The sealed bond.....

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Author's favourite Disney character is Moana. She will be glad to hear yours.

In the early morn of Saturday, the royal couple was back in the castle. The slaves welcomed the castle king and his queen warmly. This particular scenario was observed by Mahir, the confectionery owner and he being the broadcaster of spicy town gossip, broadcasted the entire scenario in front of the town ladies who had gathered in the grocery store for groceries. And that what, the ladies as expected and renowned, made sure that the homecoming of the royal couple shouldn't stay as a confidential affair and should be in the ears of the entire town. Following that the low murmurs and tattles were inevitable in this small town of orthodoxs. Every single townie had formed their own perspective on the morn business. The men on a whole concur in pondering that the couple just needed some time alone and hence their private business needs to be respected and not be pried into. But ladies, well they are a unique creatures, had varied opinions on the incident. Chandar's better half asserted that the King is mustering some troops to conquer the world, Kamal's wife objected that the couple ne'er disappeared but were inside the castle and in the twilight must've gone for a walk, the list of the variety of opinions were never ending.

Inside the royal chamber were the royals. The King was lying on his tummy on the bed, one arm carelessly touching the floor while the other on his side, eyes fixedly staring at his queen. She was getting dressed up for some occasion about which he had no knowledge about. Yet he didn't ask her perhaps he was waiting her to finish dressing up and than he would ask her why she was dolling up like this. Howbeit she saw him through the mirror in the front to find him staring at her in perplexity, she smiled as she turned around.
"What happened!!!! " she asked him with a chuckle. He looked at her through his adorable eyes. Currently he looked pretty adorable, lying on the bed like a toddler, a toddler who'd accidentally grown up.
"Why are you dressing up like this!!! " he asked gazing at her. She chuckled as she strode to him and sat near him on the bed. He grinned at the proximity and made sure to drape his arm round her waist.
"We are going to temple!! " she stated ruffling his hairs. He sat up instantly.
"But why!!!! " he sounded astonished.
"You know when the townsfolk came to attack you, I was so scared. I asked God to save you and me and in the meantime your brother came and save us. I am visiting the temple to thank God!!! " she said placing her hand on his cheek. He was at loss of words after hearing her. All he could do was tilt his head and gaze at her with love and admiration.
"You care for me so much!!!! " he whispered as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. She smiled in between the kiss and kissed him back. It was a matter of few seconds before she pulled away, he whined as usual at the sudden loss of her lips. She laughed at his silliness.
"C'mon get ready!!!! We have to leave for the temple!!!! " she said as she stood up. He sighed as he sprang out of the bed.
"Well, even if I want to, I can't!!!! " he told her. She furrowed her brows.
"Why so!!! " she asked folding her arms. He breathed a sigh as he looked at her.
"Um, Gods don't like me!!!! I mean, you know what I did 10,000 years ago, I literally was a headache for them. You know they tried to kill me many times but couldn't because the Trinity Gods gave me a boon of immortality, well I am a prince of hell so I'm immortal anyway. And when they couldn't kill me, nor they could stop me from doing 'bad things' they simply cursed me to a deep sleep. And I tried a couple of times stepping inside the temple 10,000 years back, but everytime Gods just threw me away from their home. So I opine, I am helpless right now!!!! " he apprise her. She smiled.
"Come with me. God won't throw you away with me, I promise!!! " she stated with so much confidence that he couldn't object further. Gods and him, ne'er got along very well. Besides for the most part they disliked each other but when she says to do something, he will do that irrespective of what might become of him after that. Nonetheless Gods weren't so cruel to him or anyone after all.
"As you say!!! " he whispered as he looked at her lovingly.

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