The wedding.....

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A week later of the queen's humble proposal for the wedding, my dear readers, the wedding was finalised. The whole town was invited to the royals big day. And everybody was exuberant to look their best at the grand wedding. The fete was postponed obviously due to the abrupt wedding news. And because the town's committee anyhow wanted the King in the fete, itself signified that the postponing of the fete had something to do with promoting good relations between the town and the Dark King. Hustle and bustle were the two tenants of the town currently as the people of the town were beyond exhilarated for the wedding. Less happy for the royals but more due to the golden opportunity to go inside the beautiful castle and the luxurious delectable food was also not left unnoticed. Some were inside the castle while the rest were hurrying to get ready and run towards the castle. The wedding had already began and the families of both, bride and groom, had arrived already in the morning. And no one in the town wanted to miss the royal wedding in any case.

The bride and groom were inside the mandap with a priest processing the rituals. The King would glance over his bride from time to time, to make sure he wasn't dreaming; that whatever was happening was real not his mere delusion. For all his life he had wanted her to be just his and today that moment had came true. On the other hand his family who'd came from hell, looked at their beloved son with happy tears. After years of being lonely and sad, he was finally going to get a partner who will be with him for eternity. Sharanya's family was also no less happy after seeing the wedding. They knew that their son-in-law may be irascible yet loved their daughter dearly. He was a perfect man for their daughter and that's all they had ever wanted.
"My King, vermilion...." the priest handed an opulent looking vermilion box in the King's hand. The people gasped at the sight of the luxurious box and their envy was also soon to arrival.
"Huh!!!! Vermilion box should not be so fancy's written in the Shastra....." Mrs Vineeta whispered to Mrs Alka, although she herself didn't knew anything about Shastra. But envy and jealousy makes you do anything may it be lying or murder. The King filled the vermilion in the middle line of her head, with a smile on his face. When he filled the vermilion he didn't fail to veil her face again as wedding day or not, he still was an obsessively possessive werewolf who had big issues with anyone admiring his woman. The priest after that began to fulfil the remaining rituals.
"Thank you so much.." sharanya's family heard a manly voice from their side. They turned to find Yuvraaj's parents, his elder brother and younger sister standing there with a smile.
"Um......Hi!!!! We are so sorry, we couldn't meet you properly.........You can understand the busyness of a wedding day........" her father said with a chuckle.
"No no.......please don't say sorry. It's not your fault.......We had just came to say thank you for all this....." Yuvraaj's handsome father said with a smile. Sharanya's family really felt that good looks run in their family as everyone was just so good looking.
"We didn't do anything sir and........I..... I.....don't know how will I live away from my daughter........You know it's difficult to stay away from your children....." her father sighed as he saw his daughter sitting inside the mandap as a bride. The King of hell, took a moment of pause as unwanted tears build up in his eyes, he sniffed and started.
"I have been away from my son for 11,000 years.........and I have to be away until this yuga is over.........I do understand........I do....." his croaking voice brought tears in sharanya's father's eyes. He was away from his daughter for a few days and he was so sad already but what about this man who hasn't seen his son for centuries. And in that moment he understood the sacrifice of Yuvraaj and his family.
"My son is not bad...........I know he is a bit short tempered and you all see him as a monster............But my son is not a monster.........he is just devoid of love of a mother, appreciation from a father, strength of an elder brother and care of a sister.........he just needs people who love him......" Yuvraaj mother whispered with brimming tears in her eyes which led her family to cry at the misery of these people.
"Please.........Just don't hate him.......he needs your love, you all are the only ones he have........" his brother sniffed trying to suppress his tears. Her father hugged him immediately.
"Not a single word more now, Yuvraaj is my son and I will not let him feel otherwise. We all love him and this whole world will. I promise........I promise........" her father whispered as he cried. Both the families shared an emotional moment while the bride and groom were obliviously inside the mandap. And when the moment was over they glanced at each others red faces and chuckled.
"Yuvika, won't you say anything regarding your brother....." Yuvraaj's big brother asked his sister. She rolled her eyes.
"I won't........he irks me....." she stated and they all chuckled.
"Oh!!! C'mon when will you both learn to get along....." Yuvraaj's mother sighed while yuvika clicked her tongue.
"That's ok, even I don't get along with him well " said sharanya's father and yuvika grinned.
"That's it........see mom, I told you he is the real troublemaker. He starts the fight but you guys rebuke me....." she said disgruntled.
"You both are troublemakers, none of you is less than the other. " The big brother stated and she rolled her eyes.

The wedding was finally over and the bride and groom stood up. The families of both were happier than ever after seeing that heartwarming smile on the faces of their children.
"You both are now husband and wife in front of the God....." declared the priest.
"Does he have any idea that we don't care about the opinion of Gods.." whispered yuvika to her father. He shook his head and smiled.
"King's younger brother will help the King tie this sacred thread round his wrist. " the priest said. The families were in a dilemma as yuvraaj had no younger brother but a younger sister.
"Pandit Ji, Yuvraaj has no younger brother!!! " said sharanya's mother, nervously.
"Than a best friend can do it!! " the priest came up with an alternative.
"But Yuvraaj has no best friend......" said his elder brother. However no sooner he had said that, a muscular voice echoed in the huge hall making the people in attendance shocked and bewildered.
"Are you sure!!!! " the voice held confidence and everybody looked at the door to find an extremely handsome man with emerald eyes, shoulder length hairs, chiselled face and lastly the physique of a male model, standing on the door. The guests from hell knew who he was perhaps that's why they apparently grinned like a Cheshire cat. And the groom was emotional after seeing his best friend.
"I promised you, that no matter where I would be, I will still attend your wedding..........Yuvi......" said the enigmatic man as he came towards the King. The King couldn't hold back and hugged him tightly.
"Dev............I missed you so much......" he cried and sharanya watched her husband with teary eyes.
"It's ok, I am here now........" the man said as he pulled away from the hug and gently tied the thread around his wrist.
"Anything else, Pandit......" his voice held firmness and the priest shook his head quickly. The man than stepped back and beckoned the King to have a word or two with his bride. The King smiled and turned to her.
"Sharanya, Can I ask you something!!! " whispered the Dark King. Sharanya nodded shyly. He took a deep breath and started.
"Do you love me......." this was more of a plea and he was altogether anxious to know her answer. She pressed her hands on his muscular chest and stared into his eyes.
"Yes, I love you.........I love you so much...." she said looking into his dark green eyes. And with that being said his eyes began to water.
"That's all I wanted to hear...." he whispered as a lone tear escaped his eye and he gently embraced her. Sounds of clapping echoed in the huge castle hall and the fireworks began. The town celebrated the royal wedding and so did the royals of hell and humans of earth.

And that's how my friends ends the tale of the Dark King. A valorous, daunting creature feared by the world found the purpose of his life. The monster squidging the world under his heels found solace in the feet of a fragile, naive beauty. His stone cold heart melted and together they both lived happily ever after.

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