A man from the past.....

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Author prefers lava cakes over usual muffins or cupcakes. What is your favourite!!!! Comment below!!

A blissful morning in the valley. Customary chitter chatter surrounded the tiny town. It was the month of exams in the Schools and Universities, therefore the students were on their way to their respective learning places. It was pretty early in the morn and the emporiums were preparing to welcome the customers. Besides it was Tuesday and the Landscape Mart was offering 25% discount on the groceries and hence the queue of ladies was inevitable outside the huge mart. The men of the town were howbeit gathered inside the town's committee hall. The reason being that it was the time of Annual fete and as customary, the males of the town were planning how to set up everything. The fete was grand every year and this year too they had to make sure that they keep the legacy going. Surprisingly the town's committee had once again voted to take a chance on inviting the mighty King to the fete. He had fiercely rejected their friendly invitation during the carnival but now they hoped that he might show up in any case in the fete. Besides it was the plea of the town's females to invite him to the fete although his chances of showing up were anywhere close to nil.

Inside the castle was a usual picture. The omegas were unflaggingly cleaning up the castle while the cooks were preparing the noon's meal. The King who has always been an early morning werewolf, haves his breakfast sharp at 8:00 am while the queen who is always late in the mornings, haves her breakfast at 10:00 am or sometimes later. But the royal couple take the lunch and dinner together. It was 9:00 am in the morn and the queen was still fast asleep on her bed and their were strict orders to not wake her up in any case. The King because it was the monthly werewolf meeting, was inside the throne room. The Alphas from all over were present inside the throne room and the King as usual was seated on the throne, dressed up like a King is expected to.

Howbeit he was deep in thought

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Howbeit he was deep in thought. Perhaps pondering about increasing his family with his lovely wife. He wanted children and he wanted lots of them. He wanted to claim her his more than once and hence he wanted more kids.
"My Lord!!! " an abrupt voice from his side ended his thoughts. He turned his head to find Dravid looking at him in perplexity. The King rolled his eyes.
"What!!! " he asked in a voice laced with irritation. Dravid sighed.
"My Lord, you look lost!!!! Can I help you in any way!!! " Dravid courteously said. The King looked at him bored.
"Dravid everything is alright!!! Now tell me what issues do these people have!!! I am not going to waste much time, sharanya is going to wake up pretty soon and I want to be with her when she does!!! " he said. The Alphas stiffened at his vaguely scary voice.
"So Alpha Louis has came all the way from Spain, he asserts of frequent rogue attacks on his pack!!! " Dravid read from the big royal paper.
"It will be taken care of!!! Next!!! " said the King. Dravid parted his lips to speak up but Nakul's abrupt barge inside the throne room baffled the alphas and the King himself.
"My Lord!!!! " he panted and the King raised his brow.
"Their's a man outside, he wants to meet you!!! " he said in one breath. The King howbeit gave a bored look, the one nakul was accustomed to.
"Ask him to wait!!! I'm busy!!! " he said in a voice that brooked no denial.

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