after all he wanted her to admire him. He was handsome, that was certain, but his actions certainly weren't pretty so he intended to act as chivalrous as he could in front of his lady.
"My Lord, there they come!!! " Dravid whispered as they all hid behind the tall evergreens. One by one they came, forming a trail, but his eyes were only on a special someone. He watched every one of them as they entered the temple and with each passing second, his temper grew more and more furious. He wasn't a patient man nohow and with him waiting for hours for his beauty and not seeing her was obviously aggravating for him and he was now on the verge.
"Dravid if she doesn't comes in next five seconds, we are storming to the moon, perhaps then he will understand what are the consequences of making the dark king wait!!!!!" he said with a furious glower on his face as he watched the lesser important pupils entering the temple. However just when he muttered that, he discovered a vague outline of a fragile figure coming straight to the temple. He stared at the figure intently and after a few seconds, the figure became clear and he fell agape. For she was no one else but the girl of his dreams. Dressed in white clothing, silver bangles around her fragile wrists and lastly that alluring beauty of hers. His lips formed into a grin as he saw her in reality and believe him, she looked more beautiful up close than in his painting. No word on this planet could describe her beauty and neither he would waste time on bothering about searching for that specific word. After all she was going to live with him forever, so he can search for that particular word some other time. Right now all he wanted was to admire her beauty. She seemed to be smiling with other girls who had accompanied her to the temple and also her brothers were right behind her.
"You'll be my love!!! " he whispered breathlessly as he watched her mounting the temple steps. She hadn't acknowledged him yet, he was certain but he was pretty sure that she would not only acknowledge him but also worship him someday. Besides he was her husband, she needed to worship him not any other God and chiefly not the heaven as he despised them for obvious reasons.
"My Lord, queen is inside the temple and we can't go in......what will we do now???? " Dravid was anxious but not the dark king as he had a smirk on his lips. His eyes lasciviously scanned his little beauty who was gracefully wreathing flowers into a wreath, his mind on the other hand was developing certain sadistic images which had something to do with the girl. He had already decided in his mind regarding their wedding night and also the firm dominance he needed to keep over he. She was the most beautiful woman on this planet and he was aware of the stares of human males and he certainly didn't wanted any human or other creature to even steal a glimpse of her. She was his alone and the only one who got to sees her is him. He knew she will yell, sob and even beg him for freedom but he knew how to handle her. And he won't scruple to act a bit stricter with her in such matters, not violent though as he can bear anything but her cries of pain.

Few minutes had passed away and the lord was still gazing at the beauty like a love sick wolf.
"Lord, what to do??? " asked Dravid quietly.
"Dravid, shift into your wolf and see that bunny.....go and try to pounce on it but don't kill just injure it!!! I'll take care of the rest!!!! " King ordinated and Dravid nodded. He shifted into his wolf and processed out everything in the manner his king fancied. And as per the King's wicked plan, the little beauty heard the cries of a poor bunny. She looked outside the temple to find a bunny weeping, his leg had a gash and blood oozed out of the cut. She gasped as flowers fell from her hands.
"Oh!!!! Poor creature!!! " she whispered as she tried to run outside but a voice stopped her.
"Sharanya.....don't!!! The creatures of earth can be dangerous!!! " her elder brother tried to warn her. But she shook her head like a baby.
"He's hurt......I'll help him!!! " she said softly as her eyes brimmed with tears. He sighed as he knew he can't fight with his father's princess.
"Ok......I am watching from here!!!!! " he said and she smiled. She ran towards the bunny but the bunny might have gotten scared of the speed with which she was approaching him. He ran inside the jungle.
"Stop......don't get scared!!! " she whispered running behind him.

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