King's Possession.....

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Twilight is one of the most enchanting sight a human could behold. The soft glowing light from the sky is irrefutably spellbinding. Not many humans howbeit, wake up this early to witness the nature's art. Pity. It is believed that the twilight is the hour of Asuras (Evils) as the evil powers are quite active this time. However the town people fear no evil apart from the King of evils, The Dark King. The Aves began tweeting as the Sun was just about to rise above the horizon. The flower buds began to open up. The Apis began to land on the flowers and started sucking the nectar. The Helianthus flowers started to turn towards the Sun. A lone Muntjac deer shouted as the tiger was very near. Squirrels can be seen breaking the nut shells. Snakes can be seen coiled up on the branches of Sandalwood trees. Marsh crocodiles can be seen floating on the river, waiting for the prey. Elephants can be seen drinking water from the river. The weather was also vaguely cosy. The town looked normal except for the residents of the town. Since the day they had found out that the beastly castle owner is the Dark King, there has been nothing normal in the town. Some valiant (imbecile) people of the town tried to fight him, they are in the hospital right now. Once in every four days the Dark King comes to take a tour of his territory. He does not harms anyone but still he is a renowed diabolical king, there is no guarantee that he wouldn't harm the town inhabitants in future.

Sharanya sat in the huge balcony of the castle. It wasn't the balcony whatsoever. It was just a huge balcony kind of an area that was deliberately constructed for the sitting purposes or for carrying out small meetings. It was attached to the room of the King. She sat on the chair deep in thought. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she patently didn't hear the sound of footsteps nearing her. The Dark King stood a few steps away from her. He was carrying a bunch of poppies that weren't completely fresh. He had kept the poppies in the water all through the course of his journey yet still some of the flowers had wilted. Howbeit they still looked beautiful. Their fragrance was still present in them. He looked at his angel only to find her deep in thought. He was certain that she hadn't acknowledge his presence till now. He tilted his head and gazed at her lovingly. She looked beautiful as ever. She was wearing a black coloured dress which was really short and her creamy legs were on display. Not only her legs he was actually able to see her laced panty. He smiled.

"Good morning love

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"Good morning love. " he said with a smile. She looked at him with fear.
"See what I got for you. Your favourite flowers. " he said happily as he proffered her the flowers. She looked at the flowers, they indeed were her favourite ones.
"C'mon baby take them. I got them for you. " he said again. She shook her head like a baby. He sighed.
"How many times will I have to tell you baby. You can never say no to me. Now come on take these flowers, don't make me mad. " he said but this time seriously. Tears clouded her eyes. She took the flowers with her trembling hands, crying.
"Stop crying. " he said as he wiped her tears with his thumb. He gently kissed her cheeks much to her dislike.
"Did you eat anything. " he asked as he caged her little body in his beastly arms. She struggled.
"Yes I had eaten sandwiches. " she replied softly looking down.
"How many sandwiches did you eat. " he queried pressing her fragile body against his masculine ones.
"Two. " she replied. He scrunched his eyebrows.
"Just two. Baby you need to eat more. I don't want to see you fall sick. Come I will feed you more food. " he said as he began to escort her to the dining room. But she stopped him.
"No I am not hungry. " she told him. He folded his arms.
"It's OK if you are not. But still you will have to eat. Because I love you and I don't want to see you weak. " he said as he picked her up in the bridal style and began to descend down the stairs ignoring her constant struggles. He only put her down when they reached the dining room.
"Slaves. " he yelled for the slaves. They immediately rushed towards the dining room.
"Yes my Lord. " they said bowing down, sitting on their knees. Sharanya didn't fancy that. She didn't like the way he treated the slaves.
"Get some sustenance for my queen. Quick. " he ordered. The slaves rushed towards the kitchen and shortly after came inside with the trenchers of food. They neatly laid the food filled trenchers on the dining table.
"So much food. " sharanya said agape. The King chuckled.
"Yes I am also hungry. C'mon let's start digging in. " he said as he gently placed his hand on her back and ushered her to the chair. He pulled out a chair for her trying to act like a gentleman which he certainly wasn't. Sharanya uttered a small thank you as he did so. He smiled and sat beside him.
"So let's see what we have for breakfast today. " he said with a smile. He started to serve sharanya and himself. Sharanya was quite anxious as she didn't knew how she would finish all the food on the plate. She began to dig in the food. She had just taken two-three bites of the bread when he had finished the whole plate. She looked at him agape. His eating speed resembled with a monster. No doubt he is a monster.
"Baby have you finished. " he asked her. She shook her head and resumed eating. He kept on staring at her as she ate. It was quite awkward for her but still she didn't say anything.
"I am full, I can't eat anymore. " she said pouting. He looked at her with adoration. He desperately wanted to kiss the pout on her lips. He chuckled.
"It's ok. You can leave it. " he said with a smile. He ordered his slaves to take the dishes away. They obediently followed his ordinance.
"Baby girl you can take rest now. I have some work to do. And yes don't try to escape. You don't want to anger me, right. " he said as he kissed her cheeks. She started to climb upstairs. He sighed.

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